
作者&投稿:席承 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语 作文 写好,是很重要的,特别是从初一开始。下面给大家分享一些初一英语作文,希望对大家有帮助。


Everyone has a hobby. I like doing sports and I like playing basketball the best. So I decided to play basketball every morning with my classmates. Today, the weather was nice. Early in the morning, I got up and worn clothes quickly. When I arrived at the basketball ground, my classmates have already been there. First, we ran around the basketball ground so that we could play better in the game. After that, we began to play basketball. In the end, we beat another team. Although we all felt tired, we were happy and proud.


These are lots of books in our daily life. Some are about history, some are novels, and some are even about the dream in the future. I think it's useful to read stories, because it can be used sometimes. Once, there was a very difficult question in an important history exam history, which wasn't mentioned in our history books, even our teacher has never told us about it. But I remembered clearly that I had read it in a history story, so I answered the question without difficulty and became the only student in our class who answered the question correctly. In my view, it's useful to read stories.


Tomb Sweeping Day is on the April 5th every year. It's a day to show our great respect to our deceased ancestors. On that day, we usually sweep the tomb of our ancestors and offer them food and drinks. We also burn paper money to them. It is believed that our ancestors in heaven will receive the money. Besides, everything in our nature takes on a new look on that day, so it's the best time for spring outing. It must be fun and relaxing.


Mother is the most important person to us. Now people celebrate Mother’s Day every year. It has become more and more popular. This day is on the second Sunday in May. On that day, children often send their mother flowers to express their love. And some children make small gifts for their mothers.

In last year's Mother's Day, I didn't spend it with my mother because she was in the hometown and I was at school, which made me feel ashamed. At night, I called my mother. At that time, I left my tears, and my mother told me that I should study hard at school. In the end, I said to her “Happy Mother’ Day, I love you" and she was very surprised and happy.


Chinese food is colorful, varied, delicious, and nutritious. Chinese people cares not only about the taste of the food, but also about its color and smell. Food in different places has different flavors. Beijing food is quite oily and salty; Shanghai food is sweet and light; Sichuan food is spicy and hot; and Cantonese food is fresh and tender. What's more, there are some popular local snacks. For example, Beijing Roast Duck has a good reputation for its tender meat, while the steam buns in Shanghai are well known for their juicy ingredients.


It is well known that exercise is important. In our school, we have to do an hour's exercise every day. Many students are very happy. In the one hour, some of us play basketball, football and ping pong, and some run around the playground. Everyone is talking and laughing. I love this activity very much. I also hope that there will be more and more sunlight sports in our life after school. That not only makes us happy, but also makes our body healthier.

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