
作者&投稿:苑震 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1," one piece" is Japan's best-selling animation, from 1997to 2007a total of78 became the magazine cover theme, created one of the sales to reach the fastest one hundred million records, so far, has sold more than one hundred million75000000 copies in total

( 1、《海贼王》是日本史上最畅销的动漫,从1997年至2007年共78次成为杂志封面主题,创立了单本销量最快到达一亿的记录,至今为止总销量已超过一亿7500万册 )


I am the man who will become the King of privates. I dare to be the King of private, the One Piece!

of wealth, fame, right to have everything in the world, One Piece Gol D
Roger uttered final words before he died, which made people scramble
towards the sea: ” My treasure? If you want, you can have it. Seek it
out! I left everything I owned, in One Piece" Therefore all men
started to set sail, drove into the great route of chasing the dream, the
world began to usher in an era of big pirates.



英文:I was going to become a Piece of men! One Piece, when I set up!

Possession of wealth, fame, right to have all the world's Piece Gol D Roger was dying to say a word to let people rush towards the sea, "you want to get the treasure? Want it all to be you to find it I put all the riches all placed there. "so all of the man heading the great route chasing a dream! World began to usher in era of big pirates.



J'allais devenir un morceau d'hommes! One Piece, lorsque j'ai mis en place!

Possession de la richesse, la gloire, droit d'avoir toutes pièces Gol D Roger le monde mourait d'envie de dire un mot pour que les gens se précipitent vers la mer, "vous voulez obtenir le trésor? Voulons tout pour vous être le trouver je mets toutes les richesses qui y sont placés tous. "Donc, tout le titre la grande route courir un rêve homme! Monde a commencé à ouvrir la voie à l'ère de grands pirates.

I want to become one piece man! One piece, I when set!

The possession of wealth, reputation, the right to have the world all in one piece, D Roger in the dying words let peoplescramble for towards the sea "want to treasure? Can want it all to you. To find it, I put all the treasure they put in there." So the man heading to all the great route chasing the dream! The world began to usher in the era of big pirates.

I was going to become a Piece of men! One Piece, when I set up!

Possession of wealth, fame, right to have all the world's Piece Gol D Roger was dying to say a word to let people rush towards the sea, "you want to get the treasure? Want it all to be you to find it I put all the riches all placed there. "so all of the man heading the great route chasing a dream! World began to usher in era of big pirates.

I am the man to be king of Pirates. King of Pirates,
definately will be me! All the wealth, reputation, benefits will belong to me!

"Do you want to get precious? If you
want, then it will all be yours. To find it. I put all the precious just in
there." The last words from Goal. D. Roger, the king of pirates, make
people rush to the sea. All the men heading the great route to their dream! The
world began to usher in the era of pirates.

答:"Do you want to get precious? If you want, then it will all be yours. To find it. I put all the precious just in there." The last words from Goal. D. Roger, the king of pirates, make people rush to the sea. All the men heading the great route to their dream! Th...

答:1. 我以我父亲是海贼为荣!我以他是勇敢的海上战士为荣! オレは亲父が海贼であることを夸りに思ってる! 勇敢な海の戦士であることを夸りに思ってる! 你说的没错!我喜欢吹牛... お前の言う通り、オレはほらびだから 但是,我夸耀我拥有的海贼血统!我不需要伪装! でもオレは海贼の血を引いてる、...

谁帮我把以下海贼王中的名言翻译成英语?要求 不要用有道翻译,有道不一 ...
答:1人究竟什么时候会死呢?是心脏被枪打中的时候?不对。得了不治之症吗?也不对。喝了剧毒香菇汤之后吗?当然不是。而是被世人遗忘的时候 When on earth would a man die?Is it the time to get a gunshot, no;a incurable disease, no;or taking a toxic mushroom soup, of course not as...

海贼王歌词JUNGLE P歌词中日对照翻译
答:吹き抜ける风に心を染めたなら 当舒畅的风填满你的内心 いざ进もう 勇敢直前そこら中の宝をかっさらいながら 分享着那宝藏般的喜悦 高笑いして 高声畅笑 バカ騒ぎの宴で飞ばしてゆけ 在狂欢的喜宴中将它们放飞 しぶきあげて… 随风飘扬…几千の海を股にかけて行け...

答:其实 这几句话你选择的并不是最美的中文翻译 世代继承的意志,时代的变迁,人的梦,这些都是挡不住的。受け継がれる意志、时代のうねり、人の梦……これらはとめることのできないものだ。只要人们继续追求自由的答案,这一切都将永不停止!人々が自由の答えを求める限り、それらは决して止...


将中文翻译为日文 海贼王上的一句话
答:地狱にも咲く一轮 ご友の花 人间地狱之中,盛开一朵友情之花。寄せてが返す 波やとみ 淡淡波纹之上,忘れはたんの 花火が后 留下片片思念的花瓣。いつか再び 咲かせて见せよ 有朝一日,必将再度绽放。听到的是这样~不过不太认同这个翻译。仅供参考~...

答:财富,权力,名声,拥有整个世界的海贼王 戈尔.D.罗杰 他在临刑前的一句话 让全世界的人们趋之若鹜奔向大海:想要我的财宝吗,想要的话可以都给你。去找吧,我就把他放在那里!于是,所有男子汉踏上伟大航路追逐梦想,世界开始迎接大海贼时代的到来!我也超喜欢这句话的!!!

求海贼王 原文 对话翻译 日语
答:奇遇だなぁ、俺もさっき同じことを思ったよ な、ゾロはこの海贼団のなかでも一番の古株なんだろう 古株だってそう差がある訳じゃねぇよな どうして仲间になったんだ なんでそんなこと闻く 入ったばっかの俺から见るとさ、みんな割りと一匹狼なとこがあるから、特にゾロは 确かに...

找一些海贼王里的口头语 要带日语翻译成中文的 不要拼音~
答:至少给中文吧 你这样要我临时想也想不出来嘛=.= 你给中文 我给你翻译-vv- 附上之前无聊打的海贼王语录 1.我是要成为海贼王的男人!!!おれは かいぞくおうになる おとこだ 肚子饿的话就要吃!はらがへったらくうんだ!索隆!香吉士!骗人布!娜美!抱歉!(笑)我要死了!ぞろ、サンジ...