
作者&投稿:居民 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Personal Certificates of Employment and Income

兹证明XXX 为本公司员工,已连续在我单位工作2年,目前其在我单位担任总经理职务,目前该员工在我公司每月工资为三万元整,预计年总收入含奖金45万元整。
This is to certify that *** is a staff belongs to our company,he/she has been working for our company for two years in a row.Currently,he/she acts as the general manager in our company and owns a monthly wages of thirty thousand Yuan,this is to predict that he/she will own a total annual income of forty-five thousand Yuan include the premium.


Proof is hereby given
Chengda Hengtong Internet Service Centre

注意:不能用3,0000 被修改后会有歧义

certificate of employment

Hereby certify XX 名字, identity card number :身份证号 ,since xxxx年 to xx年 working in our factory as a 职位 !


Certificate of work
XXX and XX years to x years in the period of my unit working as a nurse.
XXX I was mainly responsible for the patient's reception, testing, dispensing andmedication nursing work, and assist doctors to observe the patient's medication; is also responsible for ward cleaning and disinfection work,
XXX performed well during my work, serious and responsible work, can be timed to the gang every day, never be late or leave early; solid professional technology, can accurately complete the tasks the doctor, to assist the doctor to complete treatment of the patients; and meticulous work, patience, and patients and their families havegood communication, so that treatment can the better development; with colleagues and patients to maintain a good relationship, to coordinate their work, is an excellentnursing staff.

Certificate of work
XXX and XX worked as a nurse during XXX.
XXX was mainly responsible for the patient's reception, testing, dispensing and medication nursing work, and assist doctors to observe the patient's medication; is also responsible for ward cleaning and disinfection work,
XXX performed well during my work, serious and responsible work, can be timed to the gang every day, never be late or leave early; solid professional technology, can accurately complete the tasks the doctor, to assist the doctor to complete treatment of the patients; and meticulous work, patience, and patients and their families havegood communication, so that treatment can the better development; with colleagues and patients to maintain a good relationship, to coordinate their work, is an excellentnursing staff.


答:To stakeholders:This is to prove that Miss Lin Daiyu xx Restaurant Management Co., Ltd. in Shandong in the allocation of work drinks, from May 2010 to know now.Miss Lin Daiyu is a serious, willing to learn, hard work, generous people. His work covers deployment of drinks, ...

答:This is to certify that SHANG Huirong (born on March 15th, 1958), has been worked as the Sales Manager in Xigong Tianxing Decoration Material Commercial Firm of Luoyang City since 2003. During the period of Sept. 2007 to Feb.2008, his annual salary and other income is about ...

答:英文工作证明范本 在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都不可避免地要接触到证明吧,证明是用以证明自己身份、经历或某事真实性的一种凭证。什么样的证明才是规范的.呢?下面是我整理的英文工作证明范本,希望能够帮助到大家。英文工作证明范本1 To Whom It May Concern:This is to certify that Ms. has bee...

答:thousand Yuan,this is to predict that he/she will own a total annual income of forty-five thousand Yuan include the premium.特此证明!Proof is hereby given 盛大恒通互联网上网服务中心 Chengda Hengtong Internet Service Centre 注意:不能用3,0000 被修改后会有歧义 希望能帮上你喔!!

答:在职及收入证明 Evidence of Post and Income XXX同志,女,XX年X月XX日出生,从XXXX年至今在我单位工作,担任财务科科长,年薪X万元,其中包括基本工资XXXX元,奖金XXXX元及其他收入约XX万元。Comrade***,Female,Birthday:**(日),***(月),***(年)。is an employee of our unit from***(...

答:nuestra companía 公司(o unidad 或者单位) responsa la autenticidad de este certificado.Información de la Companía(Unidad):Propiedad( 或者Tipo 类型) de laCompanía(Unidad): sociedad de responsabilidad limitada (S. R. L.)有限责任公司 Dirección 地址: XXX 希望能对你有所帮助 ...


答:在职证明最准确的英文:On-the-job certificate is the most accurate accurate 读法 英 ['ækjərət]     美 ['ækjərət]adj. 准确的;精确的 例句 1、It would be strictly accurate to say that he is lazy.说他懒惰是非常贴切的。2、Would it ...


急~请麻烦英文翻译一下 在职证明 出国要用谢谢