
作者&投稿:定印 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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Maybe it is really hard in the last ten months, howerver, in order to realize my draem, I will never retreat and will make a meaningful life just like it is my last day, no matter how tired i am.

After all, I am more than ten years old,and may reach the years of discretion. It is not to say but to do, to try my best.
It is difficult though, I believe I can do and do it best. No matter how hard or fatigued, this is my choice and I must desperately preserve with it.

I think that it is necessary for university students to take the CET4 test. It is because that English is the wildest language in the world nowadays, and it is also very important for university students to study English well. Also, as an ability test,CET4 not only shows us know our English level, but an affirmative of our abilities. However, some students think that it is not important for us to take this kind of test, which I think it is a wrong standpoint. Because as a contemporary university students, we should comprehensive develop our abilities, and studying English well also helps our ability developments.


I think students necessary in CET4 test test. Because English has become the world's most widely used languages, but also for undergraduates is especially important to learn English well. But as a kind of ability of CET4 test to detect can let us understand their English level, and is also a kind of ability. Some students think we attend now such exams is not necessary. I think this is a kind of incorrect viewpoint, because as a contemporary college students should develop in an all-round way, for their future also learn a foreign language well.

I think all college students need to take part in CET4. Because English has became the most widely used language all over the world, moreover, it is especially important for college students to learn English well. As a English level measurement test, CET4 enables us to understand how our English is, and it's also a proof of our ability. Some of the students think it's unnecessary to take part in this kind of tests, I disagree with their opinion, as morden college students, we should be fully developed, and learning English well is also helpfull for our future work.


答:sincere and genuine. I absolutely adore you and love you.就这些喽,我是在英国学习6年的学生,也写过一些爱情的东西,所以这个翻译应该是正确的, 我还加了一些感人的词等等,所以不是真真的一字一字的翻译. 这样,会使这几句话边的感人.希望我的翻译有帮助!From a student in Manchester ...

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20分悬赏~ 请帮我把下列中文翻译成英文(英语好的进)。语法一定要对啊...
答:complex, second day level, grammar a don't wrong! Had better not too stiff. Don't use translator translation, so it is not accurate, please English good people help! Please ~ speed!!! Genuflect is begged ~ ~ ~ thank you all in advance!有道翻译出来的英语,必须中式 ...

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