
作者&投稿:局喻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



The mulberry falls, its Huang Eryun. Goes you, three year old of food
poor. Qi water soup, gradually carriage curtains clothes. The female
also is not feeling well, gentleman two its line. The gentleman also
deceives extremely, inconsistent.


The mulberry falls, its Huang Eryun. Goes you, three year old of food
poor. Qi water soup, gradually carriage curtains clothes. The female
also is not feeling well, gentleman two its line. The gentleman also
deceives extremely, inconsistent.

谁能这些翻译成英文 古文 文言文
答:1 gentleman learned three province on oneself, is known and no mistakes "2.多闻曰博,少闻曰浅。多见曰闲,少见曰陋。《荀子 修身》2more Yue Bo, less smell is shallow. See more said idly, rare is ugly. " Xunzixiushen 3.大惑者,终身不解。大愚者,终身不灵。《庄子 天地》3g...

答:will be persecuted. Oops! Is amazing! Wisdom is embodied in the methods.。4. 将古文翻译成英语,谢谢 下面是我在网上找的,可供参考。我印象中罗经国老师好像也翻译了这篇,如果没记错的话。古之欲明明德于天下者,先治其国。In ancient times, one who intended to carry forward all the ...

答:The mulberry falls, its Huang Eryun. Goes you, three year old of food poor. Qi water soup, gradually carriage curtains clothes. The female also is not feeling well, gentleman two its line. The gentleman also deceives extremely, inconsistent.桑之落矣,其黄而陨。自我徂尔,三岁...

答:1. 英语翻译文言文 聊斋志异--象象粤中有猎兽者,挟矢如山.偶卧憩息,不觉沉睡,被象鼻摄而去.自分必遭残害.未几释置树下,顿首一鸣,群象纷至,四面旋绕,若有所求.前象伏树下,仰视树而俯视人,似欲其登.猎者会意,即足踏象背,攀援而升.虽至树巅,亦不知其意向所存.少时有狻猊来,众象皆伏.狻猊择一肥者...

答:not knowns one another well. another day, a donkey cry, the tiger startles greatly (7), escapes far (8), thinks and bites oneself also (9), fears really. However the intercourse regards (10), thinks without the different functions. Profit (11) custom (12) its, is also ne...

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求求大佬 把这段英文翻译成文言文谢谢!
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答:Alas!Be with god!Wisdom can be!2. 有一段英文,被翻译成汉文,有古诗,文言文,赋 原文:You say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it rains.You say that you love the sun,but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.You say that you love the wind,but ...