
作者&投稿:独孤言 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
六年级上册英语带翻译-京东图书,满足您的阅读需求!~ 用英语翻译文言文是一项非常费力啲事情阿··很多词在汉语种有不同啲意思·而英语种往往一个单词就是一个意思··这段文言文,我理解啲是:

Another set of red paint on the kang, big low table for each table sweet dish, water purification three three lamp, sprinkle cake is divided into ten square-cut plate to nine plate on the table for a dish in, for in north song under. HangYan flower shop red felt before, a company may KouTou small low table. Company gets him to such house among the eunuch pot set before the GaoLiZhi thick oil, BaoXiGong into big table, paint, west into two GaoLiZhi thickness on all in oil. Then, fragrant incense, da eunuch point, as YuKun two pigs him outside the door of the temple YouShou, north.

All the preparations for the time has come, the company da three-stringed instrument, pipa eunuch, da da company officials, eight people, leaders eunuch, which in turn into. Three, pipa before, then ten points, two layer are up and cross legs.

Then they played the pipa, sound, and news. Thereafter company da da manchuria (department) down a manchu wizard clapped knees, FuZhang (,) incense for god to grant department, knife knife into the company to hold to god for him. Now after the three-stringed instrument, pipa, sound decisions, FuZhang. A KouTou ZhuHang sauce, xing (up), sing songs etc. God da

Shun zhi (1648) may, does FangJin: "the oracle, full, han people all my servant. Officials to its various mutually agree to the speech, after marriage. Since the han, listen to marriage."


On the kang establishes red lacquer greatly low table two in addition, on the table sets at three fragrant small dishes respectively, water purification three, Fang Qiesa the cake divides into ten, by nine for on the table, supplies under the table north the head. Before the kang edge, the shop yellow Chinese pear-leaf crabapple felt, supposes Si Zhu to kowtow the small low table. Takes charge of the ancient sacrificial utensil court eunuch and so in the pot foreland to suppose oil thick Korean paper two in advance in the middle room, enters tinning red lacquer big table two, west to divides into two lines, puts on respectively the oil thick Korean paper. At the appointed time, Si Xiang a fragrance, takes charge of the ancient sacrificial utensil court eunuch, Si Zu and so on to enter pig two right hand side in the empress' palace wrong side of the door, all north approaches. all of preparations are ready, the time, has played department of ancient sacrificial utensil court eunuch two people the samisen, the pipa, Si Zuguan, the department ancient sacrificial utensil eight people, the leader court eunuch two people, enters in turn. The samisen, the pipa before, next ten person of minutes make two arrangements, upwardly sits cross-legged sits. played the samisen, the pipa by now, resounds the clapper. After that department ancient sacrificial utensil Manchu (the department ancient sacrificial utensil Manchu nationality sorcerer) and so on bend a knee to kneel, clap hands (clap), Si Xiangju the magic knife gives the department to wish, Si Zhuzhi the magic knife enters Si Zu and so on. This time the transcription reproduction samisen, the pipa, call the clapper, claps hands. As soon as Si Zhuxing kowtows the ritual, is popular (sets out), Si Zu and so on sings the god song. Shunzhi five year (1648) in May, edict Ministry of Rites: “at present world, full, Chinese officials and people all my official. Wants it to be on intimate terms respectively harmonious, is better causes it to conclude the marriage. , the Manchus and han Chinese officials and people have desire marrying, listens to it.”

