
作者&投稿:隐泡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Business management center preservation integrated treatment specialist

 independent processing daily operations, including preservation and consultation, documents and data processing, review and analysis, etc.
 independently complete the work assigned by superior leadership, including insurance document translation, the operating system of testing and research, preservation and practice writing risk control and revision and promote sales report.
 actively participate in various activities, including the academic lecture session activities, and work conference, etc.
 mastered the professional knowledge and professional financial insurance handling skill training, the comprehensive coordination and statistical analysis, with a strong capacity of organization and coordination, word processing, and language ability.

 innovative ability and strong ability to learn and be willing to accept new things and can quickly adapt to the various working environment.
 with high sense of responsibility and team spirit, work conscientiously, responsible and good interpersonal and communication with.
 has a positive and optimistic attitude, willing to accept the challenge, courage to face frustration and difficulties

Jessica, when the course started I had gastritis, as a result I missed some classes. Because I had this condition before, I did not go to the hospital. Instead I simply took some medication. Could you please not give me "F" for the course? Thank you so much.

Good luck to you!


Do you need shopping bags?您需要购物袋吗?

Please wait a moment.请稍等!

It's ...yuan in total一共...元

Cash or card?现金还是刷卡?

Swipe the card,please.请刷卡

Please enter the password.请输入密码

Please sign here.请在这里签字

We charge you...收您...元

Give you change ...找您...元

Do you need to heat it?请问需要加热吗?

Your spoon here.你的勺子

Your chopstick here.你的筷子

Go straight, then turn left.直行,再左转

Can you say some simple English?你能说一些简单的英语吗 ?

Do you need other services?请问还需要其他的服务吗?

Welcome to visit next time!欢迎下次光临!

Sorry,I understand very little English,can you speak Chinese or spell the English words?

Thanks for your coming!

欢迎光临! welcom
您需要购物袋吗? Do you need a shopping bag?
请稍等! Please wait a moment
一共...元 the total is ....
现金还是刷卡? Cash or card?
请刷卡 Please swipe your card
请输入密码 Please enter your password
请在这里签字 please sign here
收您...元 Charge you ...
找您...元 here is your ...change
请问需要加热吗? Would you like to heat it?
你的勺子 your spoon
你的筷子 your chopsticks
直行,再左转 go straight, then turn left
你能说一些简单的英语吗 could you please speak some simple English
请问还需要其他的服务吗 What else can I do for you?
欢迎下次光临! welcome your next presence
不好意思,我懂的英文很少,你能说中文或者拼写一下英文单词吗? Excuse me. My English is poor, could you please speak Chinese or at least spell it?
谢谢光临 Thank you for coming

欢迎光临! welcome
您需要购物袋吗? Would you like a shopping bag?
请稍等! please wait a minute.
一共...元 It's ;;;yuan.
现金还是刷卡? cash or card?
请刷卡 please swipe the card
请输入密码 enter your password,please.

请在这里签字 please sign here
收您...元 I receive you ...yuan.
找您...元 Here is your charge,...yuan.
请问需要加热吗? need to heat it?
你的勺子 your spoon
你的筷子 your chopsticks
直行,再左转 go straight,then turn left
你能说一些简单的英语吗 Can you speak English?
请问还需要其他的服务吗 Enything else I can do for you?
欢迎下次光临! welcome your next visit

You need a shopping bag?
Please wait a moment!
A total of...
Cash or credit card?
To pay by credit card please
Please enter the password
Please sign here
Charge you...
Looking for you...
Do you need to heat?
Your spoon
Your chopsticks
Go straight, then turn left
Can you say some simple English
Please also need to other service
Welcome to you next time!
I'm sorry, I understand very little English, can you speak Chinese or spelling the English words?
Thank you for coming

1.welcome 2.do you need a shopping bag? 3.just a minute 4.a total of 5.cash or credit card 6.piease swipe your card 7.piease enter the passward 8.sign here ,piease 8.charge your ...yuan 9.find your ...yuan 10dou you need heating 后面的下午译

答:Thanks for your coming!谢谢光临

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