英语提问It's a fine Monday morning .Ann and her father are on a?

作者&投稿:成忽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ us going people from too
one English him sing happy,1,It's a fine Monday morning .Ann and her father are on a big (1)b_us___. They are (2)g_oing__ to see the Great Wall. There're many (3)people____ in the bus.Most of them are (4)from___ America.They ar...,2,英语提问
It's a fine Monday morning .Ann and her father are on a big (1)b____.They are (2)g___ to see the Great Wall.There're many (3)p____ in the bus.Most of them are (4)f___ America.They are all their friends.They want to go to the Great Wall,(5)t_____.There're two Chinese in the bus.(6)O____ of them is a young man.He knows much (7)E_____.He is telling them about the Great Wall.The other people are listening to (8)h_____.All the people on the bus like the Great Wall.Theywantto see it very much.On the way,they (9)s____songs and clap their hands.Theyhave a (10)h___

回答有yes,it are yes,it can的么,有的话是什么提问
答:1.没有yes,it are ,应该是Yes,it is.eg.Is this your book?Yes,it is.这是你的书吗?是的,是我的.2.有yes,it can的说法.eg.Can your parrot speak English?Yes,it can.你的鹦鹉会说英语吗?是的,它会说.

英语提问:It never occurred to me that he might be in trouble. 这...
答:这不是强调句,而是it 为形式主语,that引起的主语从句,意思为“我从未想到他会陷入麻烦。”

英语简略回答的时候什么时候用it 什么时候用he she

it can walk and talk怎么提问?
答:您好,如果就walk and talk划线提问,其答语可以是:What can it do?它会做什么?

英语问题 关于it
答:我认为这两个答案都有点偏差。It`s +形容词+to+动词原形是一个句型,但是listen to+名词这也是一个固定用法啊。我个人认为是to listen to

答:It is cold.天气冷。It's about ten kilometers from the park to the museum.公园到博物馆大约是十公里。(4)it用作形式主语或形式宾语 It's very important for us to learn English well.(实际主语是to learn English well)对我们来说,学好英语很重要。I found it hard to fly a kite. ...

答:在中学英语中,常用 it 替代句子。现对此作一分析和归纳,供同学们学习时参考。一 . it 充当形式主语时,可将真正的主语从句置于句末。A. 谓语动词是被动形式时,常用 it 替代主语从句。例如:It hasn't been decided whether the meeting will be held.这个会议是否召开,尚未定下来。B. 主句是...

英语题 It is a Toyota 划线部分提问 急急急!
答:(What)(brand)is it?It is a Toyota 它是什么品牌?它是一辆丰田 丰田是小汽车

It's (a camel.)对括号部分提问?
答:英语提问是反问句,可以这样说:Is it a camel?有be动词的英语反问句是谓语动词提前然后后面加个问号。

答:Who can it be?二、指心目中的人或上文中提到的人或事物,这那它 He is fifty-two, but doesn't look it.Jim is ill. Have you heard of it?三、可以代替指示代词this和thatWhat's this/that? ---It's a book。四、作无人称代词的主语,表时间、天气、距离、温度、环境和情况。It was noisy when...