
作者&投稿:刘舒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 翻译 她一定会全力以赴的为我们表演 She will surely go all out to perform for us. 所以
我们也要倾尽全力的去支持她 So we shall also need to do our best to support her
让她知道 to let her know that 她的努力不会白费 her effort will neither be a waste 她的汗水不会白流 nor her hard work be in vain
她背后有着很多很多的人在支持着她 and that behind her there are lots and lots of people supporting her. 2010-03-01 20:30:38 补充: Correction: ...她的努力不会白费 她的汗水不会白流... ....neither will her effort be a waste nor her hard work be in vain... .
She will go all out for our performance Therefore
we must make every effort to support her in Let her know Her efforts will not be wasted Her sweat will not be in vain She has a lot of people behind in support of her ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hope i can help you! i find a good翻译int with you
参考: me
谢谢!!! 她一定会全力以赴的为我们表演 She will do her best in the performance. 所以
我们也要倾尽全力的去支持她 Consequently
we should support her with all our might. 让她知道 Let her know that 她的努力不会白费 her effort will not be wasted & appreciated and 她的汗水不会白流 her sweat will not be wasted too. 她背后有着很多很多的人在支持着她 There are lot of people supporting her. 赶用的...请务必要正确哦!!!万分感谢!!! urgent... Please be accurate. Thanks So Much!
What she certainly whole-heartedly will be we performs Therefore
we must lean try to support her Let her know that she will not waste her sweat not to be able diligently the white print behind her to have many people to support her Catches up with…Please by all me must want correctly!!! Extremely thanks!!
参考: yahoo
她一定会全力以赴的为我们表演 所以
我们也要倾尽全力的去支持她 让她知道 她的努力不会白费 她的汗水不会白流 她背后有着很多很多的人在支持着她 She will go all out for our performance Therefore
we must make every effort to support her in Let her know Her efforts will not be wasted Her sweat will not be in vain She has a lot of people behind in support of her
She will perform to us with her greatest effort
and so
we should show our greatest appreciation to her
in order to let her know
she won't waste her effort and we are supporting her. Very urgent. Plz be accurate. Thank you very much.
参考: st. paul's student
She can certainly whole-heartedly be we performs therefore
we also must lean do one's best support her to let her know she cannot waste her sweat diligently not to be able the white print behind her to have very many very many people to support her 希望可以帮到你 另外  worldlingo/zh_/products_services/worldlingo_trlator 依个网可以帮你翻译<3

答:on well with others.3,我经常帮助别人,只要别人有帮助,而我做得到,我都会向他伸手 I always help others. If anybody needs my help,and I can do that, I will give him a hand.英语翻译追求神意相符,并不是每个字都要翻译到。而且尽可能要简洁,用越简单的句子表达你想法是比较好。

请帮我翻译以下句子 请尽快,有急用,谢谢!!
答:通过分期付款的方式,获得利润。④然而,在很多情况下,信用卡系统中最大的输家,不是信用卡公司,不是商店,也不是信用卡使用人,而是一般的客户。⑤大量研究表明,生活或工作在在噪音很大的地方,会影响听力。楼主,纯手打。很诚恳很用心地在帮你翻译!来自知道专业团队→学习帮助 望采纳!谢谢!

答:1. For those who haven't got time to consumate, should just sing a farewell song.骊歌:告别的歌 2. Yourself is a passing traveller.过客:过路的客人 3. My own heart is like stagnant water.止水:静止的水.参考汉语大词典

请再帮我翻译以下句子(急用) 谢谢
答:1.容易受伤的女人The woman getting hurt easily.2.我就是这样一个精神恍惚的人I am so an absentminded person.3.那魔咒到底何时才会解除? Would that ising evil to curse exactly when relieve?4.丑小鸭是不是不会变成美丽的天鹅?Can't the ugly duckling become beautiful swan?5.2个月了,...

答:1.We predict that despite the very low temperatures , the weather will be sunny and beautiful in recent days.2.On such a small case of the age,her expreience is so rich.3.The president said thank you to the scene when he winded up his speech.4.The people throughout the...

答:译文 : Classmates, the first stage of study of ours will be over soon, the whole foreign teacher's class should begin to open the class at once, is everybody interested? The whole foreign teacher's class, we have a class the possible one does not speak Chinese, the ...

请高手给我翻译下以下我要日常用到的句子 谢谢啦
答:1,你是来旅游的还是在这工作 do you come here to traval or work?2,请随便看一看 just have a look 3,我觉得这个比那个更适合你一些 i think this is perfect for you 4,我认为这个是你的风格。i think it is your style 5,今天下雨了,很冷。it's raining today, and cold 6,...

答:park is getting more beautiful.14 In order to keep healthy ,I do exercise for 1 hour every day.15 It's getting cooller day after day when in November 要给我加分呀,你看看翻译的质量就知道我的答案好坏了.你仔细看看楼上的肯定是用翻译软件翻译的,翻译得那么生硬,语法都是错误的!

请高手帮我翻译10 个句子,谢谢啦~!
答:5.许多人认为这种药有助于睡眠.而我只能暗自感叹:"要是他们知 情就好了".Many people believe (that) this kind of medicine is good for our sleep.All I can think of is "if only they know the true."6.他一直在琢磨这个问题,知道完全把他解决为止.He had been chipping away at this ...

答:1 什么也不能阻止他实现自己的梦想 nothing can stop him from realizing his dream.2 他的行为损害了两家之间的关系 what he did does harm to the relationship between the two families.3 邮票贴在信封的右角、stamps should be sticked on the right corner of the envelope.4 他习惯把每件...