
作者&投稿:巨迫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英文:I majored in accounting at school.
一、major(过去式: majored)
英 [ˈmeɪdʒə(r)] 美 [ˈmedʒɚ]
例句:Physics was his major.
英 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ] 美 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ]
例句:Majors like finance, accounting and management are popular.
三、at school
英 [æt sku:l] 美 [æt skul]
例句:At school I boxed and played rugby

5、major表示“主要的”时,常指比一般的重要性再多一点点,或是有可能会产生不寻常的严重结果,如major railway accident(严重的铁路事故)

Accounting Information Disclosure Regulation in Abstract accounting information disclosure of listed companies is an integrated information resource, users of accounting information on decision-making has an important influence. 充分的信息披露不论对上市公司自身的利益,还是对证券市场的有效运作,都是至关重要的。 Adequate information disclosure of listed companies regardless of their own interests, or the effective functioning of the securities market, are crucial. 上市公司信息披露质量的好坏不仅直接影响到市场参与各方的经济决策,而且常常影响到证券市场的正常运转和健康发展。 The quality of information disclosure of listed companies good or bad is not only a direct impact on market participation to economic decision-making, and often affects the normal functioning of securities markets and healthy development. 然而,近年来我国上市公司会计信息舞弊案却频频发生,给中小投资者带来重大损失,造成证券市场秩序混乱。 However, the accounting information of listed companies in China in recent years, fraud was frequent, heavy losses to small investors, resulting in the securities market disorder. 随着我国资本市场的进一步完善,建立规范的信息披露制度和监管体制,势在必行。 With the further improvement of China's capital market, establish a standard of information disclosure system and regulatory system, is imperative. 上市公司虚报会计信息的原因是多方面的,其中上市公司的趋利动机和法律法规的不健全是其重要原因。 False accounting information of listed companies are many reasons, including listed companies which seeks profit motives and inadequate laws and regulations is an important reason. 本文采用资料统计和个案分析相结合的方法,揭示出我国上市公司多虚报会计信息的现状,并分析上市公司虚报会计信息的深层次因素及其危害性,指出了哪些责任主体应该对会计信息披露负责, 揭示出我国会计信息披露法律责任弱化这个事实。 In this paper, statistics and case analysis methods combined, revealed many listed companies in China the status of false accounting information and false accounting information of listed companies in the underlying factors and the danger, pointed out that the main responsibility for which accounting information should be responsible for the disclosure reveals the legal responsibilities of Accounting Information weaken this fact. 从而针对这些原因提出对修改完善相关法律法规、强化会计信息披露法律责任从而保护中小投资者的利益、维护证券市场秩序提出一些相应的建议,探讨如何防范会计信息舞弊。 So for these reasons put forward on the revise and improve relevant laws and regulations, strengthen the legal responsibility of accounting information disclosure to protect the interests of small investors, maintaining orderly securities market to make some appropriate recommendations on how the accounting information to prevent fraud.

提问者: studyzh - 一级

Penetration “restriction control” foundation
1. the division of labor must be reasonable. Divides into certain part or the link an economic work's complete process, completes by the different department or the personnel, do not by a person of from beginning to end assuming full responsibility, realize the appropriate right division.
2. between the post must divert. The internal check is the request economical item and the accounting event separates mutually, restricts mutually; The enterprise interior different responsibility post's mutual separation, restricts mutually; The significant economical item's decision-making and the execution separate mutually, restrict mutually. In accountancy's internal check is accountant the bookkeeping and business separates, guaranteed that the account money is in charge, the account to be in charge, the accounting personnels cannot both manage and the tube, accountant do not hold a concurrent post of the teller.
3. the verification inspection wants strictly prompt. Obtains the certificate from the underlying document the manufacture to arrive again final collects the payment and the registration deposits, the entire process each step must have the strict inspection, the verification. Realizes evil ways accountant the procedure the procedure to carry on the effective inspection surveillance together to accountant. Simultaneously must attach the necessity management audit organization or the specialty auditors' audit examination work.
4. establishment perfect economical responsibility system. Economic work's concerned personnel must have the explicit work authority and the economical responsibility, attaches the corresponding rewards and punishment system of examining and assessment, the responsibility, authority and benefits is coordinated, is unified.
5. pays great attention the cost benefit relations. Have the major impact accounting information to these reflection production and operating activities and the financial situation, the design control from the inside time the system wants to be strictly careful, to be systematic. But must measure uses in formulating and execution control system's payout the benefit relations which produces with it. To non-important, its formulation and the execution control system cost high economic work may the suitable reduced program.


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求:“会计学acca专业” 的英语翻译
答:会计学acca专业 ACCA major in accounting

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答:Penetration “restriction control” foundation 1. the division of labor must be reasonable. Divides into certain part or the link an economic work's complete process, completes by the different department or the personnel, do not by a person of from beginning to end assuming full ...

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