今天等会儿要去自荐面试,帮我把下面一段话翻译成英文。 要速度要质量(本身想自己翻,怕不雅)

作者&投稿:泰莉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In 2003, with the study of 30 years ago admitted (high), after three years of service industry for air, then choose the XX university, learn some XXXX aviation services professional knowledge.
In 2007, through the school arrangement, successful interview XX
After three months in XXX, follow flights in XXX, also began in XX department.
Nearly three years of work experience in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the 60th anniversary of the 2009, major activities in the first post for every important
Passengers provide high quality service, received many letters of commendation and leadership praise. Passengers
2009 GongSiJi won the award, BuMenJi smile star outstanding employees of honor.
By 2010, the capital airport passengers to enter China council for the promotion of "issued by the outstanding staff in the list of candidates.
In the company my youth corps committee as propaganda, passenger staff actively develop the service thoughts of growth of youth education activities and jobs
Construction activities, to help staff to solve practical difficulties.
I also served as position, organize many internal training employees soft service training, service etc. English skills training personalized
Hope these in your company can use to practical work to create more value.

Dear Interviewer(s), my name is XXX. It's my pleasure to attend this interview. I'm 26 years old now. I graduated from Dong Hua University, major in logistic management. Below is my working experience:
I worked for XX company from March 2009 to May 2010, position as customer service. My main responsibility is to answer phone calls, make stats, handle complaints.
My second job was at XX company. I worked there from June 2010 to June 2013, as the assistant to the manager. What I mainly do was to assist the manager with the daily affairs, project management, pre-sales support and client training.
I think I'm a loyal person with good team work spirit. I can work under high pressure. I'm confident that I'm qualified to the position in your company.
Above is my self introduction. Thank you for your time!

More than 20 fitness, the class of boys will I alone in tests made full marks in sports. In life as long as the teacher give me the opportunity, I always brilliantly to complete it. Remember eighth-grade teacher let me represent school to the South Korea to vist glit for school teacher sister bear translation. I actively serious prepared for a long time, the excellent to complete a task that got sisters school teacher praise.
I'm very optimistic, the interest is very wide, so face made a lot of friends. I quite enjoy school life, every tired but happy life.

I am good at sports, and in physical test of Mid-term examination, I got the full score, which was the only one among more than 20 boys of my class. In life, as long as the teacher gives me chances to finish tasks, I would always fullfill them outstandingly. I remembered that in my eighth year, my teacher let me present my school to be a translator for visiting teachers of a Korean sister school. I prepared carefully for a long time, and fullfilled this task excellently that day, and got praised by teachers of sister school.
i am optimistic, outgoing and have many interests, so I have many friends. i enjoy my school life. though it is a little bit hard, i am happy everyday.

On phsical ability, i was the only one among the more than 20 boys in my class that made out of sports in the test . In daily life, once the teacher gives me a chance, i would always try my best to fullfill it with excellence. I remember when the 8-grade teacher asked me to represent the school to translate for the teacher who came from a Korean sister school on a visit to ours , i actively and seriously prepared for that and accomplished it very well. What's more, i got praise from the teacher from sister school which made me very happy.
I'm very optimistic and cheerful, with a range of interests. And so i had a lot of like-minded friends. I enjoy the school life very much, although hard, yet happy to live int it every day.

On the physical, the whole class of more than 20 boys in my test one made out of sports. In life as long as the teacher gave me a chance, I always excellent to finish it. I remember my eighth-grade teacher to represent the school to come to our school visit the school\u0026#39;s teacher of Korean sisters play translation. I am active and serious preparations for a long time that day accomplished the task, be a sister school teacher praise. I am very cheerful optimism, interest in a wide range, so pay a lot of like-minded friends. I enjoyed school life, hard day, but happy to be alive.

今天等会儿要去自荐面试,帮我把下面一段话翻译成英文。 要速度要质量...
答:I always brilliantly to complete it. Remember eighth-grade teacher let me represent school to the South Korea to vist glit for school teacher sister bear translation. I actively serious prepared for a long time,

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答:我愿以我的热情去感染学生,以我的知识去帮助学生,使他们在阳光下快乐地成长,健康地成长。 因此,我想成为一名心理健康教育教师。 当然,要成为一名优秀的心理健康教育教师并不是件容易的事。心理健康教育既是科学,也是艺术。我会在工作实践中不断得学习,逐步领悟,努力提高与完善。 面试自我介绍简单大方1分钟内【篇四...


答:【篇一】面试自我介绍3分钟通用 中专生活似弹指一挥间,从刚跨入中专时的迷茫和幼稚,到现在即将走上工作岗位的从容、谨慎和镇定。我知道,这又是我们人生中的一大挑战和角色的转换。这除了有较强的适应力和乐观的生活态度外,更重要的是得益于中专生活的学习积累和技能的培养等。 在思想品德上,本人孝敬父母、尊敬...

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答:下面是我精心整理的面试的个人自我介绍,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 面试的个人自我介绍1 周燕と申します。りんごで有名な(省份)出身です。烟台大学のソフトウェア学部を卒业しました。 (大学)で、コンピューター科学技术を専攻しますした。私は、ソフト开発に関心があります。特に ...

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答:面试时自我介绍1 大家好,本人XXX,我是一个实事求是、不浮夸的人。喜欢参与团队工作与集体活动。重视自身素质培养。软件开发基础扎实,对编程充满热情,学习能力强,能快速掌握新技术。 在校期间,曾获午20xx—20xx学年度 优秀团员,20xx—20xx学年度 丙等奖学金,20xx年9月份 军训优秀个人。曾是系学生会干事,在通过与其...

答:帮助的人:53万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 应聘面试自我介绍怎么说,面试自我介绍1 各位领导: 大家好! 我叫x,是一名x大学x系x届毕业生。经过四年的认真学习和不懈努力,我已具备了系统的专业知识和一定的教学实际能力,现在正准备以高昂的热情与所学的知识投入到社会之中,服务于教育事业,实现自身...