
作者&投稿:江亚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ ① 技术经济及管理的英语是什么


Technical Economics and Management


② 英语翻译:技术经济及管理专业

Technical economics and management.

③ 技术经济与管理专业英文翻译

Technical economy and management specialty


④ 英语达人来,关于经济类的英语翻译。 汉译英

1 international trade is the modern economic exchanges beeen nations, as an important part, it allows countries from closer economic ties gain benefits, but also requires countries to pay a price accordingly. The price will make its economic exposure in the international economic fluctuation, under the impact of international trade but also as a financial crisis abundant to conction channels.
2. Trade channels conction embodied in the following four aspects
3. To European and American countries implement trade protection, affect China's economy and trade. By financial crisis impact most direct euramerican and other developed countries, because of its economic protection, may implement trade protection, antimping, anti-subsidy etc trade barriers restrictions and will give China's trade enterprise to bring new challenges
4. By international financial crisis, the United States, the European Union, Japan and other countries constantly adjust interest rates, making major currency exchange rate fluctuations intensifies, eventually leading to the material price fluctuations of proction enterprise caused severe shock. China enterprise mostly in instrial chain, the energy and upper-middle primary proct price fluctuations influences of difficulty in proction and management, enterprise, especially many *** all and medium-sized enterprises lack the ability to deal with crises, face greater survival pressure
5. The traditional "popular major" students and "employment disadvantaged groups" of the impact on particularly remarkable, employment presents serious buyer's market characteristics
6. Economic crisis has college graates in the employment market petition unprecedented fierce, this makes some family conditions are very urgently need employment or their learning research ability strong students postpone employment plan, consider further study, so as to enhance their petitive power and temporarily miss workplace storm rush hour.
7.. Second-hand rable-goods market may wele, such as some expensive rable necessities, automobiles, home appliance and so on, these procts, if in the secondary market with low price sale, may be very popular, for many after 80, 90 after the younger group speaking, if this stage just need these procts, they will choose second-hand procts as consumption of transition
8. There will be many consumers in unemployment es before, for his own career began to plan and prepare, so there would be some consumers spend money on charging, school, training, or choose to return to the campus, evaded financial crisis, while improving workplace petitiveness, think the future for preparation
9. The international financial crisis in China's economic hardship, but also for our country accelerate the adjustment of instrial structure, promote the coordinate development of the economic society provides a good opportunity.
10. Rural market potential is tremendous development lags behind, the exploring rural market will make the domestic market space greatly expansion. One is the large market volume. The rural population accounts for about 80% of the total population, is posed of main body, visible in the main body of rural residents' consumption. With the development of the rural economy, the rural market capacity will widening. 2 it is the growth in demand space is large.
11. Increase the central government to the local basis constructive investment, this aspect is mainly used for rural and agricultural infrastructure rebuilding and rural people's livelihood engineering construction, and purposefully for remote areas and underdeveloped areas of ecation and basic medical and health of the social public enterprise's construction and renovation, such not only can fundamentally change people's lives, improve the overall recessive ine level, and also encourage consumer confidence for stimulating domestic demand and expand consumer laid a prerequisite.
12. In vigorously promote modern agriculture development and at the same time, execute beneficial to our scientific innovation and technological progress of relevant fiscal policy, and promote the enterprise speeding up the technical renovation and technical progress, accelerate independent research and high-tech procts, early from foreign technology monopoly, then forms the independent brand. Meanwhile guide bank for such enterprises preferential loans, thus making instry adjust upgraded to achieve a new standards
13. Strengthen the support to the development of *** all and medium-sized enterprises, contact the regional finance department in financial support level set up special funds for the development of *** all and medium-sized enterprises, and contact each district the state development bank actively financing services, the integrated use discount and preferential tax policies tools, and strive for enterprises to solve the difficulty in financing. Increase transfer payments to scale, accelerate regional can coordinate development
14. Quickening enterprise mergers, acquisitions and technology of innovation. Take the initiative to seize the petitors withdraw from the opportune time, increase marketing efforts, and expand the market share. Seize foreign technology pany, brand enterprise management difficult favorable opportunity, accelerating technological enterprise and brand enterprise merger speed, positive active integrate enterprise merger boom. Small and medium-sized enterprises should strengthen financial support, and increase enterprise technical transformation investment, vigorously introce scientific and technological personnel, improve the technology innovation and internationalized management level
15. Increasing international market development dynamics, cultivating new export growth points.

