
作者&投稿:仇由沫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)







Nowadays, Chinese emphsize the learning of English, which is understandable for English is a universal languange. However, we Chinese neglect another language that inherits wisdom and culture, it is ancient Chinese distilling Chinese wisdom of thousands of years. The ancient Chinese is the inexhaustible resource, like Latin in Europe, Devan in Indian etc. As a chinese, we should pay more attention to the ancient Chinese and Chinese traditional wisdom inheritance...
The advantages of the ancient Chinese are priciseness, beauty and its musical rhythm. It has universal meaning which ensures that modern Chinese are in a position to understand the ancient Chinese "Lunyu" made by Confucius and his disciples.
Development of the ancient Chinese:
Although the modern Chinese is used mainly in communication now, the ancient Chinese still exerses important influence upon the modern, drawing much attention. There are still many people who would like to quote literary quotation,ancinent poetry and ci, what's more, the couplet adopted widespread in Chinese society. All these are uses of the ancient Chinese. Meanwhile, it is inevitable for those who want to learn Chinese literary to have a training concerned the ancient Chinese.

Chinese people paid attention to the modern English language learning. English as a universal language of communication today, it is such attention is not without reason. However, there is a Tradition wisdom, culture language tools are ignored. It is the "classical Chinese"! Classical Chinese -- along with the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese people for thousands of years. Wisdom is endless treasures. Similar Europe Latin, Indian Sanskrit etc. We should attach importance to the Chinese as a classical Chinese learning and the wisdom of traditional cultures to China along : : Classical Chinese advantages : The advantage lies in the chain of refined classical Chinese language beautiful, illuminated, in a variety. I can not stick to one o'clock, so modern people can read books in The Analects of Confucius and others. Classical Chinese development : Modern Chinese society in modern writing rather classical Chinese still be considerable emphasis on writing is a certain influence, many people still love writing, quoted in writing stories, poetry, words, and the widespread use of the Chinese community on. For people who study Chinese literature, classical Chinese training is indispensable.

Nowadays, Chinese emphsize the learning of English, which is understandable for English is a universal languange. However, we Chinese neglect another language that inherits wisdom and culture, it is ancient Chinese distilling Chinese wisdom of thousands of years. The ancient Chinese is the inexhaustible resource, like Latin in Europe, Devan in Indian etc. As a chinese, we should pay more attention to the ancient Chinese and Chinese traditional wisdom inheritance...
The advantages of the ancient Chinese are priciseness, beauty and its musical rhythm. It has universal meaning which ensures that modern Chinese are in a position to understand the ancient Chinese \"Lunyu\" made by Confucius and his disciples.
Development of the ancient Chinese:
Although the modern Chinese is used mainly in communication now, the ancient Chinese still exerses important influence upon the modern, drawing much attention. There are still many people who would like to quote literary quotation,ancinent poetry and ci, what\'s more, the couplet adopted widespread in Chinese society. All these are uses of the ancient Chinese. Meanwhile, it is inevitable for those who want to learn Chinese literary to have a training concerned the ancient Chinese.

答:Nowadays, Chinese emphsize the learning of English, which is understandable for English is a universal languange. However, we Chinese neglect another language that inherits wisdom and culture, it is ancient Chinese distilling Chinese wisdom of thousands of years. The ancient Chinese is th...

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答:英文名称:Literary Chinese 代表作家:屈原、司马迁、欧阳修 代表作品:《离骚》、《醉翁亭记》、《出师表》基本风格:言简意赅 创作年代:古代 记载:竹简、丝绸等物 3. 急求:文言文介绍——翻译成英文 Nowadays, Chinese emphsize the learning of English, which is understandable for English is...

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急求1篇文言文 带翻译
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