
作者&投稿:宣肺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

you are my belief,i will stand on the stage that once belonged to you to create my own glory.
please whish me good luck

I remember yougot into a fightwith myconfession,I remember thatnonsenseto me youdrunk,Iremember when westay up all nightbefore thechat,I remember everything,but they are alljustbefore

They lost a lot of family members
They are very sad during the earthquake
Fortunately, there are encouraging volunteers to give them
Volunteers to accompany their many days
Wishes were injured in the earthquake children to be able to always happy!
Everyone loves them!

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答:请英语高手帮我翻译一句英文 think for 是认为,预料的意思,后一般不跟代词吧,句中的for 应该是of, I'm thinking of you表示我想你,我思念你的意思.各位英语高手,帮我翻译一句话吧~翻译下英语哦,谢谢~ For I've been to Shanghai for a few days,I must apologize to you for not ...

答:这应该标准的,因为我爸爸是翻译员。他教我这个小学生,翻译得应该能行吧。1.Sorry. I'm having a meeting. You can send a massage to me. I'm busy these days, if you have enough time, you can talk with me on QQ a little while later. You can talk to me on QQ, too.2....

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答:哪位强人帮忙翻译一下 谢 <法语> 这句单纯的意思就是一生 如果有前后语,又是男人对女人说的,我估计就是终他一生(去做什么,例如爱她) 那位工科的英语强人帮我翻译一下阿,不胜感激 正反转开关 FWD/REV switch (Forward/reversible的缩写) 电源插口 Electrical socket outlet 离合器 Clutch 吸墨插座 Ink-adsorpt...

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