
作者&投稿:贸钥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

新目标英语七年级下册Units 11-12单元检测卷

一、听力部分 (20分)


( ) 1. Does the woman like Chinese food

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. I don’t know.

( ) 2. What does Lucy think of soap operas

A. She likes them very much. B. She doesn’t like them. C. She doesn’t mind.

( ) 3. What does Gina think of old people

A. They can be beautiful. B. They can’t be beautiful. C. She can’t stand it.

( ) 4. What kind of TV shows does Cindy like

A. Sports shows. B. Game shows. C. Talk shows.

( ) 5. What does Danny like the school magazine

A. Because it’s interesting. B. He likes it. C. He can’t stand it.

( ) 6. Where can they eat lunch

A. At school. B. At home. C. In the dinning hall.

( ) 7. What do they have to wear for gym class

A. Uniforms. B. Sports shoes. C. Sweaters.

( ) 8. What’s the baby doing

A. He is playing games. B. He is sleeping. C. He is watching sports shows.

( ) 9. What does the boy want to do

A. To speak English. B. To go to the movies. C. To play soccer.

( ) 10. How is the weather today

A. Cool. B. Warm. C. Cold.

B) 听一段长对话,根据对话内容回答问题,对话读两遍。(每小题1分)

( ) 11. What’s Rob’s mother like

A. She always asks too many questions. B. She’s not very kind

C. She doesn’t like talking to Rob’s friends.

( ) 12. When does Rob’s father often sing

A. He sings when he is in the shop. B. He sings when Rob’s friends are at Rob’s home.

C. He sings when he is with his friends.

( ) 13. How is Rob’s father’s singing

A. Very beautiful. B. Just so-so. C. Very bad.

( ) 14. When Jean’s friend Paul comes to her house, Jean’s father calls him________.

A. Baby. B. Paul. C. Peter.

( ) 15. What’s Jean’s mother like

A. We don’t know. B. She never remember s the names of her friends.

C. She sings when Jean’s friends are at Jean’s home.

C) 听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1分)

( ) 16. Li Lei is ______.

A. Japanese B. Chinese C. American

( ) 17. Li Lei thinks soap operas are ______.

A. boring B. interesting C. awful

( ) 18. Li Lei ______ sitcoms.

A. doesn’t like B. can’t stand C. loves

( ) 19. Li Lei often read them on _____.

A. Wednesday B. weekend C. weekday

( ) 20. Li Lei doesn’t mind _____.

A. soap operas B. sitcoms C. talk shows



( ) 21. --_____do you _______this fashion show –It’s great.

A. What; think B. How; think C. What; like D. What; think of

( ) 22. He can’t stand ______to school on weekends.

A. go B. to go C. going D. went

( ) 23. –Do you mind if I open the door --__________. It’s too hot in the room.

A. No, of course not. B. Yes, please. C. Yes, you can. D. No, you can’t open it.

( ) 24. ________staying at home to watch TV

A. Why not B. Why don’t you C. Could you please D. How about

( ) 25. –What do you think of soap operas –I ________them. They are too boring.

A. like B. can’t stand C. doesn’t like D. love

( ) 26. Do you mind ______me with my English

A. help B. helping C. to help D. helped

( ) 27. He doesn’t work hard on study. ______he is very lazy.

A. In fact B. In the fact C. At fact D. To fact

( ) 28. Doing morning exercises _____good for your health.

A. are B. be C. is D. were

( ) 29. Every boy in our class ______computer games.

A. enjoy playing B. enjoys playing C. enjoy to play D. enjoys to play

( ) 30. –What do you think of documentaries --____________.

A. Not at all. B. Good idea. C. They are boring. D. You are welcome.

( ) 31. I am ______at the news.

A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprises

( ) 32. The students in my class are all ______boys and girls.

A. thirteen years old B. thirteen-years-old C. thirteen-years old D. thirteen-year-old

( ) 33. I think Animal World is the best show. – I don’t ______you.

A. agree with B. mind C. like it D. agree to

( ) 34. _______late for class again, Jim.

A. Don’t B. Can’t C. Don’t be D. Can’t be

( ) 35. ____you have to make dinner after school

A. Are B. Were C. Have D. Do

( ) 36. I have _____things to do today.

A. too many B. too much C. much too D. very much

( ) 37. Emily is a good girl. She always ______her school early.

A. arrives B. arrives at C. arrive at D. arrived

( ) 38 You have to be in school _____7:30, or you will be late.

A. by B. in C. on D. for

( ) 39. –Don’t talk in class, Tony! –Sorry, ________.

A. I can. B. I won’t do it again. C. I will do it right now. D. I break the rule.


There is a zoo in my neighborhood, and I like to spend time there on Sundays. I like to watch monkeys crawling around. Monkeys sometimes fight. They look like I'm fighting with my classmates. To get there, I usually go out and turn right at Bridge Street. Then I walk along Bridge Street. The zoo is on the right.



I live near the supermarket. My parents usually go shopping there. There is a big park opposite the supermarket. I often exercise in the park, because I like the fresh air and sunshine. The best thing in life is free. In order to get to the park, you have to cross central street.



I live in a noisy neighborhood. There is a post office between my home and the clothing store. But my favorite place is the library. It's very quiet, and I like reading there. Time flies when I read. You can get to the library easily. Go along North Street and turn left. It's just across from the park.














答:第一篇:There is a zoo in my neighborhood, and I like to spend time there on Sundays. I like to watch monkeys crawling around. Monkeys sometimes fight. They look like I'm fighting with my classmates. To get there, I usually go out and turn right at Bridge Street. Then I...

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