
作者&投稿:智莫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
加拿大BC 省气候怎样~



没有听说过进sauder之前就要考掉的!只是好像考不过升不了大二因为英语课修不了 (英语课是一年级必修课)你修不完第一年的课就升不了大二,所以才说会被T
LPI的书UBC bookstore就有卖的! 然后可以请个tutor辅导一下,中国应该买不到吧

Climate in British Columbia is influenced by latitude, mountainous topography and the Pacific Ocean.This diversity causes wide variations in average rainfall, snowfall, temperature and hours of sunshine, sometimes over very short distances.In general, temperatures are warmer in the south than in the north, and rainfall is heaviest along the coast and lightest in the southern interior. BC is a large province, and therefore has a number of different climatic zones.

答:Climate in British Columbia is influenced by latitude, mountainous topography and the Pacific Ocean.This diversity causes wide variations in average rainfall, snowfall, temperature and hours of sunshine, sometimes over very short distances.In general, temperatures are warmer in the south than...

答:Hello everyone,(大家好)My name is XXX.(我叫XXX)I am ten years old.(我10岁了)I am from Shen Zhen Nankai school. (我是深圳南开学校的)I am in class 3 grade 4.(我是4年级3班的)I like reading,dancing and painting in my spare time.(我喜欢在我的课余时间看书,跳舞和画画)...

答:6.I wept when I was born, and every day shows why.(Jack London, American novelist)我一生下来就开始哭泣,而每一天都表明我哭泣的原因。(美国小说家 杰克·伦敦) 7.Light troubles speak; great troubles keep silent. (Lucius Annaeus Seneneca, Ancient Roman Philosopher)小困难,大声叫嚷;大困难,闷声不...

答:英语作文自我介绍5句话分享:To introduce myself Hello,every one!My name is XXX. I'm a 19 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of XXX. I'm an active ,lovely and clever girl.不知道如何写作?点击下方蓝字链接,免费欧美外教写作课分享给大家。【免费领取,外教一对一精品课...

答:小学四年级英语作文6句话,带翻译,回答的好的话再加10分 Our school is a very beautiful school.There are many flowers and trees in our school.Our classrooms are very big and bright.There are many students and teachers in our school.The teachers are very friendly. I love my ...

答:I'm sorry, but you can use my bike tomorrow.抱歉,但明天你可以用我的自行车。 You'd better not.你最好别这样。 (4)You can take that,if you like.可以给你那个,如果你想要的话。 Take it, by all means.拿去吧,完全没有问题 。Take it, do.拿吧,拿去吧。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答...

答:这句话昨天我去看一部电影 Stuart Little 时也听到一次, 就是他们家的猫 (Snowbell) 很讨厌 Stuart, 它就跟其它的猫说了, “I will get rid of that mouse.” 10. I really got a kick out of bungee jumping. 我从高空弹跳中得到快感。 Kick 除了一般大家所熟知的意思: “踢” 之外, 在口语的英文...

答:l failed in my test.l must improve my spoken English 考试没及格,我要加强口语了 Go ahead and practise. Nobody will laugh at you.大胆去练,没人会笑你的。But l often make mistakes,l can't relax myself when l speak English 但我老犯错,一讲英语我就紧张 don't worry,you need...

答:7. 用英语介绍同学的作文五句左右,是六年级适合的 My Clas *** ate Mary Mary is one of my ClASSmates. we are good friends. She is a little bit special, for it is hard to find a girl so fat in her teens. Someone says, “She seems like a big snow ball with o ***...

答:范文:This is the first week of the second term.When I went back to my familiar school,I found that everything was so energetic that I even felt I should do something to change myself.It's time for me to make change,I know.今天是第二学期的第一周。当我回到我熟悉的学校,...