On the kang establishes red greatly low table two in addition, on the table sets at three fragrant small dishes respectively, water purification three, Fang Qiesa the cake divides into ten, by nine for on the table, supplies under the table north the head. Before the kang edge, the shop yellow Chinese pear-leaf crabapple felt, supposes Si Zhu to small low table. Takes charge of the ancient sacrificial utensil court eunuch and so in the pot foreland to suppose oil thick Korean paper two in advance in the middle room, enters tinning red lacquer big table two, west to divides into two lines, puts on respectively the oil thick Korean paper. At the appointed time, Si Xiang a fragrance, takes charge of the ancient sacrificial utensil court eunuch, Si Zu and so on to enter pig two right hand side in the empress' palace wrong side of the door, all north approaches. all of preparations are ready, the time, has played department of ancient sacrificial utensil court eunuch two people the samisen, the pipa, Si Zuguan, the department ancient sacrificial utensil eight people, the leader court eunuch two people, enters in turn. The samisen, the pipa before, next ten person of minutes make two arrangements, upwardly sits cross-legged sits. played the samisen, the pipa by now, resounds the clapper. After that department ancient sacrificial utensil Manchu sacrificial utensil and so on bend a knee to kneel, clap hands , Si Xiangju the magic knife gives the department to wish, Si Zhuzhi the magic knife enters Si Zu and so on. This time the transcription reproduction samisen, the pipa, call the clapper, claps hands. As soon as Si Zhuxing kowtows the ritual, is popular and so on sings the god song. Shunzhi five year (1648) in May, edict Ministry of Rites: “at present world, full, Chinese officials and people all my official. Wants it to be on intimate terms respectively harmonious, is better causes it to conclude the marriage. , the Manchus and han officials and people have desire marrying, listens to it.”

不是用软件翻译的,自己翻译的,发过去基本没有问题~! Another set On kang red paint two large low table, the table of the home three incense dish, water 3, square-cut sprinkle cake is divided into 10 to 9 for in table 1 for the first in the North under the table . Shop Kang edge before the yellow Red felt located Secretary wish to kowtow small low table. Secretary, such as pre-ZU eunuch in the house between the oil pan located on the ground before the Korean thick paper 2, Jin-Bao tin red paint two large tables, the West to be divided into two lines, each piece of paper placed in the oil thick Korea. By then, Secretary Shannon incense, Secretary eunuch Zu, Zu, such as into Division 2 in Pig Voutside of Right hand sideare north.

All ready, time is up, playing sanxian, pipa two eunuchs of the Secretary ZU, ZU Division Officer, Secretary ZU eight people, the head of the two eunuchs, followed by enter. Sanxian, pipa in the former, followed by ten people divided into two floors with all cross one's legs and sat up.

At this time played sanxian, pipa, ringing the green light. ZU later Secretary of Manchuria (Manchu shaman Secretary ZU), such as one knee bent knees, Clapping hands(clapping), the Secretary delegated the Secretary Shannon cite wish, I wish they Progressive Secretary Zu, such as Secretary. At this point sanxian, Pipa, Ming decidedClapping hands. Division 1 kowtow ceremony to wish trip, Hing (up), such as Secretary ZU sing songs of God.

Shunzhi five years (1648) in May, encyclical: "FANG We Are the World, Man, everyone I administrations. For its Renmu blind date, so that marriage Morrow. Since after the official Man-Han people who want to marry, listening of. "

Another set of red paint on the kang, big low table for each table sweet dish, water purification three three lamp, sprinkle cake is divided into ten square-cut plate to nine plate on the table for a dish in, for in north song under. HangYan flower shop red felt before, a company may KouTou small low table. Company gets him to such house among the eunuch pot set before the GaoLiZhi thick oil, BaoXiGong into big table, paint, west into two GaoLiZhi thickness on all in oil. Then, fragrant incense, da eunuch point, as YuKun two pigs him outside the door of the temple YouShou, north.

All the preparations for the time has come, the company da three-stringed instrument, pipa eunuch, da da company officials, eight people, leaders eunuch, which in turn into. Three, pipa before, then ten points, two layer are up and cross legs.

Then they played the pipa, sound, and news. Thereafter company da da manchuria (department) down a manchu wizard clapped knees, FuZhang (,) incense for god to grant department, knife knife into the company to hold to god for him. Now after the three-stringed instrument, pipa, sound decisions, FuZhang. A KouTou ZhuHang sauce, xing (up), sing songs etc. God da

Shun zhi (1648) may, does FangJin: "the oracle, full, han people all my servant. Officials to its various mutually agree to the speech, after marriage. Since the han, listen to marriage."

