
作者&投稿:承昨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Shilpa Hanumantha: I was born in India, a few years later my family and I
Shilpa Hanumantha:我在印度出生,几年后,我家人和我一起搬到美国
moved to America, since then I've grown up here.
I always celebrate different holidays
but one holiday always stands out to me, Diwali.
Diwali means "the Festival of Lights,"
which happens around October to November.
I always remember Diwali,I still celebrate it today!
How Diwali is celebrated is when Hindu people
gather together, such as friends and family
and we dress up in bright and colorful clothing,
such as a sari or a salwar kameez,
如丝绸做得彩服和salwar kameez(一种带长顶得裤子)等,以此来庆祝Diwali
which is basically pants with a long top.
We put on bangles, nail polish, make up, bindis,
braid our hair, and so on.
It's important to have fun as we dress up
because we don't do that often here in America
so because Diwali is a one time thing a year,
we have fun dressing up nice.
At home, we decorate inside with candles lit every day
in front of the windows,and we have chalk artwork
on the sidewalks using different colors.
In addition to that we have small gifts
for family and friends.
Diwali is celebrated when someone hosts a huge party
at their house, and all of us will gather together there.
We bring food but the host will also cook up
a huge feast, spicy delicious Indian food, yum.
We all get together and talk, it is always nice and fun
to reminisce memories from India
while enjoying delicious food
We also exchange gifts there.
The main reason why we celebrate Diwali is
to appreciate who we are as Hindu,.
to appreciate our religion and culture.
Basically appreciate who we are.
It's fun, sometimes I bring my friends
and show them how we celebrate.
Again, Diwali is a huge holiday celebration for us
that we still cherish today.
I always look forward to celebrating it every year.
Again, Happy Diwali to you too.
Johanna Katz: I'm from Argentina and I'm Jewish.
Johanna Katz: 我来自 Argentina,我叫Jewish
Soon, I'll be flying home and will have
不久,我将飞回家,将会有机会在a big Menorah
an opportunity to celebrate Hanukkah
with a big Menorah with eight candles.
和eight candles的陪伴下度过Hanukkah
The President will light the first candle
and Hanukkah will last for seven days.
Also, Purim is when we can dress up with clothing
that represents that era.
It's fun!
We also eat chocolate gold coins and play with the dreidel.
Happy Holidays to you all!

1. ice sculpture series: classical life, wealth, perfect, Sun flower, the taste of life, of Cherbourg, corn poppy, home and everything, money tree, he's a woman she's a man, fantasy space, plum flower, dark aroma, lucky rich, thriving business, pengbishenghui, eternal love, true ciopper door, rose of qualifications, pond spice, feelings of simple but elegant, quiet water deep and Lotus.
2. silk series: Iraqis incense, Crystal love, Word pioneer, one metre, colorful round the Sun, gentleman style, beautiful scene on a bright day, Lotus pond and full moon, rich elegant Oriental
3. roasted paint series: powder family (Emperor gold), and happiness years, and fragrance (Pearly pink roasted paint), and Ruyi life (Pearly pink/pale yellow roasted paint), and tulip, and hemeizhenzhujin, and mirror spent margin (Pearly shallow ancient copper roasted paint), and stars points points, and smart audio guide health fai, and happiness Fu Halo, and spent of rhyme, and English poetry, and attachment spent language, and drunk fashion, and enchanted, and poetic, and happiness eternal, and Paris lovers, and pour dream of margin.
4 wall series: spring returns, water cube, tail, feathers, rose flowers, connected to Fuxi, Lotus pond and full moon, autumn in October, Choi Hung, Meteor chasing the Moon, four seasons Symphony
5 high translucent series: shade, perfect, like the years water clearance, happy life, yongnian, innocence and love of rose, prosperous times wedding clothes, perfume, don't taste and habits, Lily, strings of flowers, the European charm of life that stroll, about Convention, icing on the cake, heart moving, Peacock Dance with me, Chinoiserie, apricot xiangfeng month, Jane Eyre, daffodils
6 DV plate series: falling/youth, and brilliant smile, and Misty Rain Dim, and kasileinuo, and silk road spent rain, and inspiration melody, and network era, and love summer, and Milan style, and like water years, and Xiangyun, and have mutual affinity, and Butterfly fly fly, and pattern years, and beautiful Iraqis, and love in distance, and spent opened rich, and fuyadongfang, and icing on the, and us waiter/waitress margin, and elegant style, and smile with a, and spent dream, and attachment, and daffodil, and love Department landscape, and aftertaste, and aftertaste led hand, and Bobadilla spent love, and grape, and meet, and fun paradise, and Butterfly love spent, and European charms.
7 color mirror series: courtyard flowers (mirror Sha), and race Fong tuyan, and (Crystal yellow/golden) rhyme scheme direction (titanium dioxide gold), and celebrate spring, and ya mirror, and youth dance, and dream woke up spent opened, and Nile of legend, and Hyun dynamic spent full homes (Titanium golden white), and spent fragrance, and water rhyme wall, and Leopard sheath (Pearly) troubled times Lady (Jin Chajing/Lan Huijing), and cloud Lily, and p plus stand (water blue), and light of property language, and closely, and mission spent Kam clusters world aspect, and ceremony, and beauty jiaoyang Lamping, and drunk fragrant rose
8 head sculpture series: Lily, Ode to the era trends and How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, autumn, flowers leaves, Monte Rena, Helena, beauty, Isabelle Adjani, fragrance melodies, water jade jiaolan
9 Titanium series: evening primrose, love summer, simple affair, flower opened rich, vacant dreams, dancing and magnificent, great heart, love together, mood, and Vidas, cool, and the new millennium.
10 oil sands series: Freehand live, Breeze, p plus stand, photo stories, step by step, love of the blessed the goal happily, speaks of the light.
11 carved: the fragrance four overflows, sika deer, higher positions, coconut trees, fish, Beijing Yun Orchid, Calla, Lotus free imagination
12 sand carved series: Dutch fragrant elegant, and often dependent, and youth melody, and waiting, and spent Butterfly love, and leaves fragrance bloom, and Plexus in the laugh, and led hand, and very beautiful, and happy Princess, and Sony Ericsson, and beautiful mood, and June Qing Dutch, and elegant rose, and rhyme, and Magnolia fragrant, and graceful, and rich full, and spent rhyme fragrance, and yearning for happiness, and us still, and Xiang Siying, and dream spring, and junsi language, and double Luan xiangfeng, and Peony, and Hei reunite, and Butterfly curtain vertical dream, and sunflower, and star Hyun dance, and Iraqis asked autumn
13 engraving series: flowers in the mirrors (powder mirror + engraving), Heung Yuen coagulation charm and elegance fashion wind, mirror, pioneer, still beautiful encounter, butterfly love, harmony, flower charm, family portrait Chinese knot, silver starfish and coffee bean
14 extra white glass series: Melody flowers overnight to pick up, flower, moon shadow fragrant, flowers, dreams in the mirror pines, perfect interpretation, fashion's got talent, American star, looking, fashion elements.
153-dimensional network series: Sun-set flower, butterfly Xuan, at first sight, perfect flower dreams, Two for the Road, new language, romance, Sun Odyssey, Sunshine Coast, contentment, a breeze, and plume in Wonderland.