⑤ 东京大学g30战略技术经济专业英文和日文授课有何不同









一个是英文 一个日文 语言不同


⑥ 技术经济学的英文怎么说

[经] technological economics
技术经济学 Technological Economics,Technical Economics,Technology Economics
信息技术经济学 information technological economics,Economics of Information Technology
海洋技术经济学 marine technological economics,hnological economics

⑦ 技术经济,管理科学与工程区别

如果是专硕 技术经济学 最对口的是mpm项目管理硕士,管理学最对口的是mba,工程方面比较多的是ee之类的,如果你是女孩而且只考虑这三个专业方向的话,比较尴尬mpm和工程类的硕士 都是需要一定数学基础的,而且都是属于半创造性学科,不适合女生读,而mba之类的管理类都是给那些有工作经验的老总们镀金用的,一般应届生较少(并且费用很高)
就业的话,管理学科就是去企业当管理层,一般都是本来就是管理层的人读了回去做原来的职务或者晋升,没有工作经验的话就算你读出管理类硕士 也不会有人让你做管理层的除非这个公司是你家开的。。。mpm一般以后出来是做项目进度管理,项目评估,已经资产估值专卖等专业工作,一般和你的能力直接挂钩,学的好的就业还不错,实在混不下去就考继续考公务员往 *** 统靠拢也是条道理, *** 目前很缺这种mpm人才(我一个产业经济学老师说的),工程类出路我不是特别了解,但是女生做这个真的。。。。。

⑧ 跪求课程名称 标准英文翻译

体育(4): Physical Ecation (4)
军事训练: Military Training
土地资源管理专业概论: Introction to Land Resouce Management Major
思想道德修养与法律基础: Cultivation of Ideology and Ethics and Fundamentals of Law
大学英语(1): College English (1)
健康教育: Health Ecation
体育(2): Physical Ecation (2)
公益劳动: Volunteering for Public Interest
舞蹈鉴赏: Appreciation of Dancing
高级程序设计语言C: Advanced Programming Language C
高级程序设计语言C课程设计: Course Design of Advanced Programming Language C
电子电工学实验B: Experiment in Electronic and Electrical Engineering B
体育(3): Physical Ecation (3)
线性代数: Linear Algebra
大学英语(3): College English (3)
电工电子学B: Electronic and Electrical Engineering B
数据库技术及应用: Techniques and Applications of Database
地籍测量实习B: Cadastration Practice B
高等数学A(2): Advanced Mathematics A (2)
大学英语(4): College English (4)
会计学原理: Principles of Accounting
应用统计学课程设计: Course Design of Applied Accounting
大学生就业指导: Employment Guidance for College Students
系统工程与运筹学: System Engineering and Operations Research
系统工程与运筹学课程设计: Course Design of System Engineering and Operations Research
土地资源学: Land Resource
土地法规与政策: Land Laws, Regulations and Policies
管理信息系统: Management Information System
技术经济学A: Technological Economics A
专业外语(2)Professional Foreign Language (2)
土地定级与房地产估价: Land Rating and Real Estate Appraisal
GIS基础及软件应用: Fundamentals of GIS and Sofare Application
土地定级与房地产估价课程设计: Course Design of Land Rating and Real Estate Appraisal
体育(1): Physical Ecation (1)
高等数学A(1): Advanced Mathematics A (1)
工程制图: Graphing of Engineering
大学化学: College Chemistry
大学计算机基础: Fundamentals of College Computer Science
管理学原理: Principles of Management
大学物理B: College Physics B
大学物理实验B: Experiment of College Physics B
大学英语(2): College English (2)
经济学B: Economics B
马克思主义基本原理: Basic Principles of Marxi ***
概率论: Probability Theory
房屋建筑学A: Building Construction A
当代中国外交: Contemporary Chinese Diplomacy
合同法: Contracts Law
摄影技术: Techniques of Photography
*** 思想和中国特色社会主义: Mao Zedong Thought and Sociali *** with Chinese Characteristics
土地经济学: Land Economics
应用统计学: Applied Statistics
地图学与地图设计: Cartology and Map Design
地籍测量A: Cadastration A
房地产开发与经营课程设计: Course Design of Real Estate Development and Management
技术经济学课程设计: Course Design of Technological Economics
创业管理: Entrepreneurial Management
美国社会与文化: American Society and Culture
专业外语(1): Professional Foreign Language (1)
房地产开发与经营A: Real Estate Development and Management A
GPS基础及应用综合实验: Comprehensive Experiment of Fundamentals and Applications of GPS
GPS基础及应用: Fundamentals and Applications of GPS
遥感技术及应用: Techniques and Applications of Remote Sensing
遥感技术及应用综合实验: Comprehensive Experiment of Techniques and Applications of Remote Sensing
文献检索: Document Indexing
GIS基础及软件应用综合实验: Comprehensive Experiment of Fundamentals of GIS and Sofare Application


