
作者&投稿:斐温 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请翻译! 就算是Believe,中间也藏了一个lie;就算是Friend,~


就算是Believe 中间也藏了一个lie, 就算是Friend最后还是免不了end, 就算是Lover最后还是会over, 就算是Forget也得先get, 就算是she的心里还有一个he,就算是Wife心里也夹杂着if,就算impossible, 但还藏着possible, 如果现在unhappy,以后还会变happy 

Even there is a "lie" hidden in "believe",and what else should i believe?

Even in the word "believe",there is a "lie" , and what else should i believe?

There is a "lie" even in "balieve", what else could I believe else?

Still, there is a "Lie" in "Believe". What should I believe anyway?

英语be hold to it怎么翻译?
答:be hold to it 英文翻译如下 坚持住 重点词汇释义 hold to 坚持; 紧握 例句 Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision.不论你如何争辩,我将坚持我的决定。

...all sides,还有“四通八达”的英文翻译是be
答:open on all sides (as a road); open out on all sides (as a passage); reaching out in all directions; with great facilities of communication; leading everywhere 其实在实际翻译工作中,用all和every都没有错,只要注意all的名词用复数,every的名词用单数即可。【个人观点,仅供参考】...

...也会成为火影给你们看的!”的英文翻译【自己翻译的加分!】_百度知 ...
答:您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。1、原文:就算一生只能当下忍,我也会成为火影给你们看的!2、翻译:Even if life can only then endure, too,that(或者who)I should become, to show you!以上的翻译是最专业的。

be done 什么意思?
答:be done意思是完成。1、be done属于被动式的原型。它有is done,are done的单数和复数形式,作谓语。如:The work can be done this week.这项工作可以在本周完成。2、done是过去分词,它不能作谓语,但可作补语,表语。作定语和状语,表示和所修饰词之间的被动关系。如:The meeting held ...

答:1. 1。 While financial institutions have faced difficulties over the years for a multitude of reasons, the major cause of serious banking problems continues to be directly related to lax credit standards for borrowers and counterparties, poor portfolio risk management, or a lack of ...

答:i like to be alone spend time怪怪的:P from what i mentioned above we can see that it is not necessary 【for true friends】 to be exactly the same 搜到的一些表示的独处的英文 fond of being alone; used to being alone 喜欢独处的;习惯于独处的 I've gotten used to 【being ...

...insults的 拜托拜托~~各种在线翻译就算了
答:Cyber insult is a new form of insult, which has many new features compared with the traditional one. For example, the cost to post any insluting and defamatory speeches is very low. As the poster can be anonymous, it's quite difficult to track down the true ID of the poster...

答:There was a time I was crazy English and often sleep in the night, inviting the angle, while thinking about the lovely word, while Touzhaole. The same people who asked me for the Lok Shane? I said, the word back then. This may not be easily understood, in the past, I ...

求在线翻译 用什么工具的就算了 有明显语法错误就算了 说给英语老师听...
答:You are my what you is my superior happy beauty so you can lift me in palm? Oh I mean so I drink can put you lost 你是我的什么 你是我的优乐美 这样你就可以把我捧在手心了吗 哦 我的意思是这样我喝完就可以把你丢掉了 This morning I saw a man was hurt but it with ...

答:the interest for him growed rapidly. Somesone ever said a woman would be hell-bent on what she fell in love with but when she changed her focus, it is sure that she woud never turn back. Strictly speaking. what I had done did not belong to that type. Because I did not ...