
作者&投稿:左丘狱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

3.涂漆方法及其他要求按JB/T 4711的规定。

1. Headroom equipment weight is 1135kg, the weight of the equipment over water is 1285kg.

2. Paint or other coatings should be qualified to carry out hydraulic test.

3. Coating methods and other requirements in accordance with JB / T 4711 requirements.

4. In addition to control the surface of galvanized metal parts and double fin-tube, the other parts of the coating, together Antirust Paint, Antirust Paint paint dry and then heat-resistant coating 2, room temperature drying paint each of not less than 24h.

5. Painting must pre-treatment of metal surfaces to remove oil, rust, weld spatter and other debris impact on the quality, surface treatment equipment to meet SP6.

6. Film quality should be a solid film after dry adhesion in the coated metal surface, the appearance should be bright, color consistent, no bubbles, peeling, wrinkled skin, the adhesion of impurity particles, flow marks and obvious, such as brush mark defects.

7. The requirements of special anti-corrosion technology Air Heater agreement should be carried out on the surface of the corresponding control treated with preservatives.



Childhood is less clear to me than to many people: when it ended I turned my face away from it for no reason that I know about, certainly without the usual reason of unhappy memories. For many years that worried me, but then I discovered that the tales of former children are seldom to be trusted. Some people supply too many past victories or pleasures with which to comfort themselves, and other people cling to pains, real and imagined, to excuse what they have become.

I think I have always know about my memory. I know when it is to be trusted and when some dream or fantasy entered on the life, and the dream, the need of dream, led to distortion of what happened. And so I knew early that the rampage angers of an only child were distorted nightmares of reality. But I trust absolutely what I remember about Julia.




2. Guidance
The young leading the young,is like the blind leading the bling;they will both fall into the ditch.The only sure guide is he who has often gone the road which you want to go.Let me be that guide,who have gone all roads,and who can consequently point out to you the best.If you ask me why I went any of the bad roads myself, I will answer you very truly,that is for want of a good guide was wanting to show me a better.But if anybody ,capable of advising me,had taken the same pains with me,which I have taken, and will continue to take with you,I should have avoided many follies and inconveniences,which undirected youth ran me into.



3. The Rabbits and the Wolves
Within the memory of the youngest child there was a family of rabbits who lined near a pack of wolves.The wolves announced that they did not like the way the rabbits were living.(The wolves were crazy about the way they themselves were living ,because it was the only way to live.)One ninght several wolves were killed in an earthquake and this was blamed on the rabbits,for it is well known that rabbits pound on the ground with their hind legs and cause earthquakes.On another night one of the wolves was killed by a bolt of lighting and this was also blamed on the rabbits,for it is well known that lettuce-eaters cause lightning.The wolves threaten to civilize the rabbits if they didn't behave,and the rabbits decided to run away to a desert island.But the other animals,who lived at a great distance,shame them,saying,“you must stay where you are and be brave.This is no world for escapists.If the wolves attack you,we will come to your aid,in all probability.”So the tabbits continued to live near the wolves and one day there was a terrible flood which drowned a great many wolves.This was blamed on the rabbits, for it is well known that carrot-nibblers with long ears cause floods.The wolves descended on the rabbits,for their own good,and imprisoned them in a dark cave,for their own protection.



1 童年

哎呀 太长了 分太少



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