
作者&投稿:牟韩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

in fact, i know everything.
i know my position in your heart.
i know where is your future.
i know who you will marry.
i know i am only a substitute to you.
i know you will contact them after i leave every time.
however, do you know your position in my heart?
you are my everything, i love you much.
but how come you treat me like that?.
i can't find the excuse that can persuade myself.
no one say that i treat you bad.
i can't understand what you did.
can you tell me a perfect excuse?
you tear my heart one by one time.
i am not sure how long i can continue.
do i need to go on like this?
if you do not want to have a result with me, please get out of my life as soon as possible.
if i am not in your heart, i am just a passenger, please get out of here.
do not impose me to console you, get along these lonely days with you. all i want is long time , in your eyes, i know nothing,i am a stupid guy. in my eyes, i think i am stupid as well, i know everything, but still hide my emotion in order to pretent that i know nothing. what can i do eventually?

carry forward the olympic spirit of understanding, friendship, solidarity, fair compepitition, and active attitude. following the leading olympic logo in the same world, striving for the same target, higher, faster and stranger.

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