毕业论文摘要翻译语(英语专业的,不要网上在线翻译的) 那位英语高手帮忙翻一下,急用,不胜感激……

作者&投稿:烛飞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Bus auto-reporter-calling stop device design
With the development of city traffic, the traditional manual key stations has been unable to meet all the requirements. While the public bus automatic station reporting device is designed to make up for the traditional artificial voice station reporting the backward way, make the station, station information automatic broadcast station names and terms of service, to provide more humane, more perfect service. This paper introduces a kind of bus station system design principle, provides a 51 single-chip microcomputer as the core, through the 4 * 1 keyboard access external instructions to control the ISD1700 speech chip circuit and LED display hardware design and software design. First introduced the AT89C52 MCU basic principle, then introduced the basic principle and development of ISD1700 method, finally expounds the hardware system and software system design. The hardware system consists of a control circuit, clock circuit, power supply circuit, keyboard circuit, the display circuit, a voice circuit; software driver development system is provided by the C language library functions to achieve. After debugging and simulation, allowing the system to achieve the design requirement. The system good voice quality, strong function, low cost, provide bus service is a good way.

In music teaching,how to improve theclassroomlivelymusic,is the need oftwoteachers and students work together.Teachers play a leading rolein teaching,studentsplay amain role.Therefore,teachingmethodsteachersshould adapt tothe needs of the students.In the teaching process,through a variety ofteaching methodsandnew ideasto improve thevitality of theclassroom,to stimulate students interest in learning,active classroom atmosphere,throughout the classisin a relaxed,happy moodto feel the music,music,understand musicexperienceand then open up thethinkingso that the students,creating music.
Keywords:primary schoolmusic;vivid;stimulate interest;

The research based on national competitive advantage of international competitiveness of China's auto industry
As one of the pillar industries in China, Auto industry has made a very important role for economic and social development of science and technology.
In recent years, rapid development of China's auto industry, in addition to a huge demand for market dominance continuing existed, the industrial system advantage and competitive differentiation advantage are becoming increasingly prominent.
How is competitiveness of China's auto industry? and what are the factors that impact on our auto industry and how to enhance the international competitiveness of China's auto industry, these studies are promoting strategic importance of development of China's auto industry.
This paper focuses on many factors of the use of Porter's theory of national competitive advantage for China's auto industry on international competitiveness. and on this basis, we propose to enhance the international competitiveness of China's auto industry policy.

Key words: Auto industry; Competitive advantage; Upgrading; International competitiveness


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毕业论文摘要翻译语(英语专业的,不要网上在线翻译的) 那位英语高手帮忙...
答:As one of the pillar industries in China, Auto industry has made a very important role for economic and social development of science and technology.In recent years, rapid development of China's auto industry, in addition to a huge demand for market dominance continuing existed, the...

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