
作者&投稿:爰音 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Would you like to help me?
Do you mind helping me?
Could you help me?

A&B: excuse me. could you please do us a favor?S: sure, no problem. so, what can i do for you?A&B:oh, thanks a lot, could you just help us take a photo,we think the views here are so beautiful.S: OK, that's easy. all right, one two three. say rebles!(就是中文“茄子”的意思)A&B: thank you so much.S: it's my pleasure.希望楼主满意也希望可以采纳为满意答案。

Could / Would you do me a favor? - Use this form to ask in general if someone will do a favor for you as a way to begin the conversation.
Would you do me a favor? I need some help.
Could you do me a favor? I'm late for work ...
Could you please + verb - Use the simple form of the verb (do) to ask for help with specific situation in polite situations.
Could you please take me to work?
Could you please lend me a hand?
Could you possibly + verb - Use the simple form of the verb to ask for help with specific situations with being very polite.
Could I possibly take some time off to help?
Could you possibly work overtime today?
Could I ask / bother / trouble you + infinitive - Use the infinitive form of the verb (to do) to ask for a favor in formal situations.
Could I ask you to help my brother?
Could I bother you to give a ride to work?
Could I trouble you to open the door for me?
Would you mind + verb + ing - Use the gerund form of the verb (doing) to ask for a favor in every day situations.
Would you mind closing the window?
Would you mind cooking dinner tonight?
Would it be too much trouble for you + infinitive - Use this form with the infinitive to ask for a favor in very formal situations.
Would it be too much trouble for you to let me come in late tomorrow?
Would it be too much trouble for you to take a look at this letter?
May I + verb? - Use the simple form of the verb with 'may' when the favor you're asking requires permission.
May I leave class early?
May we use your telephone?

答:(1) No, thank you. I can manage. 不用了,谢谢。我可以自己处理。 (2) No, thank you. I’m fine. 不用了,谢谢。我很好。 (3) No, thanks. I’m good. 不用了,谢谢。我很好。 (4) No, thanks. 不用了,谢谢。accept, decline, help, offer help, 协助 英文, 拒绝协助 英...

寻求别人帮助的礼貌用语 英语怎么说 如excuse me
答:常用的是:Could/Can you help me?或者Would you please dome a favor?常用语小英语:Hello,Hi!是你好,见面问好常用到。Goodbye是再见,Good nigh道晚安。同学多日不见面,相见问好How are you。答语常用I'm fine. Thank you。打扰别人问问题,开口先说Excuse me。别人关心帮助你,感谢用语Thank ...

答:turn to sb. for help:词性为短语,这个短语中的“turn to”意为“求助于”,后面接某人作为帮助的对象。ask sb. for help:词性为短语,这个短语中的“ask”意为“请求”,后面接某人作为帮助的对象。通过下面的表格我们了解下turn to sb. for help和ask sb. for help的含义、发音和用法 接下...

答:当我们否定别人一个意见或者拒绝别人的请求时,多半会比较不好意思,所以为了表达我们的歉意或者为难,多会在语句中应用一些softeners(软化词)。比如:|To be honest|,|I’m afraid|,|With all respect|,|I’m so sorry|,|unfortunately|,|If possible|等等。To be honest, I think we need ...

答:Would you like to help me?Would you please...?是最好的礼貌句型 亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!

答:礼貌请求在日常生活中非常重要,它可以表现出我们的尊重和关心,增强与他人的良好关系。以下是几个常用的礼貌请求的英语句子:Could you please help me with this?Would you mind passing me the salt, please?May I ask for your help on this matter?I was wondering if you could do me a ...

答:以礼相待最后,当请求大帮助时,记得增加礼貌语和实际请求之间的停顿,让他人有足够时间回应。同时,记得用 "favor",如 "Could you do me a favor...",表达你的请求。外文在线App,致力于为英语学习者提供实用、有趣的学习资源,包括口语课程、电影观看、真人Vlog和语伴交流等,让你轻松成为语言...

答:翻译:如果你有困难,你可以请求帮忙。例句中使用了ask for+n的形式,表示请求帮忙。3、request for sth;例句如下:They made a request for further aid.翻译:他们要求再给一些帮助。例句中使用了request for+n,表示请求给予一些帮助。He was there at the request of his manager/at his manager'...

答:1.委婉地请求:Could you please+do sth.?Could you+do sth.?Would you please+do sth.?Would you+do sth.?肯定回答:Sure./Of course./No problem./I’d love to.否定回答:Sorry./I’d love to but I…例:1)Could you please clean our yard?你能打扫一下我们的院子吗?2)Could ...

答:记得我一直告诉你得礼貌呢?Be polite – yes you keep telling me that.礼貌点,是的,你一直这么告诉我。And if you want someone to help you, ask them, don’t tell them – even if it is Tom!如果你想让人帮你,去请求他们,不是命令他们。即使是对待汤姆!Oh right...