谁能这些翻译成英文 古文 文言文

作者&投稿:项金 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Learning is used to improve us,education is to improve people.No learn no smart,no educate no benevolence.therefore,when the founding of new country,whether emperor or common peopel,the first thing is educatingand learning.

1 gentleman learned three province on oneself, is known and no mistakes "
2.多闻曰博,少闻曰浅。多见曰闲,少见曰陋。《荀子 修身》
2more Yue Bo, less smell is shallow. See more said idly, rare is ugly. " Xunzixiushen
3.大惑者,终身不解。大愚者,终身不灵。《庄子 天地》
3great delusion, lifelong puzzled. Big fool, life is ineffective. " Chuang-tzu's world"
4.一张一弛,文武之道。《礼记 杂记下》
4alternate tension with relaxation, Chinese pen and sword arts. " Book of Rites" and the next
5hundred miles half to ninety. " China"
6.荆山之璞,不琢不成其宝。《晋书 景帝记》
6 Jing Shanzhi, not Cheng Qibao, not cut. " A" record"
7.履,德之基也;谦,德之柄也。《易经 系辞下》
The 7track, de base; modesty, virtue and handle. " Changes" personally
8.少成若天性,习惯成自然。《汉书 贾谊传》
8little Cheng Ruo nature, into a natural habit. " Han Jia Yi"
9.君子慎始,差之以毫厘,谬之千里。《礼心 经解》
9beware beginning, sent by a wrong. " Heart" by the solution.
The 10discipline should take in autumn, must bring the spring breeze. " One""
The 11moment advise one, BES advised people to book. " One"