
作者&投稿:庾胃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

新塍镇中心小学六年级下英语Unit 1 单元检测卷

浙江省嘉兴市秀洲区新塍镇洛东小学 计晓敏

Part One Listening (第一部分听力) 40%

I. Listen, tick or cross. 听录音,对的打√,错的打×。10%

II. Listen and write down the numbers. 听录音,写出相应的数字。10%

1. Mike is __________kg.

2. Zhang Peng is __________ years old.

3. Wu Yifan is __________ cm tall.

4. Sarah is _________ years old.

5. John's feet are bigger. He wears Size ___________.

III. Listen and order. 听录音,把下列句子排成对话。10%

( )Oh, he's stronger than you.

( 1 )Come on, Mike. Look at this photo. He's my brother.

( )Yes. But he's younger than me. He's 11 years old.

( )Is he shorter than you?

( )Oh, I think he's good at sports.

( )No, he isn't. He's 5 cm taller than me.

IV. Listen and choose. 听录音,选出与录音内容一致的选项。 10%

( )1. A. Chen Jie is taller than Sarah.

B. Mike is shorter than Sarah.

C. Mike is taller than Sarah.

( )2. A. Wu Yifan is 40 kg.

B. Wu Yifan is 45 kg.

C. Wu Yifan is 35 kg.

( )3. A. Lui Yun's sister is 2 years old.

B. Lui Yun's sister is 10 years old.

C. Lui Yun's sister is 12 years old.

( )4. A. John's pencil is longer than Liu Yun's.

B. John's pencil is shorter than Liu Yun's.

C. Liu Yun's pencil is longer than John's.

( )5. A. An elephant is bigger and taller than a giraffe.

B. An elephant is smaller and shorter than a giraffe.

C. An elephant is bigger and shorter than a giraffe.

Part Two Reading and Writing (第二部分笔试)40%

I. Read and change the words. 照样子写出下列单词的比较级。10%

II. Read and choose. 根据句意,选择最佳的选项填空。10%

( ) 1. _______________ is this skirt? It's 35 yuan.

( ) 2. _______________are you have? I'm 13 years old.

( ) 3. _______________ are your jeans? They are 80 cm long.

( ) 4. _______________ are you? I am 165 cm tall.

( ) 5. ________________is a sperm whale? It's about 35 tons.

III. Read and tick. 读对话,选出正确的图片,在字母上打√。6%

IV. Read and fill in the blanks. 读一读,填入合适的单词。12%

1. --- I'm 12 years old. __________ __________ are you?

--- I'm 10. You're 2 years __________ ___________ me.

2. --- I'm 40 kg. ____________ ___________ are you?

--- I'm 43 kg. I'm 3 kg ____________ ____________ you.

3. --- I'm 165 cm tall. ___________ _____________ are you?

--- I'm 160 cm. You're 5 cm ____________ ____________me.

V. Make up sentences. 连词成句,注意书写格式和标点符号。10%

1. are tall you how ?


2. I'm tall cm 150 .


3. you thinner I'm than .


4. how you heavy are ?


5. you are 4 cm than me taller .


VI. Read and judge. 阅读短文,判断正误,对的打√,错的打×。12%

Hello, I'm Peter. I'm from Canada. I'm 11 years old. I'm 160 cm and 40 kg. I like reading books. Every morning, I go to school with my good friend Ben. We go to school on foot. Ben is 10 years old. He's 2 kg heavier than me. But I'm 2cm taller than him. We study in Red Wood School. Lucy is my sister. She's 1 year old than me. She likes drawing pictures. She is taller and stronger than me.

1. Ben is younger than Peter. ( )

2. Ben is 162 cm tall. ( )

3. Peter is 2 kg heavier than Ben. ( )

4. Lucy is 12 years old. ( )

5. Lucy is 2 years old than Ben. ( )

6. Lucy is thinner than Peter. ( )





等待 警察 停 在哪里 工作 爱好

------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------

购买 请 左边 然后 直线 记住

------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -----


火车 Subway 电车 ship 公共汽车 plane

------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------

Post man(邮递员)— nurse —

图书管理员 — 售书员 —

放映员 —


1、拉小提琴 2、制作风筝

3、骑自行车 4、收集邮票

5、与…相临 6、下 周

7、今天上午 8、到 达

9、上 学 10、交通规则



live teach go

read do watch


collect make play

drive ride


1. left(反义词 )_________ 2. doesn’t (完全形式) _________

3. writer (动词) _________ 4. write (同音词) __________

五、 选择合适的单词填入括号内(10分)。

1、 Zhan Tianyou ( 詹天佑 ) is a .

2、 Zhao Wei ( 赵薇 ) is an .

3、 Li Lianjie ( 李连杰 ) is an .

4、 Xu Beihong ( 徐悲鸿) is an .

5、 Bing Xin ( 冰心 ) is a .


1、我的妈妈是销售员。My mother is a .

2、张鹏的爸爸是个会计。Zhang Peng’s father is an .


I sometimes in bed ,.and in the livingroom.

