
作者&投稿:齐泉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、village: He lives in a village.
2、imagine: I can't imaigne that terrible thing!
3、soup: I do not like any kind of soup.
4、cheese: I like having cheese.
5、pie: My mother likes eatting pie.
6、biscuit: He doesn't know how to make biscuits.
7、pancake: I like eatting pancakes.
8、western: The Tussian ballet is making a tour of Western Europe.(俄罗斯芭蕾舞团正在西欧巡回演出)
9、Indian: He is an Indian.
10、Russian: She is a Russian.
11、pity: It is a pity.
12、supply: More donors are needed as blood supplies are running low.(由于血浆供应不足,需要更多的献血者)
13、cut: Doyou want me to cut the cake?
14、oil: Check the oil level in your car every week.(每周检查一下你汽车的油量)
15、add: Do you want to add your name to the list?
16、deep: The water's not very deep here.
17、cooker: I like use a microwave cooker.
18、pork: I like eatting pork.
19、ham: I like eatting ham.
20、noodle: He doesn't like eatting noodles.
21、bowl: Mix all the ingredients thoroughly in a bowl.
22、immediately: He ran away immediately.
23、advantage: It has some advantages.
24、cheap: The shirt is very cheap.
25、butter:Beat the butter and sugar together.
26、pear: I like eatting pears.
27、piece: She cut the cake into eight pieces.
28、polite: What polite well-behaved children!(多么懂礼貌的乖孩子)
29、spoon: I having soup by using a spoon.
30、fork: Western people use knives and forks to have supper.
31、chopstick: Our Chinese people use chopsticks to have supper.
32、somebody:There is somebody waiting to see you.
33、course: Your car insurance must, of course, be renewed every year.
34、southern:GuiZhou is in the southern of China.


What are you so gloomy about ? Cheer up!
l failed in my test.l must improve my spoken English
Go ahead and practise. Nobody will laugh at you.
But l often make mistakes,l can't relax myself when l speak English
don't worry,you need believe that if you are more careful and brave,nothing will trouble you,
my boy, take it easy now,un-h,hang in there,you can get a good grade next time
l feel much better,thank you
do not mention it

What are you so gloomy about ? Cheer up!
Thank you,l am better now

l am tired out,can l stop?
hang in there.

Why don't you give up sweets to lose weight?
that sounds like a good idea.

they always put me in a terrible state of neglect
If you keep trying, you'll have your day in court

You can go ahead and start the engine now.
but,where's the key to the car?

A holiday will help you relax after your exams
so,you mean you agree with my holiday application?

You ought to be more careful, you know?
sorry,l will

oh,my god,you have read my diary,haven't you?
Don't worry. I wouldn't breathe a word of your secret

do you sure you can control it?
Take it easy, I know how to go about it.

A:Bad luck,my team was beat yesterday.
B:Cheer up!
A:But it was really a close one,we could have made it!
B:I believe in you,but hang in there!Keeping trying,you will win next time.
A:Thanks,man.I feel much better now.Yes,we need to go ahead!
B:That is right,but remember to relax,don't take it so seariously,it is the process that matters.
A:I know,don't worry,I will take it easy and we will just do it!

wow !! 5分! i'm sooooooooooo happy to death !!!!!!!!


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