
作者&投稿:澄支 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Happiness and health are common ways to express the wish for a good life in English. For example:
1. I wish you happiness and health forever.
- 原文保留,表达了对对方长期幸福健康的祝愿。
2. Remember that the happiness and health of your kids, not achievement, is your top priority.
- 原文润色,强调了孩子幸福健康的重要性,而非仅仅追求成就。
3. Finally, from Beijing, I wish you all happiness and good health in the New Year!
- 原文保持,传达了在新年伊始对大家的美好祝愿。

答:“幸福安康”英语表达法有:happiness and health;peace and happiness.例句:1、I wish you happiness and health forever.我祝愿你们永远幸福健康。2、Remember that the happiness and health of your kids, not achievement, is your top priority.记住,孩子的幸福和健康才是最重要的,而非单纯的成...

答:Happiness and health are common ways to express the wish for a good life in English. For example:1. I wish you happiness and health forever.- 原文保留,表达了对对方长期幸福健康的祝愿。2. Remember that the happiness and health of your kids, not achievement, is your top priority...

答:wish you happiness and health.

答:Happy new year, happy Ankang

答:亲爱的新年好,对应 dear happy new year 祝你新的一年幸福安康,万事如意,心想事成 I wish you happiness and health in the new year.万事如意 Everything goes well 心想事成 May all your wishes come true

答:Happy Thanksgiving. May you and your family be happy and healthy 感恩节快乐,愿你和您的家人幸福安康,其它关于祝福的英语 1、May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love。 祝新年快乐,并愿你幸福吉祥,前程似锦。2、When I was lonely and ...

答:Dear dad, happy birthday, I wish you happiness and good health forever, forever love your daughter 翻译:亲爱的爸爸,生日快乐,祝你幸福、健康永远,永远爱你的女儿望采纳

答:Wishing you happiness and well-being for a hundred years, growing old together and having younger children at an early age 这句意味着给新人诚挚的祝福,今后,两个人要一同撑起一方天空的风景,象两棵独立的大树,共同撑起一方天空,枝叶在蓝天下盛放,树根在地底下相互扶持。风也罢霜也罢,...

答:Hope everyone can live a happy life and properous career ,,wish myself happy and cheerful,

答:幸运[幸运]作为男孩的名字发音为LUK-ee。它是英语起源,幸运的意思是“幸运”。现代名字。 Lucky也被用作Lucas及其变种的昵称。 从给一个幸运的人的昵称。它也有时被用作LUKE的缩略语 lucky:一个英文单词,中文意思吉祥的、幸运的。同义词是fortunately。 形容词 1、幸运的,好运的[+to-v][+(...