
作者&投稿:但看 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

bubbles的my boyfriend,轻松可爱型的,不高不低,而且歌词很简单
菲斯特的One Two Three Four,我妹妹才上初中英语水平就够这首歌了
麦当娜的la isla bonita,我自己英语水平一般,歌唱水平一般,但就听了三遍就会了
全秀妍的Perhaps Love,清新可爱型的,歌词蛮容易,就是稍微长了一点点
艾伦卡特的DO YOU REMEMBER,引用我朋友的话,用途很广的一首歌,K歌、婚礼献歌、约会都用得到
Bodies Without Organs的sunshine in the rain,蔡依林日不落的英文原版,我觉得更好听,而且好学
杰森的I'm Yours,歌词感人而简单

1.around the corner of your eye-a teens

I'll be waiting just around the corner of your eye
If you knew how many nights
I've been sitting by your bed
Running fingers through your hair
While you're asleep.
Every time I call your name
Or softly whisper in your ear
You turn around to look for me
And no one's there
Where ever you are
Where ever you go - I'll be around
I'll be around just want you to know
If you're lost without me
Wondering where I might be
I'll be waiting just around the corner of your eye
Like an angel watching
Meet me when you're dreaming
I'll be waiting just around the corner of your eye
I could be your pot of gold
Everything you're wishing for,
But do you really want to find
The rainbows end.
Let me know and I'll come true
I will give my all to you
But don't let anybody take
Your dream away
Where ever you are
Where ever you go - I'll be around
I'll be around just want you to know
If you're lost without me
Wondering where I might be
I'll be waiting just around the corner of your eye
Like an angel watching
Meet me when you're dreaming
I'll be waiting just around the corner of your eye
There's a song playing in every heart beating
In a key that unlocks every door
There's a time for knowing what's behind the curtain
And it's all you're wishing for
If you're lost without me
Wondering where I might be
I'll be waiting just around the corner of your eye
If you're lost without me
Wondering where I might be
I'll be waiting just around the corner of your eye
If you're lost without me
Wondering where I might be
I'll be waiting just around the corner of your eye
Like an angel watching
Meet me when you're dreaming
I'll be waiting just around the corner of your eye

2.when you say nothing at all-alison krauss

It's amazing
How you can speak
Right to my heart
Without saying a word,
You can light up the dark
Try as I may
I could never explain
What I hear when
You don't say a thing

The smile on your face
Lets me know
That you need me
There's a truth
In your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says
You'll catch me
Whenever I fall
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all

All day long
I can hear people
Talking out loud
But when you hold me near
You drown out the crowd
(The crowd)
Try as they may
They could never define
What's been said
Between your
Heart and mine

[Repeat chorus twice]

(You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all)

The smile on your face
The truth in your eyes
The touch of your hand
Let's me know
That you need me

[Repeat chorus]

(You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all)

The smile on your face
The truth in your eyes
The touch of your hand
Let's me know
That you need me

(You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all)

像玛丽亚凯莉的歌你就别挑战了(见有人介绍她的I STILL BELIEVE,HERO)
还有sarah connor的 skin on skin和every moment of my life也很好唱~歌词也十分简单

always with me - tomohisa okudo

(奥斯卡最佳动画、威尼斯金狮奖,宫崎骏动画神隐少女主题钢琴演奏版 )
02 first love - takayoshi hirano

(日本流行乐天后宇多田畅销单曲,泷泽秀明、松岛菜菜子主演“魔女的条件”主题曲first love钢琴柔情演奏版)

03 green destiny-love theme - tan dun & yo-yo ma


04 before love - ryuichi sakamoto


05 bridge over troubled water - charlotte church

(天籁美少女夏绿蒂,重新演译赛门与葛芬柯最佳友情代表作 )

06 听见蓝山的味道 - 董运昌


07 somewhere in the time - hajime mizoguchi

(“白色之恋1”、“白色之恋2”、“美丽人生”配乐大师沟口肇浪漫爱情曲 )

08 twilight in upper west - the square

(日本融合爵士乐第一团体the square充满夏日风情之作 )

09 1974-way home - mondo grosso

(日本超级制作人大泽伸一领军团体,清新悠闲小品 )

10 waltz in the evening glow - takashi kako

(洋乐坛最代表性国际级音乐家-加古隆新世纪音乐风 )

