
作者&投稿:邬阳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Business English letters as among business people establish and maintainbusiness relations, promote trade cooperation and maintain an important medium for good business communication, appears in the international tradeis more and more important

Some people alway go shopping online because they believe that online shopping is more convenient and besides the goods online is cheaper than those on the market.


International business activities are increasely frequent,【due to】或【because of】或【as a result of】globalization.
global integration也可以表示全球一体化,但是比较繁琐,不够地道。正规的英文文件里用的都是很简单的一个globalization,只是中文可以翻译成全球化也可以翻译成全球一体化表强调。

Nowadays, due to globalization, internatonal business activities are taking place more and more frequently.

With the development of economic globlization, international business activities is increasing frequently day by day.

In today's global integration, international business activities have become increasingly frequent.


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一句英文翻译请教大家 谢谢
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请教:帮忙看一下这个如何翻译好吗?汉译英 谢谢大家了!
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