
作者&投稿:支胖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

on one's way

1、think of 想起, 记起; 想念
Will you think of me after I've left?
我离开之后, 你还会记得我吗?
You're very quiet; what are you thinking of?
你很沉默, 在想什么呢?

2、come out 出来,出现;开花;出版

Some flowers have begun to come out.有些花现在已经开始开花了。
How did the movie finally come out?这部电影最后的结局如何?
Some magazines come out monthly.有的杂志每月出一期。

3、one of the main reasons is that he doesn't like the way he does things

It was known all over the world that one of the main reasons Columbus embarked on his journey to the New World was to find another route to India.

5、Many universities, such as Harvard and Yale, require incoming freshmen to have taken at least four years of a language class.

I know many of them, such as John, Peter, and Tom.

6、We are ready to face the challenge. 我们已准备好面对挑战。
He is ready to give a speech. 他准备演讲。

7、He will try his best to help the girls

Trying his best, the student still failed to get the higest mark on the test.



We are going to have a tour of America.
Tom visits his best friend every week.
It is a great fun to talk with my aunt.
I believe I can find a way to finish that difficult work.
I will meet Jack at the airport tomorrow.
If we don't study hard, we will not pass the exam.
I hope to meet my grandfather soon.

we have a tour in the school.
we visit the park
we have fun in the park
we are on the way to school
we leave the airport
we pass the exam
we hope to go to park

Tom made a tour around East Asia last year.
He visits his grandparents' house once a month.
We had fun on the party.
l saw a dog on my way home.
They landed at a small airport.
The ten days passed quickly.
I hope to see you and your family soon.

We tour by car every summer.
Is this your first visit to this city?
My family likes to have fun together.
Can we go this way?
His father drives him to the airport.
Pass me the green one, please.
I hope you enjoy the concert.

I want to tour the world.
Many people from different countries want to visit China.
I have a lot of fun in playing basketball
It's a good way to learn English.
I want to go to the airport with you.
Pass the ball to me.
I hope to have a nice sleep tonight.

This star will make a performance tour in Shanghai .
I make a visit to my grandfather's home every day
It is fun to swim
The way of success is to study hard
I went to the airport to take a plane
I hope to be successful
I wish I can pass the exam

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答:1.be likely to They are likely to lose the game.他们可能会输掉比赛。be likely that It's likely that they will lose the game.可能他们会输掉比赛。2.mark 1)弄污;使有斑点(伤痕等)She marked her white dress when she sat on the grass.当她坐在草地上时,把白衣服弄脏了。2)...

英语单词在线造句 在线等!!!
答:1.This side of the glass is filthy.玻璃的这一面很脏。2.I want no part in this sordid business.我不想和这一肮脏勾当有任何瓜葛。3.He opened the window to let out the foul air.他打开窗户,放出污浊的空气。4.The death of her son gave her infinite pain.她儿子的去世使她悲痛...


答:1、crowd in 蜂拥而来 Men crowd in dozens everywhere she goes.无论她在哪里总是被成群的男人包围。2、by chance 偶然;意外地 I met Tom by chance yesterday.昨天我偶然遇见汤姆。3、come across 无意中发现 He come across this in a curio shop.他在一个古玩店里偶尔发现了这个。4、...

答:I must take my leave. 我一定要离开了 I must leave for school. 我一定要离开去学校了 Let's get on with the work. 继续工作吧。Get on with your work. 继续你的工作吧。I am going to arrive in black. 我将会穿着黑衣服到达 He is going to arrive in five minutes. 他将会在五...

答:在用英语单词造句时,应该注意以下几点: 1. 单词的词性。要确定单词的词性,是否是名词、动词、形容词或其他词性,然后正确使用该词性。如果词性使用错误,会导致句子结构或意思错误。 2. 单词的词义。同一个单词可能有多种词义,要根据上下文选择恰当的词义使用。如果词义使用不当,句子意思会产生歧义或无法理解。 3. ...

答:1. Capacity 指天赋的,如生长、发展或成功的潜力 It was, in any case, beyond the capability of one man.无论如何,这决非一个人力所能及。2. Ability 是指智力或体力上具有做某事的能力 He had remarkable ability as an administrator.他的行效管理能力很强。3. Skill 强调由经验而...

小学五年级上册 英语单词造句
答:用“have”造句如下:1、I don’t have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。2、尽管欧元在日线图上处于超买水准,Have称,周线图反映出的情况则不同,这可能为欧元升至1.3510美元目标位提供动能。3、Memory is a wonderful thing if you don’t have to deal with the ...