11 let’s get together now - johnny woods

(2002世界杯足球赛日韩主题曲,钢琴轻快版 )

12 i’m confessin’(that i love you) - thelonious monk

(爵士乐大师瑟隆尼斯孟克钢琴独奏出男人满怀爱慕之心情告白 )
13 love so rare - aselin debison


14 the ludlows - james honer

(配乐大师詹姆斯霍纳,选自电影“真爱一世情 legend of the fall”)

15 流星雨 - 陈冠宇

(钢琴王子陈冠宇加入新力首张钢琴专辑,f4流星雨钢琴柔情版 )

16 auld lang syne - gato barbieri


17 anthem - vangelis feat. kodo


18 nocturne in c-sharp minor - janusz olejninczak

(钢琴诗人萧邦作品,选自电影“战地琴人the pianist)

19 the libertango - yo-yo ma

选自电影“情牵探戈 tango lesson”,马友友完整呈现探戈的热情与活力

20 italia - gabriel yared

(充满义大利浪漫风情曲,选自电影“天才雷普利the talented mr. ripley”)
21 脸颊贴紧月球 - 雷光夏

( 台北爱乐粉红色森林主持人雷光夏风格独特音乐作品 )

22 endless rain - x

( 日本视觉系摇滚始祖,原名 x 的x-japan1989年成名之作)

23 you live on in my heart - opera babe


24 cavatina - john williams

(金奖配乐大师约翰威廉斯,选自电影“越战猎鹿人the deer hunter)

25 why worry - chet atkins

( 爵士吉他大师查特阿特京斯重新诠释摇滚乐团极端海峡dire straits作品)

26 the john dunbar theme - john barry

( 约翰贝瑞,选自电影“与狼共舞dance with wolves”)

27 i’m forrest...forrest gump - alan silvestri

( 以钢琴和淡雅的弦乐陪衬出电影“阿甘正传”主角纯真简单的心灵)

28 街角的祝福 - 陈冠宇


29 once in a blue moon - taro iwashiro


30 adagio - lara fabian


31 vissi d’arte - grover washington jr.


32 the girl from ipanema - charlie byrd

( bossa nova国歌依帕内玛的h娘吉他轻快演奏版)

33 don’t blame me - andre previn


big big world
Big big world

歌手:Emilla 专辑:Big Big World

I'm a big big girl 我是个大女孩
in a big big world 在这个大大的世界上
It's not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你离开我,那是没有什麽大不了的
but I do do feel 但我知道
that I too too will miss you much 我一定会非常非常的想你
miss you much... 非常非常的想你...

I can see the first leaf falling 我能看见一片枫叶落下
it's all yellow and nice 那是多麽的金黄而美好
It's so very cold outside 外面真的非常冷
like the way I'm feeling inside 就像我内心的感觉一样
I'm a big big girl 我是个大女孩
in a big big world 在这个大大的世界上
It's not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你离开我,那是没有什麽大不了的
but I do do feel 但我知道
that I too too will miss you much 我一定会非常非常的想你
miss you much... 非常非常的想你...

Outside it's now raining 外面正在下著雨雪
and tears are falling from my eyes 而眼泪从我的眼睛落下
why did it have to happen 为什麽会发生这样
why did it all have to end 为什麽会结束

I'm a big big girl 我是个大女孩
in a big big world 在这个大大的世界上
It's not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你离开我,那是没有什麽大不了的
but I do do feel 但我知道
that I too too will miss you much 我一定会非常非常的想你
miss you much... 非常非常的想念你..

I have your arms around me ooooh like fire 你的温暖包围著我就像火一样
but when I open my eyes 但是当我争开眼时
you're gone... 你却离我而去了...

I'm a big big girl
in a big big world 在这个大大的世界上
It's not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你离开我,那是没有什麽大不了的
but I do do feel 但我知道
that I too too will miss you much 我一定会非常非常的想你
miss you much... 非常非常的想你...

I'm a big big girl 我是个大女孩
in a big big world 在这个大大的世界上
It's not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你离开我,那是没有什麽大不了的
but I do feel I will miss you much 但我知道我一定会非常非常的想你
miss you much... 非常非常的想念你...