4、我要给玛丽寄张明信片。I am going to send a to Mary. 回答

(满分100分 90分钟完卷 1分书写分)
1 . I a plese cola want
2. liyan is in class 5 grade 6 二、词组互译:英语翻译成汉语,汉语翻译成英语 20%
1.very well ___________ 6.在六(2)班 _____________
2.here you are ____________ 7.朝......看 _____________
3.our headmaster ___________ 8.用英语(表示)____________
4.my deskmate ____________ 9.我的孪生妹妹 ___________
5.listen to a song ___________ 10.一辆新车 ________________ 三、选择填空,将正确答案的序号写入题前括号 16%
( )1.What's this ? _______ panda.
A.Is B.It's C.It's a
( )2.Is this ____car? Yes,it's____car.
A.you ,my B.your,me C.your,my
( )3.Look__the picture.
A.at B.of C.in
( )4.Tom___a new ruler.
A.have B.has C.is
( )5.Where___your mother?
A.am B.are C.is
( )6.What's____over there?
A.this B.that C.there
( )7.Is this a duck? ___,it isn't.
A.Yes B.No C.Sure
( )8.You____welcome.
A.are B.have C.is
四、连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号 15%
1.boys good girls and morning ____________________________________
2.is in this what English _____________________________________
3.I use may pen your _____________________________________
4.that too duck a is ______________________________________
5.Tom's maybe it is notebook ____________________________________
五、按要求完成各句 24%
1.This is your eraser.(变成一般疑问句并做否定回答)
2.That's a nice plane.(变成一般疑问句并做肯定回答)
3.How are you ?I'm fine. (用另一个句子同意表达划线部分)
How are you ? ____________
4.How do you do ? (写出答句)_________________________
5.What's this? (用"桔子"回答)___________________________
6.Glad to see you again. (写出上句) _______________________________________
7.Are you in Grade Five? (根据实际情况回答)_________________________
8.How old are you ?(根据实际情况回答)_________________________
六、根据汉语提示完成各句 20%
1.Glad to ______ _____ _______ again.(很高兴再见到你的爸爸。)
2.May I _____ _____ _____ ______ your pen?(我可以看看你的钢笔吗?)
3.He is ______ _____Two, _______ ________.(他在六年级二班。)
4.What's _______ ________ ________?(那边的那是什么?)
5.This is ______ ______, ______ _______.(这是刘小姐,我的老师。)



答:小学六年级下学期英语考试试题一 笔试部分 (70分)四、选出划线部分读音不同的单词。(4分)( )1、A、angry B、afraid C、ant ( )2、A、use B 、university C、mud ( )3、A、fast B、sad C、happy ( )4、A、book B、door C、look 五、选出每组中不同类的一项。(10分)( )1、A...

答:B:He walks to work 十.根据所给提示写不少于五句的英语小短文。请描述下面是什么四季?天气如何?图中人物是谁?在这个季节,他们喜欢做哪些事?穿什么衣服?他们的心情如何? 滑雪, 堆雪人 哈尔滨 外研版小学六年级下册英语试题二 笔试部分(54分) 六.阅读对话,选择合适的句子填空,将其编号写到横线上(9分) A:...

答:写一篇小短文,介绍你和你家人五一假期的活动。注意时态,不少于五句话。(5☆) 小学英语六年级下册期末试题答案 听力部分 一.听录音,选择你听到的单词、短语或它们的汉语意思。(5☆) Keys: D D A B B 四、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列句子的对错。对的在题前的括号内打“√”,错的打“×”。(5☆) K...

答:1、What is your (爱好)? I like (拉小提琴), What about you?I like (制作风筝)2、Does she (教) English? No, she (不是), She (教)math.3、 (哪里)is the cinema, please? It’s (在……附近)the bookstore.4、How can I get to Zhongshan park?(成直线...

答:do ( )3. How ___are you ? --- I’m 160 cm tall. A. old B.tall C.heavy ( ) 4. ___is it ? ---It’s Tuesday. A. What day B. What colour C. What ( )5. 当有人对你说Happy birthday to you!时,你应说: A.You too. B.The same. C.Thank you. ( ) 6. My grandpa...

答:六年级英语试卷参考答案及评分标准 (卷面清楚工整、书写规范美观3分)PartⅠ Listening(听力部分,共40分)听力材料:Ⅰ. 听音,排序。(Listen and rank) (共10分)听句子,选图片,将选项写在题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。1. My broth and I rode a bike.2. I love to ice-skate. So I ...

答:1.Today is Wednesday, ___ (明天) is Thursday.2. I have a piano ___(功课) on Sunday.3. There is a football ___(比赛) at 5:00 pm on TV..4. Marie is going fishing with grandpa the ___(整个)day.5. Thank you for your___(邀请) to your party.6. It’s ...

答:小学学业水平抽样检测六年级综合试卷 英语部分(50分) 一、单项选择。(10分) ( ) 1. You ___ run ___ the classroom. A. mustn’t, in B. should, in C. shouldn’t, out of ( ) 2. I like in summer and in winter. A. swimming; skating B. swims; skates C. swim; skate ( ) 3....

答:1.very well ___ 6.在六(2)班 ___2.here you are ___ 7.朝...看 ___3.our headmaster ___ 8.用英语(表示)___4.my deskmate ___ 9.我的孪生妹妹 ___5.listen to a song ___ ...

答:六、用所给的词语组成句子。1. is a bed this ?2. are these red shoe .3. would like what you ?4. to nice you meet .5. in the cabbage is the sink .七. 阅读短文判断正误,对的写Yes错的写No Bob come from England. He is eleven. He likes to play basketball. His father...