
作者&投稿:曹婷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Has he had

“梦的世界”翻译成英文:The world of dreams "

where there you are, there is home! 改编 自 where there is a will,there is a way。
前面where there you are 没倒装是因为是代词you做主语,不能倒装!

There are you,you have a home
更简答的:have you ,have home (自己翻译的,怕语法不对)

There you have home

where are you, where is home.

There you have home


答:where there you are, there is home! 改编 自 where there is a will,there is a way。前面where there you are 没倒装是因为是代词you做主语,不能倒装!

有你的地方就是我的家 翻译成英文是什么?
答:仅供参考:Where there you are, there is home.

答:Where are you , where is home .

答:Your home will be wherever I am.

“有家人的地方就有家”可否翻译成“Where there is my family there i...
答:Where there are family members gathering, there is the family/home (existing).Where there are family members, there presents the existance of the family.有一点待说明:family、home,推荐前者,偏于人文色调,更有人情味儿;当然home也不是就错了(有道是,East or west, home is best.)...

答:My home is where you are.你自己的版本语法有点小问题,可以翻译成 Wherever you are, my home is there.我的版本比较简洁,但从表达感情而言,你的版本更强烈一些,用我改过的没错误了。

答:The place where I have a baby of you and me is my home.

哪里有爱 哪里就是家.翻译成英语
答:Home is where the love is Wherever there is love, this is home.这两句都是那个意思。希望能帮到你

我想家了 的英文怎么说
答:我想家了英文是:I feel homesick feel音标:英 [fi:l]、美 [fil]feel释义:1、vt.感觉;认为;触摸;试探 I feel just great.我感觉好极了。2、vt.& vi.感觉,觉得;认为,以为;触摸 I feel more compassion and less anger than I used to.我觉得自己比过去多了些同情,少了些怒气。3、n...

...你有一个家,还有爱你的人和你的承诺。”翻译成英文,且说明其中详 ...
答:Don't forget you have a family, people who love you and the promise you made. (77字符)语法严谨最精简也必须是如上的句子,将那 "三点" 并列(以逗号和 and 连接)。但仍然没办法满足 68 个字符的要求,除非 1) 将“你的承诺” 简化 2) 将“不要忘记” 改为 “记住” (反正一...