一篇英文短文,题目是爱在我们身边,200~300字,主题明确,感情流露,love around us

作者&投稿:海杜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文以“i love nature around us”为题。~

Nature, the environment which human beings live by. There is onlg one earth with living conditions in the universe. I love the nature very much.
In the past , l can enjoy the beautiful flowers, breath the fresh air and see the stars with my
grandmother. lt is really worth remembering.
But now, thousands of trees have been cut down. The air become worse and worse. the environment has been destroyed. we must stop our silly actions and save the environment .
Because we all love the nature !

I’ve been surrounded by love from my family since I was born. For example, my grandma often stays in the kitchen all day long, cooking foods which are healthy and delicious for me. My father isn’t good at expressing his emotions, but my mum said that he always kissed me good-night without letting me know at night. I didn’t know that at all because I was sleeping! I feel happy when I get sweet love from my family. My family members are the only people who are willing to sacrifice for you for nothing in the world! Of course I love them, too, and I’m going to show my love by caring for them as much as I can. I’ll wash bowls after meals, chat with them and make them laugh. Studying hard and make them pleased with me is also a good way to show my love, I’ll cherish the love around me forever.

Love is one of the most mysterious creations of nature and God. It happens automatically and it is the most important reality of this world to sustain life.Love is all around us.
As soon as a child is born, he gets the gift of love from his mother, father and almost every one in this world. Every one loves a child. Mere sight of child gives the feeling of love in most of us. It is true in animals too. The mother of an animal can do anything to protect her child and does everything to bring up the child till such time the child is able to take the world by its purely out of love. In human beings too, love of the parents only enables the child to stand on its own.

There are times when we feel that even if we are surrounded by other people in our lives, we are alone. We must go through this difficult journey called life by ourselves. How do we overcome these feelings of loneliness and despair?The answer is in connecting with other human beings.
Because love is around us.When we connect with other humans, we are no longer alone. We share our suffering, our experiences, our common trials.
And whether you’re connecting with loved ones, with new people, or with those in need … the ultimate connection is always through love. And the way to make this kind of connection is by first expressing your love — without expecting it to be returned — in any way you can.

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