
作者&投稿:西卞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions 他们没有一味地沉溺于卑劣的野心
to 后面是名词,不是动词不定式。to 在这里的意思是“为了”。

(1)The process of supplier quality control should be strengthened. (2)Need to study English hard(3)The communication between the supplier and the need to strengthen.(4)Work hard, try our best to make the product quality improved, to ensure that no significant complaint and return. (5)Keep learning and improve their communication level and decision ability. (6)Study English hard, make it conform to the job requirements.有帮助请点击选为满意答案谢谢!

1) The process quality control for supplier need improvement
2)English study requires hardworking
3) The communication with suppliers need to be strengthen.
4)Work hard and try to enhance the quality of products to make sure no major complaints or goods returns
5)Keep learning so as to improve the communication and judgement capabilities
6)Work hard at English till it can meet the job reqirement

1)The process of supplier quality control should be strengthened.
2)Need to study English hard.
3)The communication between the supplier and the need to strengthen.
4)Work hard, try our best to make the product quality improved, to ensure that no significant complaint and return.
5)Keep learning and improve their communication level and decision ability.
6)Study English hard, make it conform to the job requirements.

答:1.我可以跟校长通话吗?May I speak to the principal?2. 我希望尽快见到他。I hope to meet him as soon as possible.3. 除了我,人人都回来了。Everyone came back except me.4. 他只想出国深造,别无他求。He wants nothing but go abroad for further study.5. 我们当中没有人曾到过国...

答:1. Here. Where? Who, am I ...2. Because of the voice?3. They, stop ... I understand!4. So beautiful! I's my world?5. The Castle, is it just the object what the God arranged for me, and what I have been looking for?6. Gee,what's that,gleaming in front?7. ...

答:1.预报地震 - forewarn earthquake 2.模仿狗鼻子的嗅学功能制作"电子警犬""电子鼻"by mimicking the olfactory function of dogs, produce "electronic dog","electronic nose"3.热情,以主人为中心督促按时起床按时跑步 passionate, wake up and go jogging based on master's timing 4.夜晚帮主人壮胆...

答:(I'm sorry that I left my homework at home.---Nothing serious(或It's OK),don't forget to bring it this afternoon.)35. 奶奶要求李锋帮她买些东西。(Grandma asked Li Feng to buy aomething for her.)36. 当老师叫学生停下写字的时候,他们放下了笔。(The students all put do...

答:hard, try our best to make the product quality improved, to ensure that no significant complaint and return. (5)Keep learning and improve their communication level and decision ability. (6)Study English hard, make it conform to the job requirements.有帮助请点击选为满意答案谢谢!

答:逐句翻译,绝非电脑软件翻译!1.该去睡觉了。(两种方式)It's time to go to bed./ It's time for bed.(下面的句子可能你不要求用两种方式,但我还是帮你写两种表达法)2. 老师叫我们上课不要讲话。The teacher asked us not to talk in class./The teacher asked us to keep quilt in ...

答:3.If you are aged 18 and in good condition, it is safe to take the medicine.如果你年满18岁并且健康,服用者重要是安全的。4.Their problems are significant enough to interfere with their ability to function independently.它们的问题已经严重到影响它们独立工作的能力了。5. Many students ...

答:I've never been out of China before.3. 他降落在全世界每户房顶上,然后顺着烟囱往下爬。He lands on every roof all over the world and climb down through the chimney.4. 他迫不及待地把这个消息告诉我。He couldn't wait to tell me the news.5. 她的一生都来照顾孩子了。Her life ...

答:453. I'm confident that the dentist will deny the confidential accidental incident.我相信牙医会否认那件秘密意外事故。454. The student identified the identical idioms (这里应该是复数) on the identity cards.那位学生认出了身份证上相同的习语。455. The stupid student rapidly studied the ...

答:7.除了英语以外,我们还学习俄语和西班牙语。(apart from)Apart from English, we learn Russian and Spanish as well.8.由于上班一再迟到,他被老板炒了鱿鱼。(fire)He was fired by his boss, because he was late for work over and over again.9.大多数学生发现靠父母给的那点钱生活很...