⑨ 工业技术经济学的英文怎么说

对外经贸大学的英语全国排行应该还第三,除过北外,上外,就是对外经贸。 而对外经贸商务比其它两所学校好,商务英语自然也厉害。所以这个专业是可以和上外,北外媲美的。

⑩ 考研:技术经济及管理专业 的专业课考试考什么




①101 思想政治理论



④810 建筑技术经济学







答:② 英语翻译:技术经济及管理专业 Technical economics and management. ③ 技术经济与管理专业英文翻译 Technical economy and management specialty 最正确.最简洁明了, ④ 英语达人来,关于经济类的英语翻译。 汉译英 1 international trade is the modern economic exchanges beeen nations, as an important part,...

答:是指经济学里的专业课程吗?Technical Economics and Management 技术经济及管理是以技术的生产、流通和应用为基本对象,为技术与经济管理结合的新兴学科。技术经济及管理为适应国家生产力布局、投资方向、各部门的发展比例和速度、能源政策、技术政策、技术引进与出口、物资流通与调运、金融机构和咨询机构论证...

答:Technical economics and management.

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答:technique 英 [tekˈniːk] 美 [tekˈniːk]n. 技巧,工艺;(尤指体育或艺术方面的)技巧,技术 [ 复数 techniques ]同义词:skill , science , mechanics , tips 词组短语:new technique 新技术 processing technique 生产工艺;制造工艺 construction technique 施工技术 si...

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答:4 408计算机学科专业基础综合 复试:技术经济学 第02组 1.101思想政治理论 2.201英语一 3.303数学三 4 803机械原理与机械设计 第三组 1.101思想政治理论 2.201英语一 3.303数学三 4 811电路 第四组 1.101思想政治理论 2.201英语一 3.303数学三 4 自动控制理论 第五组 1.101思想政治理论 ...

请问: 企业管理专业要学哪些课程?

答:人力资源管理专业培养具有管理、经济、法律以及人力资源管理方面的知识与能力,胜任企业、事业单位、政府部门人力资源管理,以及教学、科研等多方面工作的工商管理高级专门人才。技术经济与管理培养具备专业技术和系统工程基本理论,掌握现代经济与现代管理理论和 方法,并能熟练运用于对企业经济活动进行系统设计、评价、改良与...