高分,急急急!请高手翻译一下全文,感谢!!!!!Certain animals and plants develop。。。

作者&投稿:锻纨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

相信LZ 能分辨机器翻译和手译吧??

我们来到一个新的环境,很多时候都想引起别人的注意,或者想尽快的证明自己。但是这不单单是通过那些外在的东西来表达。更多的时候,我们要靠实力说话。这里我就想说:Be different!
When we have arrived at a new surrounding, very often we want to attract the attention of other people, or try to prove oneself as soon as possible; but it takes more than just superficial quality to achieve this. More often than not, we need to substantiate it with ability; I would like to say it here: Be different!

We may boldly embrace certain ideas, viewpoints and authority or criticize them, we may fully exploit the right of freedom of speech. We may perform differently in our lessons and studies, obviously not the unusually terrible sorts, I am referring to the extraordinary new method or new concept. We may showcase our charm during school activities or interpersonal relationships; we may even contribute ourselves without any fanfare, possibly known only to yourself, yet you are excited privately for quite some time. What you must refrain from doing is to chime in with others without your own definite idea. We attend college learning to enhance what we are, don’t we? Every human being should be a fully complete life, yet no one is alike.

所以,我想,独处有时候真的是一种能力,并非任何人任何时候都是需要具备的。但是它却可以让我们远离那种喧嚣之下的寂寞,甚至安于某种寂寞却能将寂寞发展成为精神的生产力。这或许就是Be different给自己带来的充实感吧。可是,人际交往又是不能缺少的,但绝对不能成为那种可以和别人滔滔不绝,而对自己无话可说的人,那会是很可怕的。和而不同嘛!
So in my opinion, sometimes solitude is really an ability, though it is not necessarily required by anybody at any time. However, it can take us away from the loneliness under that sort of hurly-burly, or even we can rest on that loneliness and transform it into spiritual productivity. Maybe this is the sense of fulfillment brought along by ‘Be Different’. But interpersonal relationships are indispensable, yet we absolutely cannot become a person who spouts on and on in front of people but wordless to himself, that would be very scary. So be unique but accommodate divergent views!

精彩的大学生活需要我们的创造力,需要我们去呵护的,无论是他人,还是自己。学会释放自己吧,真的,过度的压抑有时会失去自己,找不到自己。这个时候也许你需要朋友,也许你只要独处一下,that’s ok.。最重要的只是要清楚,我们要Be different or not。
Our creativity is needed to build an exciting college life, and it requires our protection and care, irrespective of others or yourself. Learn to set yourself free, it’s true that sometimes you will be lost and unable to find yourself if you have excessive pent-up emotion. At this moment, maybe you need friends, or maybe you need to be alone for a while, that’s okay. The most important thing is to be clear, whether we want to ‘Be Different’ or not.

1. 作为市场营销经理,他的重要位置影响着市场营销计划.
As a marketing manager, his important position affects strategic marketing.

2. 他认为我们不应该再在这个问题上多花时间了。
He thinks we should not devote any more time on this issue.

3. 在决定之前,没有人愿意提出肯定的答案
Before we make the decision, no one would commit himself to a positive answer.

4. Gates' dream was to see every family and every office desk own a computer. So Microsoft's mission is to make personal computers easy to master and convenient to use.
4. 盖茨的梦想是让每个家庭和每张办公桌上都有一台电脑,所以微软的方向是要让个人电脑易学易用.

5. 盖茨承认,在30岁以前,他几乎没有过休息日.
Gates acknowledged that he had almost no day off before he was 30.

6. 盖茨和他的领导的微软公司所创造的业绩是信息产业的一大传奇.
Under Gates' leadership, the achievement of Microsoft has become a legend in information technology.

1. 电子邮件使全世界间的交往更加便捷.
E-mails make communications between the whole world faster and more efficient.

2. 今天的电信市场是买方市场而非卖方市场.
Today's telecommunications market is more a case of buyer's market rather than of seller's.

3. 互联网能让我们买车前在网上进行各种比较.
Internet allows us to make various comparisons before purchasing a car.

4. 因为很多会员未到,会上未能讨论这个问题.
Due to many members' absence at the meeting, this issue remains undiscussed.

5. 在网上发出订单非常方便
It is very convenient to place an order on the internet.

6. 如果你申请分期付款,部分购货款可以延期交付
If you apply for instalments, portions of the loan can be deferred.

7. 他以旧换新购买了一辆新型汽车.
He traded in his old car for a new one.

1. 他用这一证据来支持他的论点.
He used this evidence to shore up his opinion.

2. 在英国,信用卡已成为生活的一部分.
Credit card has become a part of life in England.

3. 携带病毒的电子邮件引起了微软公司的恐慌
Virus-infected e-mails has stirred up a scare at Microsoft.

4. 用户对于未授权的支出概不负责.
Users are not responsible for unauthorized expenses.

5. 计算机黑客利用互联网的疏漏破坏了一些公司的数据库.
Computer hackers exploited on internet security vulnerability to destroy some companies' databases.


Certain animals and plants develop characteristic that help them deal with their environment better than others of their kind. This natural biological process is called adaptation. Among the superior characteristics developed through adaptation are those that may help in getting food or shelter, in providing protection, and in producing and protecting the young. That results in the gradual development of more and more organisms(small living things)that are better fitted to their environments.

Each living thing is adapted to its way of life in a general way, but each is adapted especially to its own distinct class (kind ) . A plant, for example, depends upon its roots to fix itself firmly and to absorb water and inorganic chemicals (无机化学物). It depends upon its green leaves for using the sun's energy to make food from inorganic chemicals. These are general adaptations, common to most plants. In addition, there are special adaptations that only certain kinds of plants have.

Many animals have adaptations that help them escape from their enemies. Some insects are hidden by their body color or shape, and many look like a leaf or a little branch. The coats of deer are colored to mix with the surroundings. Many animals have the ability to remain completely still when an enemy is near.

Organisms have a great variety of ways of adapting. They may adapt in their structure, function, and genetics; in their development and production of the young; and in other respects. An organism may create its own environment, as do warm-blooded mammals, which have the ability to adjust body heat exactly to maintain their ideal temperature despite changing weather. Usually adaptations are an advantage, but sometimes an organism is so well adapted to a particular environment that, if conditions change, it finds it difficult or impossible to readapt to the new conditions.












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高分,急急急!请高手翻译一下全文,感谢!!!Certain animals and plants...
答:人工翻译,供参考:Certain animals and plants develop characteristic that help them deal with their environment better than others of their kind. This natural biological process is called adaptation. Among the superior characteristics developed through adaptation are those that may help in ...


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