答:1. 英语翻译文言文 聊斋志异--象象粤中有猎兽者,挟矢如山.偶卧憩息,不觉沉睡,被象鼻摄而去.自分必遭残害.未几释置树下,顿首一鸣,群象纷至,四面旋绕,若有所求.前象伏树下,仰视树而俯视人,似欲其登.猎者会意,即足踏象背,攀援而升.虽至树巅,亦不知其意向所存.少时有狻猊来,众象皆伏.狻猊择一肥者...

答:耳濡目染 [ěr rú mù rǎn]基本翻译 be influenced by what one constantly sees and hears 身教言传 [shēn jiào yán chuán]基本翻译 teach by precept and example instruct sb. not only in words, but by deeds 网络释义 耳濡目染,身教言传:Children are what the mothers are. ...

答:Shennong sacrificial altar Jiwen Wu Zi early spring, in Shannan, Shennong altar area located Jiuding 8.30 GUI, Yuzhen Jinsheng, flowers, fruits, Hong Leong Zhiji in the Yan Emperor Shennong before.Speech said: Chaos opened early, dedicated a Simin, wild cave dwellers, Rumaoyinxue...

答:要先把文言文翻译成白话文,然后再翻译成英文的,但是意思就不是文言文的意思了,中国文字,博大精深,没有哪种语言可以代替的了的 希望我的回答对您有所帮助,请及时采纳为最佳答案,谢谢!

答:由于没有严复的文言文,无法翻译成英文。下面摘录一段,供你参考:《察变》原文:赫胥黎著 严复译 英之南野,黄芩之种为多,此自未有纪载以前,革衣石斧之民所采撷践踏者,兹之所见,其苗裔耳。邃古之前,坤枢未转,英伦诸岛乃属冰天雪海之区,此物能寒,法当较今尤茂。此区区一小草耳,若迹...

答:这是文言文,表达是几个鬼怪的名字。魃bá 神话传说中的旱神。2.传说僵尸修成妖之后,变为魃。变魃之后的僵尸能飞,也称飞僵,据说可以杀龙吞云、行走如风。所到之处赤地千里,算是僵尸之王了。魈Xi ā o 传说中深山里总有许许多多的山鬼,然而这些山鬼,却只有唯一的一个首领,就是魈.《九歌》...

答:同样一则文章,普通翻译与古文翻译给人带来的心境和情感体验也截然不同。下面就以约瑟夫·艾迪生的《威斯敏斯特教堂遐思》为例,来看齐文昱先生是如何进行古文翻译的。Thoughts in Westminster Abbey-by Joseph Addison When I am in a serious humour, I very often walk by myself in Westminster Abbe...

答:中文翻译英文 不要复制的 帮个忙吧? 1回答 55 有大神帮忙把这段现代文翻译成文言文吗?完成后必有重赏!! 1回答 10 我总是在换工作就这么不招老板们待见吗? 1回答 20 求翻译---不管我们望向哪里,都能见到摇滚明星。他们出现在电视里,... 1回答 从事行政兼翻译五年,今后的发展该如何定位较好?再去进修...

答:1、百度翻译:百度翻译app是一款集词汇、翻译、词典、例句于一体的翻译软件,免费提供高质量的中文、英语、日语、韩语、西班牙语、泰语、法语、阿拉伯语、葡萄牙语、俄语、德语、意大利语、粤语、文言文等语种翻译服务。 2、金山词霸:金山词霸手机版是来自金山软件旗下的一款久经考验的、功能强大的、翻译精准的手机词典Ap...

答:thing you said因为你害怕我会把你说的“理由”解决掉because you are scared about how i would deal with your reasons其实,即使我把你说的“理由”解决掉actually, even if i deal with your reasons之后,我依然永远得不到你i can still never be with you不是用机器翻译的,我自己翻译的,我会讲英文。