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2 。一个关键控制功能的奥斯汀健全中心的会计制度,关键就在双方协议的详细客户应收款记录和简要总在总分类账。利用这些数据,在展览6-10日,第236 ,以证明甸健全应收账款的记录是准确的。
3 。商业销售就必须有良好的应收账款记录,以确保收集来自客户。叫什么名字了详细的记录,金额珍藏版由个别客户?
de6 - 9现金收益杂志甸健全中心出现在展览6-11 , page239 ,随着该公司的不同分类账户。利用这些数据,在展览6-11回答下列问题,查尔斯欧内斯特,企业的所有人,可能面对的问题。
1 。有多少人的现金销售额在11月份?
2 。多少钱甸健全借用期间十一月?还有什么地方可以你看看,以确定是否甸声已支付了部分贷款?
3 。有多少人的总现金收益在十一月?
4 。多少金钱也奥斯汀健全收集关于户口从顾客吗?多少总折扣没有顾客赚取付出很快?多少钱甸健全的应收账款减少了,因为收藏品的顾客,从11月期间?
德- 10指甸健全中心的购货日报(展览6-12日,第241条) ,并支付现金日报(展览6-13日,第243名) 。查尔斯欧内斯特,车主已提出下列问题有关的业务。
1 。在11月30日之后,所有的采购,并全部以现金支付,花多少钱甸健全欠合营公司?多少总是否甸健全对欠帐户?
2 。多少钱买的总学分采购库存,供应,装置,以及家具增加奥斯汀健全的应付帐款,在十一月?
3 。有多少应付帐款却甸健全偿清在十一月?什么数额的现款却甸健全支付帐户?解释不同。
de6 - 11连回到第1及2章(录音交易) 。使用奥斯汀良好的购货日报(展览6-12日,第241条) ,并支付现金日报(展览6-13日,第243段) ,以解决这些现实世界中面临的问题,查尔斯欧内斯特,企业的所有人。
1 。为什么甸健全借记租金支出为支付租金,将于十一月三日?
2 。有多少人奥斯汀良好的购货总额的库存在11月份?有多少人净购买清单呢?如何解释差异购货总额和净购买?其中帐户持有这些款项?
3 。假设现在是12月1日和欧内斯特的意愿,以支付全额奥斯汀健全欠上户口。审查购货日报(页241 ) ,以确定是否欧内斯特可以采取任何购物折扣,而且还考虑将现金付款杂志。然后作一般性杂志入境记录付款的正确量12月1日。包括一个交代。

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