
作者&投稿:不伟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


neither (包括 either)有四种用法:

1. 副词:表示“也不”,如:
You don't like this book. Neither do I. 你不喜欢这本书, 我也不喜欢。

2. 形容词:与单数名词或代词连用,表示“即非此又非彼的”或者两者都不的,如:
Neither statement is true.两种说法都不正确。
(比较:Neither of the statements is true. 解释见后)
He took neither side in the quarrel. 在争吵中他任何一方都不参加。

3. 连词:与 nor 搭配使用,表示“两者都不...; ”或者“既不...也不)”(谓语通常与最近一个名词[代词]相一致),如:
Neither you nor I am wrong. 你和我都没错。
Neither you nor I, nor anybody else knows the answer. 你、我以及其他任何人都不知道这答案。

4. 代词:意思是“二者都不”(见上面形容词用法),如:
Neither of the statements is true.
He took neither of sides in the quarrel.

* 形容词用法,结构为 neither + 单数名词:
Neither statement
neither sides
* 代词用法,结构为 neither of + 复数名词:
Neither of the statements
neither of sides

take 和 by 都有“乘、坐”之意。 Take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语;
take+交通工具,表达乘,坐,搭(车、船 飞机),几乎可以接所有交通工具,【除了马,牛等需要骑的东西。】一些例子:
乘马车:take a carriage
乘公共汽车: take a bus (by bus)
乘火车: take a train (by train)
坐地铁:take the subway (by subway)
乘船:take a boat (by boat)
乘飞机: Take a plane (by plane)
打出租车:Take a taxi;take a cab
骑自行车:take a bike(也可以是 ride a bike / bicycle)

on可与自行车、摩托车、火车等交通工具构成搭配关系。in可与除自行车、摩托车和火车之外的任何交通工具形成搭配关系。on多用于开放式或半封闭式交通工具,也就是可以走动的工具;而in则多用于封闭式交通工具,不可以走动的,比如坐在car 里就不能走动。
on和in 后面的交通工具名词可以被不定冠词、数词、指示代词或形容词性物主代词修饰,也可用复数形式。例如on a bike ,on a train, in a bus


可以说take a bike,

一般用 by +交通工具,你列举的那几个都是可以用by 的,by bus,by train,by bike 。。。。。

那个by my bike 的意思是特指我是做我的车来的,也就是说用的语境不同

如果人家问你你是怎么来的,你怎么回答呢,你是回答骑车来的,还是骑我自己的车来的?当然是前者,这就是为什么不能用by my bike


答:2,Open the door,please!It's---A I B my Cmine D me 答案D 意思是 请开门 ,是我。 有答案 C 有问题 是错的。3,Food and water are more expensive than---used to be A it B their C they D he 答案C 意思是 食物和水 比它们 以前的售价贵 。4,---sang a s...

英语口语 问外教问题 问什么好?
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答:否定句,we don't have english every day 一般疑问句,Do you have english every day?肯定 Yes, we do .否定回答。No, we don't .2 否定句,we aren't having english now 一般疑问句,Are you having english now?肯定 Yes, we are.否定回答。No, we...

答:Mary is a teacher 否定句 Mary isn't a teacher.一般疑问句 Is Mary a teacher ?肯定 Yes,she is .否定 No,she isn't.My father has a car 否定句 My father doesn't a car.一般疑问句 Does my father have a car?肯定 Yes,he does.否定 No,he doesn't.she is seven 否定句 ...

答:1,How are you?2,How old are you?3,Who are you?4,What's your favorite subjects?5,Would you care to see it/ sit down for a while?6,Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/ tell me how to get there?7,Could you do me a big favor?8,Am I allowed to stay out ...

答:1.what is he doing now?他现在在做什么?2.Does Miss Zhang teach us english?张老师教我们英语吗?3.What does he do?他是做什么的?4.Where does Rose put her books after school?罗丝放学后把书放在哪里?5.Why not close the door? 为什么不关门?(Why don't you...?=why not do...

答:1.Is Miss Zhang an art teacher?a - an art是元音开头,前面的冠词要加an 2.What's Tom‘s favorite subject?TOM - TOM'S Tom的最喜欢的科目,表示某人的,是somebody's 3.My math teacher is busy but very happy.and - but 这里表示转折,我的数学老师很忙但是他很高兴。4....

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