
作者&投稿:宇文狐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


我对女人的痛苦向来不大明白。这是因为,当我还是小男孩时,我嫉妒过她们。上大学之前,在我认识的人中,对艺术或音乐或文学感兴趣的人,那些读过书的,或看起来有种从容不迫优雅感的人要么是母亲们,要么是女儿们。和男的一样她们要为钱焦头烂耳,缩衣节食,凑合着过。但是,一旦经济来源中断了,她们却不是失败的人。她们也不需要赴战场,而这对我来说是多么幸运的事啊。与父亲们狭隘一成不变的生活相比,我想母亲们的日子过得更丰富多彩。她们可以去邻居家串串门子,到镇上购物,在学校、图书馆或教堂里找个差事做。毫无疑问地,如果我有曾更深入她们的生活,我就不会那么嫉妒她们了。上帝没有把我造成女的,这使我更容易看到她们优雅的一面。 她们中很少有人在外面工作,即使有也是薪酬卑微的职工服务员之类的工作。 那时我并没有察觉家竟然也可以是监狱。因为家对我来说比任何工厂都要明亮,气派得多的地方。我没有意识到-因为没有人说女人是如何受男人欺负的。我确实知道受遗弃的妻子、单亲妈妈和寡妇的不幸,同时我也知道鳏夫的不幸。即使当时我也知道一个母亲要整日照顾孩子的艰辛。但是如果有人问我,在照顾小孩和看管机器之间选择一个,我想我会选择看管小孩(虽然这两件事我都没做过,但是我知道我会选择小孩。)

嘿嘿 你可以看参考书阿

Hello! At the other side of the phone, you do not need to talk! Just listen to me! I know that time is very precious to you! My English is not very well, I hope you can understand! Like any time when I miss you, i am reciting silently in my mind : Are you okay? Are you in trouble? Is there any funny thing you can share with me? I do want to talk to you, and I do not want to waste this only opportunity. I prefer to see you face on face! I know this is not a simple thing. The possibility is close to zero, but I will fight, I'm sure that I have some opportunity, as long as I try! Goodbye! One day we will meet!


"I am very fond of traveling, my biggest dream is round-the-world, I am going to Beijing, fly to Hong Kong. then riding a bicycle shop in Mong Kok circle. a flight from Hong Kong to Singapore, I will stay in Singapore for a week then to New York, New York, I will be in each of his fun part, it may have to spend some time. I intend to stay two months, and then to New Zealand, the last stop in Beijing is back. " Is this. I do not like the round-oh, a little, not Guannamache, which is to enable teachers to do so. trouble you to help me to translate this, I invite you eating problem, a little -
like travelling very much, my biggest dream visits the world, I prepare from Beijing to embark, ride the airplane to arrive Hong Kong, then rides the bicycle to stroll in Kuangjiao. From the Hong Kong take plane to Singapore, I can stay for a week in Singapore, then in arrives New York, I can play New York's each amusing place, this possible meeting to need to spend a time, I prepare in that to stop over for 2 months, after but goes to New Zealand, finally is standing is returns to Beijing”.

I like travelling very much, my biggest dream visits the world, I prepare from Beijing to embark, ride the airplane to arrive Hong Kong, then rides the bicycle to stroll in Kuangjiao. From the Hong Kong take plane to Singapore, I can stay for a week in Singapore, then in arrives New York, I can play New York's each amusing place, this possible meeting to need to spend a time, I prepare in that to stop over for 2 months, after but goes to New Zealand, finally is standing is returns to Beijing”.

"I am very fond of traveling, my biggest dream is round-the-world, I am going to Beijing, fly to Hong Kong. then riding a bicycle shop in Mong Kok circle. a flight from Hong Kong to Singapore, I will stay in Singapore for a week then to New York, New York, I will be in each of his fun part, it may have to spend some time. I intend to stay two months, and then to New Zealand, the last stop in Beijing is back. " Is this. I do not like the round-oh, a little, not Guannamache, which is to enable teachers to do so. trouble you to help me to translate this, I invite you eating problem, a little -

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答:"I am very fond of traveling, my biggest dream is round-the-world, I am going to Beijing, fly to Hong Kong. then riding a bicycle shop in Mong Kok circle. a flight from Hong Kong to Singapore, I will stay in Singapore for a week then to New York, New York, I will ...

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