
作者&投稿:丙侨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. He has quit smoking and drinking since a year ago.
2. That girl would rather look after the baby than do her homework.
3. I have so many things to do, so I can't attend the meeting to be held in the hotel the day after tomorrow.
4. Our class monitor suggested we discuss this topic together.
5. I'm in charge of this picnic activity, and I have provided many of their favorite food for them.


1. Today's Shanghai is different from what it looked like before.
2. They didn't take part in the sports meeting on account of the heavy rain yesterday.
3. That boy was smart enough to solve that difficult math problem.
4. How is your desk mate getting along with his English study?
5. I'm afraid he won't agree with us.


The doctor advised him to rest well and take medication on time.
2.大学毕业后你打算做什么?(graduate from)
What do you plan to do after graduating from university?
Mobile phones are more popular now because they are easty to carry around.
4.我喜欢和乐于助人的人交朋友。(make friends)
I like making friends with those who love to help others.
5.这位老年人在医院里得到医生和护士们的很好照顾,很快就康复了。(take care of)
This old man has been taken good care of in the hospital by doctors and nurses, so he became well soon.
6.我们应该利用一切机会提高我们的英语水平。(ought to)
We ought to use every chance we have to improve our English levels.
7.老师建议我们每天用英语写日记。(keep a diary)
The teacher adviced us to keep a dairy in English everyday.
8.无论这项工作有多么的艰巨,我们都要尽力去完成。(No matter who)
No matter how difficult this job is, we will try our hardest to finish it.



1. The doctor advise him to rest, medicine on time.
2. After graduating from college are you going to do?
3. Now the popularity of the mobile phone, because it is easy to carry.
4. I like making friends and helpful.
5. The old people in the hospital get the doctors and nurses well cared for, will soon recover. (of) will take care,
6. We ought to take every chance to improve our English level.
7. The teacher suggested that we can to keep a diary in English every day.
8. No matter how difficult the work, we will try our best to complete.

1.Doctors advised him to take medicine on time and have a good rest.
2.What are you going to do after graduating from university?
3.The mobile phone is becoming more and more popular because it is easy to carry .
4. I like to make friends with people who are willing to help others.
5. The old man was taken good care of by doctors and nurses in the hosipital and soon recovered.
6. We ought to grasp every opportunity that can improve our English.7. The teacher suggests that we keep a daily diary in English everyday.
8. No matter how difficult this work, we should try our best to complete it.

1,The doctor advised him to have good rest and take the medicine on time/punctually.

2,What are you planning after graduating from the university?

3,The handphone has become more and more popular because of its conveniency in mobility.

4,I like to make friends with obliging person.

5,The doctors and nurses in the hospital took good care of the elderly, and he/she recovered soon.

6,We ought to utilize any possible chance to imporve our english level.

7,The teacher suggests us to keep a diary a day.

8,No matter how difficult is the project/task, we ought to strive to accomplish it.
PS:最后一个应该是(no matter how)才对,希望LZ 检查下

1.The doctor advise him to have a good rest and take medince on time.
2.What are you going to do after graduating from college?
3.Now mobile phones are becoming more and more popular because they are easy to carry.
4.I like to make friends with people who likes to help others.
5.The old man gets well soon because the doctor and nurse in the hospital take care of him.
6.We ought to seize every chance to improve our English.
7.The teacher advise us to keep a diary in Engish each day.
8.No matter how hard the work is, we will try our best to complete it.

1. The doctor advise him to have a good rest and take medicine on time.
2. what are you going to be when you graduate from college?
3. Now mobile phones are becoming more and more popular because they are easy to carry.
4. I like making friends with people who are always ready to help others.
5. The old man have been taken good care of in hospital,as a result he will soon recover.
6. We ought to take every chance possible to improve our English .
7. The teacher suggested that we (should) keep a diary in English every day.
8. No matter how difficult the work is, we will try our best to finish it.

答:This old man has been taken good care of in the hospital by doctors and nurses, so he became well soon.6.我们应该利用一切机会提高我们的英语水平。(ought to)We ought to use every chance we have to improve our English levels.7.老师建议我们每天用英语写日记。(keep a diary)The...

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