
作者&投稿:闭欣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
在体积固定的密闭容器中N2 与H2发生反应:N2(g)+3H2(g)?2NH3(g),达到平衡时c (N2)=3.5mol?L-1,~

(1)设N2与H2发开始浓度分别为x、y,转化为n,则 N2(g)+3H2(g)?2NH3(g),开始 x y 0转化 n 3n 2n平衡3.5 1 52n=5,解得n=2.5,所以x=3.5+2.5=6mol/L,y=1+3×2.5=8.8mol/L,答:N2和H2的起始浓度分别为6mol?L-1、8.5mol?L-1;(2)N2的转化率为2.5mol/L6mol/L×1005=41.67%,答:N2的转化率为41.67%.

反应N2+3H2=2NH3在密闭容器中进行达到平衡,平衡时c(N2)=3.5mol/L,c(H2)=11MOL/L,c(NH3)=5MOL/L.求: 1.N2和H2的起始浓度。 用等效平衡算 开始浓度:c(N2)=6MOL/L c(N2)=18.5MOL/L N2+3H2=2NH3 能反应出c(NH3)=5MOL/L 那么原来就需要2.5MOL/L的N2 加上平衡时的3.5MOL/L就是c开始(N2)=6MOL/L H2同理 原来需要7.5MOL/L 家上平衡的11就是c开始(H2)=18.5MOL/L 2.N2的转化率 41.67%(5/12) N2开始的时候的浓度是6MOL/L反应转化了的浓度2.5MOL/L 那么2.5/6*100%就是转化率 就大约是41.67% 3.平衡时压强为开始时压强得?% 由气体对气壁的压强定义 条件相同时(温度压强)体积相同的容器的气体压强比等于两容器中的气体物质的量比 反应开始时有气体重物质的量18.5+6=24.5MOL 反应后3.5+11+5=19.5MOL 那么19.5/24.5*100%就是所求大约等于79.59% 4.平衡时NH3占总体积的体积分数 由阿佛加得罗定理 同条件下(温度 压强)的物质的量比等于气体的体积比 那么反应后一共有气体19.5MOL NH3有5MOL 那么NH3的体积分数就等于n(NH3)/n(总)=5/19.5*100%≈25.64% 明白了么? 祝进步 歆蟹

1.初始c(N2)=6mol/L 【计算 5/2+3.5】 c(H2)=8.5mol/L 【计算(5/2)*3+1】
2. (6-3.5)/6=41.67%
4 5/(5+1+3.5)=52.63%


K=4*4/(3*9*9*9)=0.007316 C(N2)=3 4/2=5mol/L C(H2)=9 4/2*3=15mol/L


□ Hui Shanghai newspaper correspondent reported
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significant increase in the supply of new debt, while market funds face near the end of the period, still continues this year, the liberal state. November statistics show that lending transactions, although the supply of new debt in November more than half of the chain theres a substantial increase, but overall the month due to market liquidity abundant, market interest rates stable in overall down slightly. The weighted average interbank interest rate in November was 1.25%, compared with October, down 5 basis points; 7 days weighted average interest rate of 1.46%, compared to 10 fell 7 basis points.
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sub-species,nike shoes uk, the market for treasury bonds next year still have high expectations. Sealand Securities expects fiscal 2010 budget deficit will remain at 8,000 billion, and next year maturity government debt of about 750 billion yuan treasury bonds next year will remain so up to 1.55 trillion yuan,new jordan heels, almost equal in 2009. In the financial bonds,king griffey shoes, the market forecast financial bonds issued next year will total 1.3 trillion yuan to 1.6 trillion yuan between, representing about 1.3 trillion yuan this year,ken griffey shoes, there is a certain level of increase. Sealand Securities predicted that next year corporate bonds and corporate debt issue size will grow 20% over the current year,dunk heels, reaching 550 billion yuan, short trading and will issue medium-term notes totaling approximately 1.15 trillion yuan.
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答:向2L密闭容器中,加入2molN2和5molH2,一定条件下使之反应,经过2min后测得NH3为0.4mol,则 N2 +3H2 =2 NH3,起始量(mol)2 5 0变化量(mol)0.2 0.6 0.4平衡量(mol)1.8 4.4 0.4(1)用NH3表示这2min内该反应的反应速率=0.4mol2L2min=0.1mol/L?min...


答:(1)写出该反应的化学平衡常数表达式。K=C(NH3)^2/[C(N2)*C(H2)^3](2)a与b的关系是:a > b(填<>=)


在密闭容器中进行下述反应:N2+3H2=2NH3,反应开始时,N2 H2 NH3的浓度...
答:选D 假设N2和H2全部反应完,NH3最多也就0.4mol,3不对 假设NH3全部分解成N2和H2,N2最多也就0.2mol,1不对 所以排除A,B,C


高中化学 N2+3H2=2NH3反应达到平衡时三者浓度比为1:3:2,在想容器中按...
答:1、平衡时再向容器中按物质量1:3:2通入三者,压强增大,平衡向气体体积减小的方向移动。即向右移动,所以NH3的体积分数(增大)。2、 2SO2 + O2 = 2SO3 初始: 0.23 0.11 0 过程: 2x x 2x 平衡:0.23-2x 0.11-x 2x 得到0.12molSO3,所以x...

答:设时间为t秒,则在这段时间内氢气增加的物质的量为0.6mol/L / S*2L*tS=1.2tmol,根据化学方程式:3H2~~~2NH3 3 2 1.2tmol 0.8tmol 而这段时间NH3的物质的量增加了2.4mol 所以t=2.4mol /0.8mol=3秒


答:---N2+3H2=2NH3 起始 480 转化 0.4 1.2 0.8 平衡 3.6 6.8 0.8 (1)达到平衡时,N2. H2和NH3的浓度分别是3.6mol/L,6.8mol/L,0.8mol/L (2):平衡时NH3占总体积百分数=0.8/(3.6+6.8+0.8)=7.1