
作者&投稿:庾巧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hi. I'd like to confirm that you've got the three boxes I sent out earlier for each kind. The recipient is called Wang Lei. If you do receive them I will send out another set for each kind.

随着油墨在打印机针头中老化时间的增长其jet operating window 没有变化,这证明了该种油墨是比较稳定。

你的应该是错的,说的是A wide jet operating window 的稳定,而不是油墨,






翻译为The 40 highway of main lines are existed in complete city,main line 3852 kilometers of general mileage,(and)formed 9 horizental 8 vertical,extend inalldirections,the transportation do it for the convenience of the network of fast highway,with the highway Frame of highway,for improve my investment climate in city ,(and)pull and move the area the economy get up to maximum help and push the function.

In the city there are 40 Main-line turnpikes
, which are totally 3,853 kilometres in mileage. They formed a turnpike net with 9 transverse and 8 lengthwise turnpikes, which is to extend in all directions and convenient. The turnpike net and highway became the advanced turnpike frame of Yancheng. It made a great effect on improving the environment of investment and stimulating regional economic growth.

The city have 40 Trunk Road,and the Trunk Road total mileage of 3,852 km,Formation connected Highway Network


答:7.除了英语以外,我们还学习俄语和西班牙语。(apart from)Apart from English, we learn Russian and Spanish as well.8.由于上班一再迟到,他被老板炒了鱿鱼。(fire)He was fired by his boss, because he was late for work over and over again.9.大多数学生发现靠父母给的那点钱生活很...

请英语高手帮我翻译几个句子 绝对高分追加
答:1.To know more about plural marriage,it is legal to a man with four wives.As to monogamy,it is really...2.Traditionally, male side needs the matchmaker to make an offer of marriage to female side.And the matchmaker is someone who's always talking about the advantages of male...

答:1.美丽的湖泊和湖中的天鹅被视为这个小镇的一大特点。The beautiful lake and the swans inside is viewed as one of the main attractions in this town.2.在中国,出去吃饭被视为一种庆祝方式。In China, eating outside is viewed as a way of celebration.3.香港被认为是以贸易和金融著称的...

答:English and American English is very difference .5.比起以前,现在越来越多的人意思到健康和快乐是最重要的(than ever before).Than ever before , more and more people are realized health and happiness is the most important things at present .英语不太好 还在读高二 希望能够帮助您!

答:. you yesterday at the party did very well, and your singing is warm, you are golden mix Party with you and more exciting 2. You must come to the party tonight, and I'm looking forward to your program 3. Welcome to my house guest had time, I invite you to eat good ...

答:他不寻常的举动引起了我们的怀疑 His unusual acting has aroused our suspicion 他告诉我们他刚找到新工作,我们举杯向他表示祝贺 He told us he had found new work, we drank to congratulate him 这位美丽的女士把他迷住了 The charming lady made him ecstasize 她被骗认为他真的爱她 She was ...

答:(waste)it is a waste of time for us to sit here without doing anything 7,这些资料对我们的研究工作将有很大帮助。(value) the data are of great value to our research 8,在那座城镇里,不管你走到哪里,都会看到它所发生的巨大变化。(no matter where或wherever) no matter where you...

几个英语句子 请高手帮忙翻译一下啊 感激不尽
答:1. 近几十年里,科学家们注意到,由于固体燃料的燃烧引起了大气中温室气体的增加和空气的污染,因此导致了堪忧的气温上升。2. 最终,这会导致极地冰盖的融化,从而引起全球范围内沿海地区的灭顶洪灾。

答:1 I thought you won the basketball match yesterday, but I just got known today that you lost. (+I thought 就行了 这就是 我以为)2 I was almost beaten by him yesterday!3 He went to the bathroom and he'll be back soon.4 You get off work now?(简单的口语的说法)...

答:we will introduce a player of NBA, Mcgrady.7.下面让我们看几张照片.Next, let's see a few of photoes.8.下面让我们看几个视频.Next, let's see some videoes.9.这是他35秒拿13分的画面.This is the picture that he got 13 points within 35 seconds.请高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢....