
作者&投稿:泷秒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我做事认真负责,遇事沉着冷静。有良好的沟通协调能力,能在团队中起着画 龙点睛的作用。为人友善,性格稳重但又不失冲劲。善于察言观色,拥有卓越的接待能力。善于组织线下大小型活动。拥有良好的驾驶技术。
I am serious and responsible for my work. When meeting with matters, I am always steady and calm. With good abilities of communication and coordination, I can bring out the crucial point in the team. Besides, I am friendly and mature while I have a driven personality. I am good at observing people's speech and behavior. I also have mastered of reception. What's more, I am capable of organizing different knids of offline activities. I am a skilled driver, too.
As a broker of dozens of top domestic writers, I am experienced in organizing and communicating for I have contacted and held various large ground live events, such as campus lectures, bookstore sales and new book conference.


1. I can't go about with my classmates after school.
2. --What do you think of your teacher?
--He is too strict, and there are too many rules in our class.
3. There are too many students in this classroom.
4. We always have too much homework. What/How about you?或, and you?
5. No smoking.
6. --Must we finish homework in class?
--No, we needn't. 或:--No, we don't have to.
7. --I can't watch TV after class.
--Neither/Nor can I. 或--Me, neither.

1. After school, I can't talk with students around.
2. Do you think that your teacher?
He was too severe. We the class has too many rules.
3. The classroom have too many students.
4. We always have too much homework, you
5 smoking is forbidden.
6. We have to finish your homework in class?
-no, don't have to
7. I do not watch TV after school.
-can I.

1.I cannot wander around with my classmates after school.
2.-What do you think about your teachers?
-He is too harsh.My class has too many rules.
3.There are too many students in this classroom.
4.We always have lots of homework,and you?
5.No smoking
6.-Do we have to finish the homework at class?
-No,you dont have to.
7.-I cannot watch TV after school.- Me neither.


答:me, disdain for me, I'll always be your faithful person!再翻译成中文:不管怎么说,如果你不介意,我对你的感觉,你知道从哪天我将慢慢开始喜欢你,但我没有对我说过,我不在乎你是否有任何意见,只希望我们总能交到朋友。你有什么问题,可以告诉我,即使你`藐视我,我将永远是你的忠实的人!

答:例句:原文 - 做事情要有计划。意译 - Planning is important when getting things done.调整语序(reordering):在保持原文意思的前提下,对句子中的语序进行调整。这种方法可以让翻译更加符合英语表达习惯,但也需要确保调整后的句子仍然能够传达原文的意思。例句:原文 - 他的眼睛深邃无比,让人难以忘怀...

答:Phrases:1, would like to see a lion 2, a somewhat interesting 3, South Africa 4, what animals 5, what other animals 6, and his friends like to play 7, grazing 8, during the day 9, in the evening 10, eat leaves 11, 20 hours a day rest Sentence:1, let us look at ...

答:2、随身译:可以翻译任何句子或者短语到任意您想要的语言, 而且它包含多个非常有用的附加功能。3、有道翻译:有道翻译提供即时免费的中文、英语、日语、韩语、法语、德语、俄语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、越南语、印尼语、意大利语全文翻译、网页翻译、文档翻译服务。4、百度翻译:会话翻译,支持中文普通话、粤语...

答:1. I can't go about with my classmates after school.2. --What do you think of your teacher?--He is too strict, and there are too many rules in our class.3. There are too many students in this classroom.4. We always have too much homework. What/How about you?或, ...

答:1. Let's stop to do homework.2. Have you finished your writing?或:Have you completed your writing?3. Do you mind my smoking here?4. Don't you forget that you have already played the piano?5. My father always encourages me to study hard.6. The thief denied having stolen...

答:1:挽回光明,拯救堕落 Recalls the light, saves degenerates 2:被放逐的,堕落的灵魂 Sends into exile, degenerates soul 3:请拯救我 : Please save me 4:遥不可及的光明 Distant bright 5:原本我不敢去奢望 I do not dare wild hope 6:现在请带我逃离阴暗 Now please take me from ...

