
作者&投稿:淫物 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


【1】Does the supplier maintain records which provide evidence that the product has been inspected and/or tested clearly showing whether the product has passed or failed inspection based on the defined acceptance criteria, and identifying the authority responsible for the product release?

【2】Is product that fails any inspection and/or test addressed under control of nonconforming product

【3】Does the laboratory have a scope and document its policies, systems, programs, procedures, instructions and findings to assure the quality of calibration and tests performed?

【4】Do lab personnel have appropriate background and experience?

【5】Are items retained until final data is complete to enable traceability to raw data?


1. love the wild animals, protect their homes.
2. protect the wild animals so that man and nature can live in harmony.
3. protect the birds and the wild animals to maintain eco-balance.
4. protect the ecological safety of the wild animals.
5. together we are living on Earth, let's share the nature.
6. protect the environment, care for the migrant birds.
7. protect the birds, protect the wild life is the responsibility of man.
8. love the animals, treasure lives.

1. Love wild animals, protect our homeland.
2. Protect wild animals,to ensu man and nature live in harmony.
3. Protect Birds, protect wildlife , maintenance ecological balance.
4. The protection of wild animals, maintenance of ecological safety.
5. With the earth, sharing nature. 6.Pay attention to migratory birds, protect the environment. 7. Protection of Birds and wildlife is everyone's responsibility.
8. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, cherish life.

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