
作者&投稿:漕使 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The wire twists easily. 铁丝易扭弯

The graph is divided by its symmetry axis

New industries create new jobs. 新工业带来新职业。

Let's divide the bill evenly. 我们均摊费用吧。

I love Spring. Everywhere is a bed of flowers.

The area will be free of pollution by the year 2008.

I'd like to change some dollars into euros

One sight of him can tell that he is a man free from vulgarity

The former part of the sentence should be connected to the later part through a conjunction

She is a very lively girl, always talking and smiling.

Your papers are going to blow away if you're not careful.

This word is seldom used on ordinary occasions

How do I clean up my hard disk?

Would you please come out of the sun?

Come on, own up! Who did it?

The door was locked. No wonder you couldn't open it.

Be sure to make this point clear to everyone

1.I ask people to pay attention.我要求大家注意
2.He hit a single.他击出一垒安打。
3.Is there any message?有留言吗?
4.To receive meals in return for pay.搭火付费换取饭食

1we take a ferry to cross the river 2 there are two big harbours 3 we buy some things in some small shops 4 In many large shopping mall, there are many shopping handle-car5 Some factories are not legal, so they are forced to close6 In my hometown, there are lots of tall buidings and many factories7A few road sand streets sill be found in this city8 Many streets tunels highways and bridges are built in our city9 To our surprise, there is no highways or subways in such town10 A sub way and airport is in front of us

答:1. The meeting will be put off till next week. 会议将会被推迟到下个星期。2. Please write down your name. 请写下你的名字。3. He is putting up a new fence at his home. 他正在为自己家搭建新的篱笆墙。4. The teacher is handing out the exam papers. 老师在发考试卷子。5. ...

答:1.It is a fact that... (事实是...) you need air to survive2.It is honour that... (...非常荣幸)you give me this medal 3.It is common knowledge... (...是常识)to lock the door when you go out 4.It is natural that... (......

答:1.run out of This pen must have run out of ink.这只钢笔的墨水一定是用完了.2.take after Do you take after your mother or father?你像你的母亲或父亲吗?3.fix up I think we can fix up with what you want.我想我们能安排好你需要的东西。4.give away The love we give away ...

初一英语12个短语和单词简单造句!!急拜托各位了 3Q
答:to hand in a composition once a week. 每个学生每周必须交一篇作文。 We should continue doing a good job in providing student loans and establishing a national scholarship system. 继续做好助学贷款和设立国家奖学金工作。 They'll work on till sunset. 他们将继续工作, 直到日落 ...

答:1.Please get on .2.Please get off .3.Please stand in line .4.Please wait for me in the waiting room.5.I am at the head of the queue.6.Please do not laugh at others.7.Please do not throw about rubish on the road.8.In fact ,it is quite easy.9.please do not go...

答:1 in the future i want to be a teacher in the future.2 get started i get stared music when i was a child.3 after allafter all,we are students,we should study hard.4 clean up you'd better clean up the floor 5 catch a glimpse of she caught a glimpseof a car in the...

答:(1)There are a lot of birds live in an aerial with a lot of trees.有许多鸟住在有许多树的地方.(2)worth rescring 不懂,应该是"值得开发"的意思吧,我按值得开发造一句 In Yunnan,the resourses about journey are worth rescring.在云南,旅游资源很值得开发.(3)rediscovered 不懂,按...

答:趁着还清楚的时候把你的灵感写下来。 put up 1. 建造 They put up a tent by the fire.他们在火堆旁搭起了一个帐篷。 2. 供给...住宿 We can put all of you up for the night.我们可以安排你们所有人过夜。hand out 1. 分给 Hand out the pencils.把铅笔发下去。 call up 固定词组 ...

答:1. My grandpa's /grandma's main worry is that he/she can't make it for my sister's wedding. 我祖父/祖母主要担心他/她撑不到我姐姐的婚礼。2. My father/mother is always worrying about my study.我爸爸/妈妈总是担心我的学习。3. What worries my brother/sister/cousin is that ...

高一英语 写100个短语, 并用这100个短语造句!
答:此一计划除了导致失败而外将一无所获。6.feel like想要 We'll go for a walk if you feel like it.如果你愿意, 我们去散散步。7.fall behind落在……后面 I've fallen behind with my correspondence.我积压了许多信没回.8.fall off掉下 Be careful not to fall off the ladder.当心别从...