如果你想唱给小孩子 你可以学ABC
如果你想唱给15-18岁 唱the day you went away(初中水平就可以学会)
如果你想唱给英语2级水平的人《Always come back to your love》 《Christmas in My Heart》《 love is color blind》
唱给4级左右的 那最好先学学英语 有2级左右水平就可以 唱给他听他不会说你跑调或发音有问题。。。。

在次推荐Britney Spears Sometimes
如果喜欢什么时候学这首歌都可以 只要咬字清晰~~就可以唱出去了


God is a girl
yesterday once more


1 heal the world Michael Jackson
2 last kiss
3 加州旅馆

答:1、《Boom,Boom》《Boom,Boom》这首儿歌的节奏比较欢快,适合家长和孩子一块听。这首歌词里面包含很多动物类的单词以及一些地理类的知识,家长可以和孩子一起来解读歌词。"Boom Boom Pow"是全球当红组合Black Eyed Peas(黑眼豆豆)推出的新专辑《The E.N.D.》里面的首波主打单曲。这支单曲在发行...

答:《Yesterdayoncemore》《bigbigworld> 《whatbeyouwannabe》《godisagirl》《IKnewYouWereTrouble》《StraightThroughMyHeart》《whistle》《she》《baby》《HotelCalifornia》《Reality》《SavetheBestforLast》《RhythmoftheRain》《IHaveNothingISwear》

答:always with me - tomohisa okudo (奥斯卡最佳动画、威尼斯金狮奖,宫崎骏动画神隐少女主题钢琴演奏版 )02 first love - takayoshi hirano (日本流行乐天后宇多田畅销单曲,泷泽秀明、松岛菜菜子主演“魔女的条件”主题曲first love钢琴柔情演奏版)03 green destiny-love theme - tan dun & yo-yo ma (...

答:我喜欢的十首简单好唱的英文歌曲是《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》、《Happy Birthday to You》、《Jingle Bells》、《You Are My Sunshine》、《The Alphabet Song》、《Three Blind Mice》、《Row Your Boat》、《Bingo》、《Head and Shoulders, knees and Toes》、《London Bridge is Falling Down》。 1 ...

答:1、A Little Love-冯曦妤 《A Little Love》是香港歌手冯曦妤(Fiona Fung)首张专辑的同名歌曲,简单的歌词,清脆纯净的女声,治愈的旋律,听着让人很舒服。有时这个世界可能让你感到太过复杂,但沉浸在这简单的音乐里会让你感到种种美好。2、Say yes my boy-Emi 《Say yes my boy》(答应我吧,...

答:9. Fire fly 译名为《萤火虫》,歌曲欢快而略带忧思,是A-TEENS在中国最为人所熟悉的单曲。简单易学,因此被很多人翻唱。10. Life 其实时被大多数人所熟知的《后来》的英文版,由瑞典女歌手 Sofia Kallgren演绎,声音感人又清澈,加上对中文版旋律的熟悉,英文版学起来也就更加容易啦!

答:1、《Big Big World》这首经典的英文歌曲《Big Big World》是由艾密莉亚·怀得堡演唱的,发行于1998年。这首歌曲的旋律唯美略带忧伤,唱出了很多人的心声,也自发行以来就成为了风靡至今的歌曲。这首歌曲表达了人们对于简单易学的英文歌曲的喜爱,同时也表达了伤感和复杂情感的内心世界。这首歌曲也适合...

答:简单易学的英文歌曲有:《auld lang syne》、《Spicks and Specks》、《When you say nothing at all》、《breaking free》、《You Are My Sunshine》。1、《auld lang syne》这是一首非常出名的诗歌,原文是苏格兰文,直译英文是old long since或times gone by,意思是逝去已久的日子。这首歌曾被...

答:01.Sealed With A Kiss 奥斯卡【学会了这首肯定能得冠军】02.Groove Coverage - Far Away From Home【知名度很广的】03.Westlife - Season In The Sun【校园毕业歌,有点难学】04.Lenka - Trouble Is A Friend【有积极意义的英文励志歌】05.Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting【比赛唱经典一点的...

答:"Jingle Bells": 这是一首经典的圣诞歌曲,简单易学,适合所有年龄段的人。"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star": 这是一首经典的儿歌,简单易懂,旋律优美。"Mary Had a Little Lamb": 这是一首非常著名的儿歌,简单易学,适合初学者或孩子。"Do-Re-Mi": 这是一首来自电影《音乐之声》的歌曲,只有几...