
作者&投稿:芝洁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  Rock'n'Roll The album cover design
  Music - the spokesperson
  From the first black glue disc and spelling games to replace the advent of black glue disc, experience in half a century of developing the album cover design has been closely related with music. And a good record, the black rubber cover design is an artwork, either a painting or a picture photography, record and music album cover, and the art of fits. Few people like art music, like in the black glue disc, we can get audio and visual art of double artistic aesthetic experience. So no matter from the Angle of rock from the cover design point of view, this is inseparable relationship.

  Since 1948, the first black glue disc, adumbrative music and design inseparable connection. The album cover design in graphic designers and the records in the buyers as art expresses and visual experiment in important fields.
  Mid 1950s, the album cover is not considered the protective coat, record album cover design as a kind of unique visual approach has important artistry. More attention than other commercial area, the album cover design for designers and artists provides more design freedom, so also more and more attention.
  The United States is the birthplace of rock, rock and roll in the 1950s, the most important stage, at the dishes, elvis will be extended to the whole society, rock, pop music to become the mainstream of rock in the 1950s and the album cover the whole design, graphic design norms of serious modernism is the mainstream of modernism, especially from international graphic design style. American designer for Europe was highly compoundness of order international graphic design style, with very popular in Europe up vivid graphic design of visual image. This is from both social and public demand. American post-war boom period, the youth economic freedom brings them on the life of freedom, they cannot understand the generation of thinking and way of life, has the strong inverse return and mental interests, which gave birth to the pursuit of a kind of brand-new youth culture, rock with this trend is produced, and in its record on the cover of the filters, beautiful girl, such as instruments of images also gradually show the rudiments of youth culture.
  In the 1960s, in its native American rock, and gradually dissipate the beatles represented by the British rock band is to a peak. Meanwhile, the general design movement broken has alienated to form the rule of modernism and become the most popular this period of artistic style.
  Since the mid 1960s rock, because after the more consciously will own works as art rather than purely commercial products, they tried to make the record of the design can also covers reaction from the art has individuality and their packaging concept or display from various artistic feeling. The beatles adhere to support the traditional British pop art in 1967, they launched the sergeant lonely heart tabor club band "album by famous pop artist Peter black design. This album has started the new album covers design concept art, considered nm covers design artistic new ideas, and considered nm covers design history landmarks. In this album cover upside is bright clothes Beatles members and a few photos of numerous signs like below, who together by the words "the Beatles flowers composition. Visual perception confusion to complex, pop, humor, colour is gorgeous, design style is typical of the pop.
  In 1967 and another remarkable works, American pop art master Andy warhol's underground velvet band for the design of banana cover is perhaps the first piece of real pop album cover. Andy warhol's advanced concepts or charm of aesthetic temperament with negative positioning for the pop art movement after feminist writing. In the 1960s and the beatles eponymous rock group rolling stone "dirty fingers album covers design is in Andy warhol's directly under the help of the finish. This album covers ingenuity to display a female hip, and in this pair of trousers, design with one can open or a zipper. This design was much home because of news media blamed for "immoral lenovo" for the great influence, reflecting the rock and pop art anti-tradition, pop, young, witty against the spirit of sexy.


Table tennis originated in the United Kingdom. Table tennis since the Europeans called" table tennis", therefore, is a table tennis ball tennis development. At the end of the nineteenth Century, Europe popular tennis, but due to venue and weather constraints, British tennis moved to put some college students interior, to the table to table, for the net book, parchment paper do racket, table fight. At the beginning of twentieth Century, table tennis in Europe and Asia vigorously . In 1926, Berlin held in Germany from the international table tennis tournament. That was after the first session of the world table tennis championship. And the establishment of the international table tennis Federation. Table tennis ball movement launched extensively, prompted racket and the ball has been greatly improved. The racket is the initial block of wood slightly processed. Then someone posted on a sheepskin in the racket. Along with the development of modern industry, the Europeans latex rubber affixed with a racket. In the early 50's, the Japanese invented affixed with a thick sponge rackets. The original ball is similar to a rubber tennis ball, on 1890, the British athletes Gibb from the United States back to some as a celluloid ball toys, for table tennis table tennis than in a multitude of names. In the race, the most prestigious in the world table tennis championships, first held once a year to two years after the 1957, is held once. In 1904, a Shanghai shop owner Wang Daowu from Japan bought 10 sets of table tennis equipment. Since then, the incoming Chinese table tennis.

Long time ago, there was an old couple who has a daught named Textiling Girl. As time past by, the little girl became more and more gorgeous which initiated a lot of men coming and making their proposals to her. There was a man from a rich family who tried to capture the marrige. Qing nv ran away after knowing that. When the people who tried to capture her catched up, she ran into a tree on purpose and died. Afterwards, a bamboo grew at the place she died. People named it Bambusa textiles.

关于“青女”的翻译,开始 我也只想翻成拼音。后来发现文章最后提到“青皮竹”。为了首尾的关联性,我还是翻成了纺织女。虽然纺织女有专门的单词,但是两次中都有textile,我觉更能突出“人们叫它青皮竹”的缘由。

In ancient times, there are a couple gave birth to a daughter called Green woman. With the time in the past day by day, more and more girls look pretty, many people go door-to-door to pro. Fujiazaidi went to a bride theft, green-and-run after the women know that when they come to catch up, Green hit a woman on the head dead tree, then there has been a long bamboo, it is called Bambusa textilis.

Long ago,there was a couple born a daughter named Green Girl.As the time passed ,the girl got more and more beautiful,many people went to give the marriage proposal .A man in a rich family went to rob the marriage ,the Green girl ran when she know this ,when they nerely caught up her ,the Green girl knocked the tree and died .later the place where the girl died growed a bamboo,then people called it Bambusa textilis(青皮竹).

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