
作者&投稿:蒋孙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


have you seen me walking?
i have to look where i am walking
i look there…my feet…my pulse…and movement
looking there…i walk here…i fall down
i cannot do three things
maximum i have tried is two
but i lose my balance


I call***, is mathematics to fasten 072 class a students of classes, I am the character space is bright, cheery girl, take pleasure in help nearby of the classmates, the time in senior high school, I look forward to the life of university very, now, I have already become one member in the tens of thousands university student, I feel very happy.
I love dancing, therefore, at the school hold of the third cultural stanza, lucky of in other classmates waited total 20 people to attend dancing of whole school to compare together just, and acquire an etc. prize.
I have a passion for this university, having already enriched a colorful life here, making amiable of teacher, there is the friend of docile amiability, in order to can live here for 4 years but feel honor, I therefore, I the life for this 4 years, I certainly double effort, delineate perfect picture for my life.


答:1. This article makes me feel so much, informing me a lot.2. I personally think what he did is right and should be promoted.3. He has noble character and spirit.4. Should Human kinds have such character and spirit can them improve personal value so that understand life.5. ...

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