
作者&投稿:党闹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The abstract is as follows: The human resources flow improvement is the enterprise E-HR success implementation key is. Human resources management informationization was the recent years is popular in the world management educational world and the business community management idea, human resources management informationization importance more and more was also known by China's enterprise, but from the flow angle research human resources management informationization activity, carried on the enterprise personnel system improvement and the innovation research from the flow improvement stratification plane few are also few, this had no alternative but saying that was the Chinese management educational world and a business community disappointment. This article breaks through the innovation in the numerous scholar's fundamental research foundations, proposed in the E-HR implementation's human resources flow improvement model, and had pointed out correspondingly the flow improvement's concrete method, hoped can Ji Ciwei the enterprise correct development human resources management informationization project makes the related instruction and the help.




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Along with the Internet technology and information technology's gradually maturing, the Internet scale expands day by day, network user quantity increases swiftly and violently, the Internet has applied in society's various trades and occupations, with people's routine work and the life relates closely in together. But emerges along with it electronic commerce has had the unprecedented influence to world economics' development. In the electronic commerce winding developing process, emerges is engaged in the electronic commerce in large numbers the new enterprise, some development are quite rapid. Tenable washed the valuable net in 2003 to take the Asian and Pacific biggest network retail merchant circle, was our country biggest auction website and on-line transaction platform. This article take washes the valuable net as an example, studies the website construction the process, makes the people to understand the website construction to the enterprise image demonstration and the promotion, the network servic

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