
作者&投稿:不齿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The buyer pays 30% of the total payment after signing the business contract, and pays another 65% after the goods arrived within seven working days. The last 5% will be treated as quality guarantee deposit and needs to be paid within the year.


质量保修金 project repair fund,质量保证金 quality guarantee deposit.


问题呢= =

1、"Patience, respose, stability, these are gifts parents most need
耐心,责任心,持久力, 这些品质是家中最需要的.
—not to be feverishly looking for results as we go along, nor digging up the little seeds we have sown to see how they are getting on underground.
并不是抱着一颗狂热的心期盼好的结果. 也不是将我们种下的种子全都挖出来看看它们是怎麼长的.
Every vital process must necessarily be gradual and subject to drawbacks, and it is madness to expect to eat a loaf of bread out of the growing wheat."
每一个重要的过程必须保持平缓并且服从它的缺陷. 在小麦生长的过程中就想吃到面包就太愚蠢了.
2、I am not going to say that I think it is an evil to be an only child.
I know this is a debatable point, one of the many that are, of their very nature, never-ending, still—beginning, for, as with the others,
it continues to be debatable just because there is so much to be advanced on both sides.
Among the non-wealthy educated classes, the present generation is noticeably one of small families, where an only child is no rare bird,
在并不富有却受过良好教育的家庭阶级里, 目前的时代里独生子并不稀有.
and, of course, it will remain for its successor to decide how this phenomenon will have operated for the general welfare and for the individual's happiness.
还有.当然了, 它会保持它的继承者,来决定这种现象对于福利和个人的幸福来说有何影响.
3、Turning again to economics—economics in some shape can never be long out of our thoughts—there is, of course, one very obvious advantage the only child possess:
提到此事,经济方面是离不开的.由于 独生子女家庭在经济方面大有优势.
whatever his parents may be able to spend on nourishment, education, embellishment and recreations of their offspring is, up to the limits of their goodwill, concentrated on him.
不管家长们可以花钱提供滋养品,教育教学,修饰品和他们子女的消遣和娱乐, 是根据他们对于子女的善心来决定的.
Other things being equal, an only son gets a more advantageous start in his profession, an only daughter has a surer prospect of financial independence of marriage, than members of large families can look for.
其他东西就平等. 独生子在个人专业方面会大占优势.而独生女在婚姻的财政方面占据优势.如果家长们希望有个大家庭的话.
The innumerable things money puts one in the way of are not negligible quantities, they are very real "talents", in the Biblical steward's sense, opportunities.
For the material outfit, for the gates set ajar at the entrance of the avenue towards worldly success, it is well to be an only child,
物质上来说,对于那些大门半开朝向成功的街道, 作为独生子还是十分有利的.
and I can see nothing to be ashamed of in frankly counting these things as the real and enduring advantages which the only child holds over the brothered and sistered child.
As a matter of fact, they are ever present as advantages, in the minds, if not on the lips, of all sensible people.
事实上, 这些有利的条件是在明智的人们脑袋里,而不是嘴上,呈现的.
4、Few things that present obvious advantages but do not, when looked at below the surface,
有几件事呈现出明显的有利条件, 但如果不可看的很深.
manifest some corresponding disadvantages. Especially, I think, is this the case with the only child;
证明一些相应的不利条件. 我想, 这才是独生子要特别注重的事情.
so much so that his disadvantages have come to usurp the place in popular estimation of his really more obvious advantages.


答:1、"Patience, respose, stability, these are gifts parents most need 耐心,责任心,持久力, 这些品质是家中最需要的.—not to be feverishly looking for results as we go along, nor digging up the little seeds we have sown to see how they are getting on underground.并不是抱着一颗狂...

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答:focus on the personal understanding of this major and some opions on the prospects of the major development, which will enable us to know it better, and thus set a goal for our future development after graduation.经常写论文摘要,这个是熟练工了。纯人工翻译哦,如果可以请采纳。

...并有练习和翻译。 急啊~~~求各位高手帮帮忙
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