
作者&投稿:慕菲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Mr. grant was reading a newspaper at 6:50 last night.



One of day in my life
I usually get up at 6:25.
I eat breakfast alone.
I ride to school.
7点20分早自 习,8点开始上课。]
I have the morning self-study at 7:20 and have lessons at 8:00.

I have four lessons in the morning.
It is 12:00 when I get home.
There are three lessons in the afternoon.
I ride to home after the classes.
I usually do the homewok first and then watch TV after supper.
I go to bed at 9:10.

my daily life
i usually get up at 6.25 in the morning,i eat breakfast by myself,the i go to school by bike.i begin to study by myself at 7.20,have classes at 8.00,there are total four classes in the mornign

it is 12.00 when i get home,there are 3 classes in the afternoon,afer the school,i ride bike home

after dinner,i usually do my homework firstly,then watch tv till 9.10,the i go to bed

one day of mine
i usually get up at six twenty-five, and have breakfast myself.i go to school by bike. the morning class begins at seven twenty, and the class at eight o'clock.there are four classes in the morning!
when i arrive home, it is twelve o'clock, and there are three classees in the afternonn. when the class is over, i go home by bike.
after supper, i do my homework first,and then watch TV, and go to bed after nine ten.

My a day
I usually get up at 6:25.My a person has breakfast.I ride car to go to school.Start class at 8:00 from the Xi early at 7:20.I ascend four section lessons in the morning.
Returning to the house already at 12:00.In the afternoon ascend 3 section lessons.After school, I rode car to go home.
Supper later on, I usually overdo an industry first, then watch television.See 9.10 minutes tos going to bed a sleeping.

My day
I usually wake up 6:25. I am a person have breakfast. My son to ride to school. 7:20 early study hall, 8:00 to start class. I am on四节课.
Home has 12 points. Afternoon on 3 classes. After school, I by bike son to go home.
After dinner, I always do homework first, and then watch TV. See after 9:10 go to bed.

My Day
I usually get up at 6:25. I have breakfast alone. I go to school by bike. The reading period starts at 7:20, then at 8 we begin to have classed. I have four classes in the morning.
When I get home it's already 12. I have 3 classes in the afternoon. After school, I ride my bike home.
I often do my homework first when I finish my dinner, then I watch TV until 21:10. After that, I go to bed.

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