
作者&投稿:弭义 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

楼上的就是在线翻译吧。。。? i ever checked this factory in 2008, now the English name of this factory has been changes, but its Chinese name and address remain the same. This factory didn't pass my the check because it didn't have the factory registration. Do i need to check it again this year?

The basic framework of this paper is that it firstly discusses his character, then analyzes the reasons for that, and finally analyzes the present social significance of the novel. That is, there is a progress of asking, analyzing and answering the question.

We are going to Brunei for business. The local langauge is Malay. Can you recommend one English-Maraly bilingual colleague of you to help us out? Your help is much appreicated!.

We will go to Brunei on business, where people speak Malay. Could you recommend a colleague who can speak both Malay and English to help us? Thanks.

We are going to Brunei on business trip, where the language is Malaysia. Could you recommend a colleague to help us translate with English and Malaysia. Thank you.

答:We are going to Brunei for business. The local langauge is Malay. Can you recommend one English-Maraly bilingual colleague of you to help us out? Your help is much appreicated!.

答:I will let you know the specific agenda later.我稍后会告诉你具体的日程。

答:We prefer to set the time in March, which is more proper, for some stuff members will still be on vocation for the Spring Festival, and the factory will not be in usual operation.

答:These Blue Star Banners, known as service flags, are used to honor a family member who is a member of the U.S. military during a time of war.蓝星旗,又称“服役旗”,是用于在战时有家庭成员在军队服役的家旗的荣誉表彰。服役旗也体现了美国普通家庭对于美国军队的支持,对于以家庭成员...

答:一个人从未故意如此 {Bleak:} Give me something to return to in your heart 给我些可以回去你心里的理由 I fear nothing but to leave here Without you for life 我什么也不怕,只怕在生命中没有你 {Bleak & Ana} We were left in this world for eachother 在这个世界上,我们为彼此存在 ...

英语好的人请进来帮我翻译(英译汉),谢绝电脑翻译 请帮我把这两段话翻...
答:2、Bing Xin once said: the world without women, at least five points, six points of beauty gentle, seven points and eight points of the strong love. The traditional virtue is: good, tough, gentle, intelligent, considerate, thoughtful, tolerant, understanding, gentle and kind, be ...

答:1. Yes, commander.2. Yes, Sir!3. All good(Everything is fine)!4. Underground car park, the car went down(there)!5. Car park at the back, the car went up(there)!6. Relieve(Change shift)7. Sir, please turn around the car and then park inside.8. Copy that(...


翻译高手请进来 帮忙一下 急用
答:楼主不是来学英语的吧,发的问题分都很高啊,看来是真急用,我帮人帮到底!再给你翻译下!译文:你的父母是加拿大以外的永久居民,你全职工作在加拿大企业、加拿大国家公共服务或加拿大省属公共服务部门。请注意,你要遵守你的公民职责 只有:你的永久居民配偶、同居伴侣或父母应遵守他们的居住职责;并 ...

答:My mother is a disabled person, the father temperament is irritable, because drunk liquor, either the work is unpleasant, either the little minor matter, will beat to the mother, he has not let the mother have the opportunity revolt. I love dearly the mother, tried to protect ...