
作者&投稿:进孟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
只答10(2) 帮个忙呗~

  1.  Will you go to Japan next week? Yes,I shall.或 No, I shall not.

  2. Are we to go on with this work?Yes,we are.或No,we aren't.

  3. Will you go shopping with me?Yes,I shall.或 No, I shall not.

  4. Shall we go there at five?Yes,we shall.或 No, we shall not.

  5. Will you please open the door?ok

  6. Will our teacher come back very soon?Yes,she\he will.或 No, she\he will not.

  7. Will you be free tonight? Yes,I shall.或 No, I shall not.

  8. Will she come? Yes,she shall.或 No,she shall not.

  9. Shall we have any classes tomorrow?Yes,we shall.或 No, we shall not.

  10. Can somebody help me?I will.


答:9.I will have a house of my own.10.I will become expert at some field.

答:Will you go to Japan next week? Yes,I shall.或 No, I shall not.Are we to go on with this work?Yes,we are.或No,we aren't.Will you go shopping with me?Yes,I shall.或 No, I shall not.Shall we go there at five?Yes,we shall.或 No, we shall not.Will you p...

答:一般将来时式(The Simple Future tense)时态定义 be going to表主观的打算 shall和will常常缩写成'll ,紧接在主语之后。其否定式 shall not 和will not 的缩写式分别为 shall't 和 won't。 基本句型 be going to表示客观安排或受人指示而做某事。后+动词原形。 be about to+动词原形,意为立刻作某事,不能...

一般将来时 定义 用法 结构 造十个句子 一句话里有陈述句 反问句 否 ...
答:We will have a meeting tomorrow. 我们明天要开会。He is going to study abroad next year. 明年他要出国学习。2. 一般将来时的结构及用法 (1) shall / will + 动词原形。表示即将发生的动作或存在的状态。特别是表示客观性的事情或在某条件下要发生的事情,只能用此结构。如:What shall we ...

答:1.表示将来打算进行或期待发生的动作或状态.例如---I shall graduate next year.2.be going to +v在口语中广泛使用,表示准备做或将发生的事情.例如--- I’m going to buy a house when we’ve saved enough mo...

答:1、will / shall + 动词原形(否定句在will/shall后加not)这种 方法 一般单纯地表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态。will用于各种人称;shall只用于第一人称。 例如 :I will / shall go to visit him next week. 下周我将去 拜访 他。What time shall we go there tomorrow? 明天...

一般过去时 一般将来时 现在完成时 现在进行时 一般现在时 被动语态造 ...
答:10.What was the cause of the accident?一般将来时:1.She will talk for hours on end.2.Will we have time to go there?3.I will be there waiting for you.4.He will share it with his friend.5.You will never forget or lose it.6.More grain is going to feed cattle.7....

答:常常和表示将来的时间状语连用。如:tomorrow(明天), next week(下周), from now on(从现在开始);in the future(将来)等。 一般将来时由助动词shall(第一人称),will(第二、三人称) 动词原形构成。用how造一般将来时疑问句和答句 How soon will you e back? I will e back in...

一般现在式、一般将来时、现在进行时、完成时的句子各10个 (希望不要...
答:10 He walks to school everyday.一般将来时:1 You will get it.2 i am going to be a doctor.3 Will you be her on Monday?4 They are living for London.5 He is to be appointed.6 She is about to leave.7 I am sure it will rain tomorrow.8 Where shall we ...

答:一般将来时 i'll go and shut / close the door.我去关门。when will you know your exam results?你什么时候能知道考试结果?i can see you're busy,so i won't stay long.我看得出你很忙,所以我不会呆太久的。you and i will arrive there next monday.我和你下周一都要到达那里。i...