
作者&投稿:梅垄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Children in the eyes of love
Seemingly silly expression from islets truest most sincere heart.
When people fall in love with you, the way he said your name is not the same. You will know your name out of his mouth that felt great.
Love is the girl wiped the boy painted perfume cologne, and then they go out and smell the.
Love is when you go out to eat, you put the bulk of their chips to a certain person, but they do not care that he is not also for you.
Love is when you are tired of things make you laugh.
If you want to learn to love better, you should love those who hate you started.
Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, he wears it every day.
Mommy loves me more than all. Nobody kissed her, as I fall asleep at night.
Love is the day you dropped your little dog regardless, but it is still time to lick your face.
1-year-old child, his neighbor is a recently widowed old man. The boy saw the old man crying, he went into his yard, climbed onto his lap, then sitting there. Later he asked his mother what the neighbors say, the little boy said: "did not say anything, I just helped him cry.

1.all the officers should attend the parade.
2.people should be forbidden to drive cars after the midnight.

3.children get along well with each other.
4.we should share the costs together.
5.the party should be held in September.
1.If you don't grabs for this opportunity,you'll never achieve your ambition to be a engineer.
2.You should take notes of her words to you,because many things she talked about are not reliable.
3.She has enough self-control.But it's till hard for her to resist temptation when seeing people eating sweets.
4.She is determined to success and never be shy away from difficult work.
5.He made great contributions to the development of space technology,which enhanced his country's reputation all over the world.


1.他一想到又要见到儿子,心里就高兴起来。(cheer up at the thought of)
he cheers up at the thought of meeting his son again.
2.你的毕业论文交上去之前,需要润色一下。(need polishing,submit)
your essay need polishing before submit.
3.他们对这种产品一无所知,只知道它的名称。(know nothing about...except...)
they know nothing about the product except its name.
4.在大公司做一个接待员和在小公司的是不一样的。(be different from)
it is different to be a receptionist in big organizations from those small ones.
5.是电视帮助人们及时了解周围发生的事情。(Ie is...that...,what happens)
It is TV that helps people to know what happens around them.
6.这些人很珍视30年钱与农民一起生活的时光。(treasure,live together with)
it is treasure for them to have been living together with farmers 30 years ago.
7.当学生们毕业,走上各自的道路时,他们会发现很难相互道别。(to find it difficult to...)
when students graduate and start their new life, they find it is difficult to say goodbye to each other.
8.当他发现现实与他所期待的相差很远时,感到非常失望。(reality,far from)
he was upset when he found the reality was far away from his expectation.
9.我们试图劝说她加入进来,但没有成功。(in vain)
we persuade her to join in vain.
10.给琼斯先生打电话说说下次业务会议的事。(It's time to...)
It's time to call Mr Johns about the next business meeting.

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