
作者&投稿:謇范 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

楼上的就是在线翻译吧。。。? i ever checked this factory in 2008, now the English name of this factory has been changes, but its Chinese name and address remain the same. This factory didn't pass my the check because it didn't have the factory registration. Do i need to check it again this year?

The basic framework of this paper is that it firstly discusses his character, then analyzes the reasons for that, and finally analyzes the present social significance of the novel. That is, there is a progress of asking, analyzing and answering the question.

We prefer to set the time in March, which is more proper, for some stuff members will still be on vocation for the Spring Festival, and the factory will not be in usual operation.

We also hope that the time set in March, March is more appropriate, since there may be people still in February Chinese New Year holiday, the factory is not working properly.

We prefer to set the time in March, which is more proper, for some staffs will have holidays for Spring Festival , and the factory will not be in normal operation.

We also hope that the scheduled in March March, more appropriate, because employees were likely February holiday, factory is not normal operation

we hope that

答:You have signed all the previous documents, so I think you should also sign this one.

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翻译高手请进来 帮忙一下 急用
答:Under the transitional provisions, if you are a permanent resident who is in possession of a returning resident permit, you will be able to count time spent outside Canada toward satisfying your residency obligations. The time period covered by the returning resident permit must apply ...

答:Factory A plans to do audit on June 5, and June 10 for another factory. I will send the factory information to the auditors.

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答:楼主,还是我!译文:权利和授权 作为一个永久的居民,你有权进入加拿大。在《加拿大权利和自由宪章》范围内,你也有加拿大公民的大部分权利。然而,在你被授予成为加拿大的公民前,你不能参与竞选政府官员和投票。获得更多关于永久居住卡的信息。在加拿大居住三年后你可以申请成为加拿大公民。了解更多关于如何...

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